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Everything posted by Booch

  1. we start 1 more Canadian than we have to, which makes even more sense to have that extra DA available who could come in anytime and be impactful and if this wasting a roster spot on a DA fullback...who is absolutely only a situational player was such a revelation and ground breaking thing creating uber success...then why is nobody else doing it??....chew on that
  2. Mcrae role is filled by Parker...Scmeckle is a Canadian....on roster for Murphy who ws on in place of Burtenshaw...an actual fullback...who was also Canadian...When JJ is back sadly we will probably remove Haba... Scmeckle plays no teams, and is overmatched...Why Kelly isn't on instead as he is very good on ST's is also a headscratcher.....why we choose to dress 7 dlineman now with probably our worst Canadian option on the PR...mind you we only have 3 Canadian to choose from is also odd...maybe this is another "he practices hard...makes guys smile" situ....I wish some of our Imports practiced hard so they could get on the game day roster here here....someone sees forest thru the trees be thankfull we are actually winning...cause if we wee not, there would be a whole different opinion on this...and don't even go there with we winning cause of this deficiency...cause we are not....and we have regressed from last year, and the thought process of it's hard to repeat a 15-3 season is also flawed....if you are good, and striving to get better, there no reason to match a previous record or top it....that mindset that you can't is flawed thinkng
  3. throwing a guy out there for "defensive coverage" and throwing a guy out there who actually belongs out there are 2 different things...have you not watched his defensive coverage? it's brutal for the pro level and not to burst bubbles...but jumbo packages and lead blocks are not hard to plug and play guys into...sorry....but that reasoning is just flat out not worth anything does anyone even know what his injury even is?..was it disclosed....even vaguely? sad that the injury to a role player and team fullback could cause such a lame roster issue tho....and looked at our roster...specifically the PR and man...what a sad state that is in with regards to Canadian depth....depth being a loosely used word as there is absolutely none that could step in and be significant in any regard...its pittyful to be honest
  4. useless in the fact a Canadian can do that role, and allow us to roster an impact defender....Brady isn't sucessful due to a DA fullback...if u truly believe that not sure what to say
  5. well moving forward will have to be tho....when JJ is off the IR...who else would be removed...anyone else would just weaken team overall and practically thinking what does a DA import fullback....who has never played Canadian ball...let alone full back, and has 4 yrs of total experience in football bring to a professional Canadian roster that another Canadian player couldn't?....especially one who has actually played that position, and has a yr of pro ball already under his belt....I could see if he was just extremely exceptional...gets used in screens and rips off first downs and is a dependable 2nd down conversion guy or something....but he offers none of that.....it's just an utter waste Good to see Haba back in tho, and hope to see where he at, and if picks right up where he was before...that being said...if he kills it...again....and when Jeffcoat is back I am sure for the T.O game....does Osh sit him again, when defensive pressure and presence likely will be key for a useless fullback?
  6. pretty sad when you have to put in a player like Schmekel because you have nothing else worth the while....Not sure why we didnt insert the young DB as at least he is quite good on ST....
  7. to much ambiguity and grey areas with the CFL rule book and how things are handled...any rules plucked off the internet almost makes me wonder if not entirely accurate anymore, or even 100 percent adhered to...cause I know for certainty you could flip a guy over retro-active...within a timeframe..1..2..games....just the same as the other squabble we had about contracts....standard entry contract says one thing....but was confirmed otherwise that BC could have re-did yr 3 of Rourkes deal for legit money....even tho argued here incessantly as otherwise
  8. yeah...but anyone can do that....not like he is the key...thats the bizzare part...his backup defensive coverage would be covered exceptionally better by Haba, who was also on ST coverage teams and like they say..Jack of all trades...master of none....and his defensive reps are uglier than Bennet's...which is not saying much as my previous comment...he really doesnt excel at anything....even some of his fullback use...BO has literally had to run thru/over him on some runs he is no part of that success....a true fullback...aka Burtenshaw who played the position in College would do just as good, if not better, and not burn a DA spot....13 games in now...still cant see the reasoning other than an Osh woody
  9. I sense a Haba appearance....with Murphy off I think maybe we see Burtenshaw back, and Haba for the Seal.....and with Clements in already for Mcrae, and Parker as extra defender, and returner that this may be our go to for the yr until Grant, Hansen and Miller get back, or some unforseen signing
  10. 3 dsell outs and what...6 over 30k?.....cold weather here doesn't deter the fanbase....if we rolling I can see that final game close if not sold out
  11. yup...more risk for injury when you ease up....sit when its not warranted and try and play not to....just go out there business as usual
  12. Yeah I believe in the 2nd week u can flip a 1 game injured guy over...without restarting the 6 game process
  13. I'm of the adage u just forge on...no unnecessary extra rest and let cards fall where they may ..keep Momo going and if someone goes down next man up
  14. you would also think that Kelly and the staff in T.O would want Kelly to face the best defence in league...and best he will face all year to see how he fares, what he can be successful at, and what he was totally over matched with....so come Grey Cup if you get there, you aren't swinging and missing there. For all intents an purposes Kelly is a rookie, and is still not a true established guy...on the cusp, but there is a ton of stuff he hasn't seen, let alone experienced yet....would be a fools game to go in and have the lets not try attitude and play some scrubs...tho with roster size you are severely limited with the amount of scrubs you can start anyway... lots of guys float around the NFL for yrs....and how much play time did he get while floating....diddly squats worth...and sure he a second yr guy, with all of 40 snaps under his belt...
