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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Riders suck...plain and simple...if they lose what's the excuse..guys still sick...refs screwed them over...Faj had kid so wasnt focused... Yeah edam is useless
  2. Yeah...Faj has more jump in his step cause of it haha...Suitor is such a loser
  3. Maybe riders should focus on discipline style football...and not having excuses instead of running out with stupid masks on their faces ...again...
  4. auditioning for a trade back to his home lol and yeah Wynn is just as dirty....watch a run in the 2021 Grey Cup when Harris was taken down after a run in a big scrum...Wynn totally with intent plopped down into the pile/tackle and tried to give Harris a Hammer style club to the face when he was down on ground...he's a giant p.o.s too
  5. maybe after we pound them...the Cats may be open to a trade....start themselves working toward next yr land...there certainly are a couple DB's there I'd love to have and would flourish here
  6. Regina is probably the last place any opposing player wants to be....facts...christ half the Rider's player dont prob wanna be there either, but thats the fate they choose when signing there
  7. I totally dislocated my left shoulder like 21 yrs ago...still isnt right and will give me issues...so coukldnt imagine a throwing arm being 100 percent by any means yet...if ever if u dont do your healing and rehab to the letter
  8. especially when I am sure he has recurring nightmares about facing us....man....it almost looked like he was gonna cry....we may have single handedly ruined him
  9. man we need to get some guys back from injury, or swing a deal, cause right now if we had to close out the season with that I'd be scared shittless...weak as hell on the right side and next to no proven depth....ouch
  10. yup....and I not sure why/how he fell out of favour, but watching earlier in the year when he was playing he was just fine, and sometimes moving to a diff system does wonders...especially one you were an all-star at the previous year...he just turned 30....doubt he's lost it since last december
  11. I was gonna mention that....since that moment in time, he has been basically what he was before..average....interesting lol
  12. yup...man games from whom?...starters...and the starters back up...or ST guys and roster fillers.....but yeah always an excuse....yet you never hear one here...Like the 2019 Grey Cup where we were ravaged the same way with sick guys....guys who hardly got out of bed the week leading up to the game, and similar IV drips needing to be done...yet you never heard a peep, and we went out..took care of business and did it convincingly
  13. but...but...apparently to some fan bases...we havnt had to deal with injuries....amazing
  14. Hearing some noise we may be in talks regarding possible trade...player movement....possible DB incoming??
  15. not as low as saying I'd cheer for a team of pedo's before the Bombers tho...but I agree....it's fun to mock them...and deservedly so this yr, but players family and and personal accomplishments should always be viewed and commented on as positive
  16. A player "disappearing", especially a receiver can be do to many things, not just him under performing....could be scheme...teams taking that option away...hence unknows like Schoen/Agudosi get more balls, could be he's the 3rd...4th option....or he could be required to clear out a zone, and or take on a block....and as reported here and in media...and importantly coaches/players...Bailey has done that in spades. When ball comes to him....he generally makes the play...I can only think of one bad drop this year, but every receiver will have those...I can think of many contested and clutch catches tho...key blocks...taking coverage away from others...on a 12-1 team....Team...sum of it's parts....and thats what he is....a part doing his job...and doing it well
  17. THE player needs to agree to go as well...Pretty sure all our PR guys quite content staying put and would say thanks but no thanks
  18. ewww....not a fan of that....hopefully we have ...can find...or get a better option
  19. Bailey has been playing exactly how we have asked him...like he even said...and coaches and other players alluded to, he does a lot behind the scenes that don't show up on the stats sheet, but when Woli went down...he needed to...was asked to, and did elevate his game....no concerns or worries about him whatsoever, and he brings so much to the team that its infectious...he's a key piece in that receiver room
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