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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I was skeptical as well I believe....Kinda liked it...but didnt think he would be much a factor....glad I was wrong
  2. Was prob still pooped and recovering his old body from last game
  3. Yeah we can rest 1 or 2 a week the last 3..4 weeks of season to heal everyone up and not skip a beat w-l wise
  4. Hahah....yup...not a term of glory that's for sure haha They should at least move cameras to the otherwise of field to show the stands that actually have 5 thousand people in them
  5. Yup...agreed...screw him...but that's what I'd want my leader to say...
  6. BLM is so 2018...and that's pushing 5 yrs ago now...I applaud his spunk tho...and his non CoFajness...U want a QB with a set of onions...not some whiney excuse machine...who has skin as thin as wet kleenex
  7. Agree for the most part...but talk amoung players in league is Lanier is a dirty p.o.s in piles and scrums....and as we seen takes dumb selfish penalties..Moncreif at times too is a bit of a buttplug...not sure those 2 pros out weigh their cons...Morrow isn't an every down back...and only leading league cause stanback out...Carey played 2 less games...Same with Butler and our backs have somewhat split reps and nobody has took hold of the 1A spot...yet. Hickson there would be the better option if not hurt now..but the coaching staff there too brain dead to see that...KSB needs a change of scenery and gauranteed he bolts when this deal is up. You've never heard that uttered here...ever...hence why we 8-0...it's "our backups we expect to step in and get the job done...we don't consider them backups as they all starter quality"
  8. Sad state of affairs there..right across the board
  9. Drew wouldn't wanna go there..he will come home . We have money set aside for him or Kongbo...wouldn't be surprised if money for both
  10. Haha...what a loser..maybe he should keep his brain on and try and use the week to make himself better..watch some film and try and figure things out
  11. When all the starters are back...we gonna have some serious rotational depth..and a nice ability to mix things up
  12. Well he has posted 4.4 forty times...so has speed...some goes tho have and keep that speed with ball in hand....a lot of guys cant
  13. And a 3 game in 12 days on opposite sides of the country piled in their to boot
  14. Not to mention losing said WF's...and regressing
  15. 25-3 with two Grey Cup wins dating back to late 2019....nuff said
  16. I'd say Dean is as he isn't selfish..doesn't take dumb penalties and acts like a pro all game...game in and game out..Montcrief doesn't
  17. Yeah he won't be back...congrats to him..looks like he beefed up too
  18. Model franchise for sure....plus best stadium..best game day experience and environment...team makes money...premiere destination for sure
  19. Our recievers too this game picked it up a level in the run blocking..and that one play with Bryant out front just throwing aside a CGy defender was gold
  20. Yeah really...sure they gave us a run...but still...no wins...that's as good as they can prob play...we can play better....and that's without 6 missing starters
  21. And trust me he signed for less first time...if u look back or remember that free agent thread...I called term and dollar before it was announced...didn't pull it out my bumhole...
  22. 10 bucks next game we knock him out of game...why poke a bear ..so dumb
  23. He told me he took less...and also Sask tried after the lowball to woo him back...said was never happening
  24. Suitor just kept pumping Carey with all his might...totally ignoring Oliviera...don't get me wrong..Carey is best back in league but throw your narrative aside and call the game..and what's going on in the moment...putz Yeah...said was looking for the home run every carry...and it showed bigtime with his runs...last night..took ball...ran ball..hard...and aggressively....now keep that up One other thing that can't be overlooked...Woli...just pure clutch and was lethal in blocking for others...total unsung hero...game in and out...and true team FIFO guy..could care less about stats...just wins and Schoen needing a haircut haha...that was good sideline humour
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