  15. or we go right off-script...show a bunch of new, and creative things....never to be seen again....but leave a lasting impression and something to think about
  16. yeah...hard to say and a lot of speculations...with who got what....gets what....what we stashed..etc....but as a cap management aspect thats generally what the smart GM's do with allotment of the money....none the less tho...we will have a nice lil kitty available for re-ups/extensions going into 2024/25 which will greatly help the 2024 SMS
  17. not always actually...and often rarely...Like I mentioned teams will have a allotment of monies set aside and accounted for in the over all SMS for the yr for injury replacements, and roster additions, that isn't coming from the allotted total money for the presumed 46 man roster....if it gets real bad injury wise then yes some will come from that savings, but for the most part they have that covered to an extent, because if they didn't they would be in cap hell in some scenarios Fairly certain when all said and done we will have about 500k at least to put toward 2024 contracts
  18. CFL rosters only allow to sit so many guys any way.....and works in reverse as well....You don't play the "regs" against a team using their actual schemes too...then just trot out there when it means something and hope they can solve whatever a team is doing on its first look at it can be a recipe for failure too.... I hope they sit a few what they consider key players...and we trounce em...and the pundits yammer on with the "yeah buts"....be the perfect scenario in my opinion
  19. the Argo offence has been seen already...like all the other teams, and there is nothing they are "holding" out on any more than us...or any team for that matter
  20. yes.....saving there as well, as you ae not having to account for 2 salaries for 1 position on the roster
  21. when you work your SMS you allocate the whole salaries if all bonuses and hard money is met, and also you allocate certain amount for injuries....etc....so it's actually not a matter of that coming out of savings on the 6 game...thats not how it works....GM's have pools of money in 3 piles to make it simple that they divy up prior to making roster...and those piles will fluctuate as they build and the actual hard numbers become realized....so essentially yes it's a lot of pure surplus....my understanding, and recall is that the smart gm's will allocate between 4-7 entry level deal portions of money...pro-rated to varying degrees for injury management
  22. yeah I know...I edited i and excepted it this time...I guess big Willie was just too much for the censors hahaa most guys mentioned if at all other than Lawler got next to nothing upfront...or if did was minimal...and that 42k will basically be nice up front money for BO toward 2024 but paid in 2023
  23. same....lil tired of the TSN love fest....they a good team I agree, and obviously have a free ticket to the Grey Cup in the East, but I don't think they as good as many like to think...so I think a BC/Sask game would be enough to shut their pie holes They have beat Ham 3 times...Mtl 2 times and Ott....so 6 pretty easy games there...sure we lost to Ott...but not putting much stock into that Lost to Cgy, then beat em by 1 TD....calgary record be damned is better than those 3 teams they have been feasting on, and had the luxury of 3 byes already....not sold on them one bit yet....so that game here is gonna be the litmus test on who the top dawg is, and who should be the Grey Cup favorite in my opinion I dont think the NFL Teams could care less, or will put much time and effort into that anyway....they not in the business of developing projects for the odd chance one becomes a role player
  24. yeah we need more a move toward some the ST guys being of the ilk that they could start...like legitimate start quality...not this reward system, and mindset that all the guys are #1's....yeah sure looks good in sound bites, and in the paper, but it is hardly accurate I can see WJ still being a big part of 2025....mayyybe Jeffcoat if he stays healthy, and why not when guys like Lemon...M. Johnson, Laurent, Hughes were still impactful in the 34 to 36 age range, but the successors need to be in-house now....next yr at latest getting reps and developing...Haba from the first looks we got seems legit, and a free agent pick up could also be part of it... (Kongbo and Bennett) for the ratio aspect Biggie I can see possibly only around as a part time role player, and leader...not the starter, and likely at a reduced salary too....but his presence on ST and as a bit player will be invaluable in a Grey Cup Run, but in 2025 he will be turning 37 so he could be phased out that yr
  25. If anything...I think this will be more a statement game than any this yr...especially heading into the bye with T.O next up...at home before another sold out crowd....I will not be shocked to see a repeat of the B.C/SASK beat downs as well truth be told yeah....there not gonna be a 2022 Ham trip result this yr
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