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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. My two buddies from the playoff run... seems so long ago
  2. Oh well, got the Bombers to look forward to. Hockey season is over, halfway through. look at the wild, let one guy go, added one guy, and a new coach. so it doesn't necessarily take much.
  3. Team was better two years ago. much better. Gritty run to get in the playoffs, was very exciting. This bunch is nothing like that group at all.
  4. With the Bombers solid O lline, Ricky would probably think of Wpg as a good spot for him. n'est Pas? Also, if he's 37 years old, he's not a kid anymore. Starting a dump the y campaign: new look Bombers, featuring Rick Ray!
  5. This is what I would like to see. left, right, centre, doesn't matter. But they all have their own sets of facts. More amazing, being an outright liar doesn't seem to mean much anymore. It's just accepted that everyone speaking in public is lying about some or all of what they're saying.
  6. how come you left out Carl Kolchak? He should be GM "it's got to be one man. It's got to be. Big, strong, psychotic."
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/katelyn-nicole-davis-12-year-old-kill-herself-suicide-livestream-video-live-viral-cedartown-georgia-a7523666.html?cmpid=facebook-post
  8. I don't trust the New York Times generally, nor the Washington Post. The New York Times led the media charge for the Blair/ Bush junior invasion of Iraq, all based on obvious fabrications. funny, that sexual escapades is the one thing that is almost certain to get someone turfed from office in the USA. silly, childish, and hypocritical.
  9. Ray McGovern worked for the CIA for much of his life, highest level, and briefed the first President Bush. (The Bush who said an Iraq invasion would be a quagmire) Ray thinks Brennan is afraid of Trump. Ray writes : also quotes a former MI5 officer. Ray is neither left nor right wing. good article. http://raymcgovern.com/
  10. now, the "British spy" name is out, and he fears for his life. Man this is goofy. Just astounding. If you're out there God, Please take the nukes away from the Americans?
  11. Great comment at Emptywheel "Meanwhile, the United States of Absurdity, becomes the laughingstock of the planet, where Donald the Clown hosts a daily, international Carnival of goofballs, halfwits, morons, buffoons, ventriloquists, snake oil salesman, Shell games, Hall of Mirrors, liars, crooks, thieves and tons of money. " also, (the source is supposed to be various Russians,) "So, members and ex members of the Russian gov. ,which denies “hacking our election”, are helping the US gov. prove that they did just that? That’s not strange. Not. At. All. Every day this story gets crazier."
  12. Probably the attack on Trump is more related to this NY Post.
  13. agree, it's a smear campaign. I'm amazed that anyone believes a single thing that comes out of the CIA. Their record of lying, is well established. curveball/Chalabi two important CIA informants that were proven liars. sadaam Hussein .....weapons of mass destruction Significant quantities of uranium from *****.(country in Africa, edited by the site) When the spooks say "a retired British intelligence agent", it makes me laugh. I wonder did he work on the "thirty minutes from launch" dossier? Lol. I don't like Trump, but he hasn't murdered anyone yet. Or started a pointless war, that killed hundreds of thousands, based on utter fabrications. Can't say that about the CIA. They lie to Congress, under oath, with impunity. If you go and look up on the internets, how often they've been wrong, in their "assessments" you would be surprised.
  14. No, cause I don't know who it is. maybe it's all of them. maybe they take turns. game last night they played as far as I know, for the whole game, and won. other games they smother the other team for a period, then just seem to stop playing. what else is it when they're up 3 to 1, then lose 4 to 3 in the last period? but, maybe it's just the odd screw up here and there as you say, and they're all playing hard for the whole game. I guess that would then mean they're not very good. Brain cramp, or not trying for the whole game, or just not very good. which is better? I admit, I don't know which it is. I've been thinking they were better than the record, but maybe not.
  15. So, it takes a young star player getting knocked out to wake up this team and get a full game out of them. Does Toews do that? Play for less than 60 minutes? doubt it. Some guys on this team take shifts, and whole periods off. Won't get far till that changes.
  16. Death becomes her was funny. She was in that; Meryl was good in it. The other day I heard John Mcain say that if Russia did some hacking in the US, it was an act of war. There's a guy that needs to stop the war mongering. He's despicable. Thank god he didn't become president. Much more frightening than trump. pretty remarkable to see how the establishment politicians of both parties are uniting against trump. First time I've seen that happen.
  17. Bighill five foot ten 230 pounds..... What position would he play in the states? Not too many linebackers his size in the NFL. special teams maybe? I boldly predict he'll be back with the lions this coming season.
  18. man chopped with Machete in own garage in Niverville Mb, injuries not serious. http://www.thecarillon.com/local/Man-attacked-with-machete-in-Niverville-409550955.html I drove through Niverville a couple of months ago, it was closed up at around five pm. except for an icecream vendor. also a guy was found dead in his home east of Anola after a stand off with police last night. same newspaper. what's on in East man news "Dan Thiessen and Kevin Bell from Jake Brakes hosting Open Mic & Jam, Granite House Lounge, Steinbach Curling Club." also "
  19. exactly. Just stupid lack of focus. ( I wasn't blaming the goalie on that) %^$* stupid. This team is hard to be a fan of. If they were just lousy it would be one thing. But they should be much better than they are, with the players they've got.
  20. The players on the Jets don't seem to be able to concentrate for an entire game. Attention span problem. Like the goal they gave up at the end of the first period. Completely outplay the other team for 19 minutes, period coming to a close, relax, and let one in. Duh. They just seem to lose attention for minutes, and sometimes entire periods, and just go from very good to crappy for no apparent reason. Need to learn to focus.
  21. Incorrect. need some Androids that can do acrobatics . Not happening within two years.
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