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Everything posted by B-F-F-C

  1. The idea of the players attending camp while the two parties continue to negotiate might actually favour the players. Once the players get on the field I believe that they'll hold the hammer over the league. If I was Flory I'd agree to it and then hold the league hostage if negotiations don't go the players way.
  2. Are saying Brohm's performance has put him behind Yantz?
  3. Don't know but I do have a bromance going on for Aaron Woods. I see him as a very versatile player who can play ST's and back up at the receiver position. Actually the way he's built he could probably back up at LB too.
  4. Anyone else at camp that can post some updates?
  5. I believe the issue is that if a player got hurt and was out for a few games. The team is under no obligation to pay him or cover his rehab.
  6. I wonder if plan b is the team contract with a local school bus company and charge a fee for a return trip and have numerous park and ride locations around town. I'm not sure about the economics of it but I think a full size bus holds somewhere around 60 - 70 people. At $8 a person that's anywhere between $500 - $600. I would think that would cover a considerable portion of the cost. And maybe the bus company gets gratis advertising for a reduction in fee.
  7. I think most agents would advise their players not to participate as they wouldn't be covered if they were injured. Too risky if you ask me.
  8. Interesting day for the Riders to release their financial results. Report over $10 million in profit.
  9. From an article from last year at the CFL website: Yantz was actually at the Lions TC last season while Ben Rossong was at the Bombers TC. Ok...I'll stop reading between the lines
  10. I don't mean to read between the lines. But are one of our roster QB's a little banged up which might limit his training camp reps?
  11. So will the teams pay to bring in the rookies for rookie camp if they know that main camp might not start on time?
  12. There are special immigration rules for professional sports. They don't need to go thru the same hoops that a welder or accountant would.
  13. Well, I for one don't expect training camp to start on time. There's no way the teams will pay to fly in all the players if they expect labour disruption. I usually start to get excited at this time of the year but not this year.
  14. He beat up the cabby pretty bad. He's got a significant legal battle in front of him. His next court appearance is June 26 th.
  15. I agree. Huf needs to get make an example of him.
  16. On the radio in Calgary this morning they talked quite a bit about the trade and why would Huf give up on John Gott. The prevailing opinion was that Gott is a warrior but is often injured but not enough to miss a lot of games. Last year the trainers basically bandaged him from head to toe to get him ready for games. But the concern was, is this the year he gets injured and can't play. So Huff is looking at Lavertu as a younger version of Gott but without all the aches and pains that Gott brings to the table. Desjardins is taking a calculated chance here and is trying to field a competitive team in year 1. The ownership group are concerned that the Ottawa football fan is fickle and may not return next year if they struggle this year. So Desjardins needs to protect his most valuable asset in Burris and Gott brings a guaranteed pedigree vs. taking a chance on Lavertu or someone else.
  17. My question is this. If BC believes they need Goosen? Wouldn't we need him more?
  18. Twits will tweet :rolleyes: I wonder how Price's teammate Jon Cornish thinks about his homophobic tweet? As most of you know, Jon was raised by a lesbian couple and he's very outspoken and proud of his two moms.
  19. I think the owners are gauging the resiliency of the players and their ability to live without a game cheque. They know most of these guys don't have deep bank accounts like NFL/NHL and MLB players do. They need their CFL game cheques to feed their families. The owners meanwhile could lose a couple of games without any major negative impact. Unfortunately, I see the owners as the party that can afford to stand firm and wait it out.
  20. Those salary increases are a slap in the face to the players.
  21. I would expect to see at least 4 - 5 guys signed within the next few weeks that went undrafted. I'm sure Walters contacted a lot of guys that wouldn't commit to the CFL until the NFL draft came and went. This happens every year.
  22. So did any CFL draft eligible players get drafted this weekend in the NFL? I haven't seen anything written about it but then again I wasn't following it that closely. I guess there's also a possibility that some NFL team could still sign a couple of guys as free agents.
  23. Come on...are you really try to compare the CFL to the NHL? Get a grip and come back to the real world.
  24. If I had to guess. I would say that the salary cap will go up by about $350 - $400 thousand for 2014. The CFLPA hasn't been stronger and the appointment of Flory shows that the players want a change. It could get even uglier than we see today before it gets resolved.
  25. I'll defer to O'Shea on this decision. After all, he should have some idea on what makes a good MLB.
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