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Everything posted by Booch

  1. the dude look just flustered.....lost...and fighting back tears...Dinwiddie may have effectively just ruined him
  2. we just need to take care of BC now to get TSN off their schlongs...MTL got em removed of the Historic teams
  3. yeah....thats the best part..Maas too....the reason SASK sucked apparently haha
  4. First pressure and adversity....wilted...guess he shoulda faced some in Winnipeg instead of being coddled
  5. Historical season done....Allworld chad Kelly choked....now tsn can stfu
  6. Man....don't let the Faj throw for gods sake That's why I don't tackle blindly leading with head...dumbass
  7. Well if we choke....this will make it less painfull
  8. If useless Faj is ever gonna put a drive together...let it be now ...
  9. I guess showing all that vanilla all yr as to not give anything away is still in effect?? Or backfired horribly??
  10. Said that too from experience...u play out the string ..guys get hurt...they get hurt and u man up...
  11. I sooooo seem this coming...been saying it all week
  12. Had to pvr...just caught up ...man that's what u get when u don't let a QB face adversity....and pressure.....yup. .All star MOP for sure If the Faj was even half a QB this game would be over long time ago Yup...he's done...maybe scarred now too....
  13. First drive,,,,we need to produce a grinding...l.o.s dominating scoring drive....suck their will to compete right out of em early....and game is ours
  14. thats how I went to the gym this morning....no biggie
  15. If the Chad has to continually put together 8..10..12 play drives and not start at just shy of mid field 80% of time...I see their offence having some issues, and it will be a tight game...All things considered, if you take away the busted coverages and the big plays....I don't see him being methodical drive guy...but a guy who will get frustrated and let his ego be his demise forcing it....we shall see
  16. man.....if your team gets bounced from the playoffs by a FAJ ...thats grounds for a heavy barrage of ridicule...bashing...good hearty laughter....
  17. we did....lotsa sets with Cole.....and Clements..we also disrupted BC receivers timing...which cause the Vaj big issues...He's a timing guy, and when he has to think...and look for anything past 1st option...tends to struggle....Factor in this with that crowd noise now...and communication going to be hampered....he may struggle mightily
  18. And not sure why Kelly was removed as well....one of our better st guys....but agree on all the above yup..If either of our ends goes out....we in deep....that means tons of Bennett....or we use Walker out of position and burn him out, and have lots of Thomas out there....good god....The Jackson thing hasn't totally bit us in the arse too badly this yr, sure hope this isnt the game it takes a big chomp
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