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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Yah think so. He's now a senator 😂
  2. Republicans don't care about bar fights. Probably like it. They elected a guy in Montana, after he assaulted a reporter right in front of people, all recorded. He was convicted. "The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office announced it was charging Gianforte with misdemeanor assault after "multiple interviews and an investigation." The candidate was given a citation, the office said, and would appear in county court sometime before June 7. "At that point, Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. Faith, Keith and I watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the man, as he moved on top the reporter and began yelling something to the effect of 'I'm sick and tired of this!' The chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee called the incident "out of character" for Gianforte. Steve Stivers' statement added, "We all make mistakes" and the election is "bigger than any one person." 😂 They are nutso.
  3. W Post. So, might be done, might not.
  4. I understand that there are people who post to annoy. I don't think being consistently critical of the team means that's what someone is doing. Have a look at the other forum, many , at this point probably most of the posts are critical of the Bombers. A much bigger problem, is when people don't care enough to comment. There is an ignore button.
  5. thanks. so that's a problem, but that's not related to the price of eggs or milk, it's the price of quota which is determined by market value. Anyway, I support small family farms, and rural business, and small towns whatever is the best way to help them is good with me.
  6. Saw the original band at the Wpg Arena. Don't remember much about it.
  7. He was under oath wasn't he? perjury. pretty close to done.
  8. I would be surprised. That's a lot of milk. It makes no sense to me, to ship eggs, cream, and such from Australia, to Winnipeg Manitoba. It's absurd. The fact that they can do that, and make money, tells me 1. cost of shipping is too low, and that is going to have to change 2. They pay **** wages there. 3. The environmental cost of the feed must be high, specially water, in a country that is mostly desert. probably more things, but it makes no sense it all, just from a climate change point of view. anyway, I don't like it. Most people won't give a hoot.
  9. define "fortune" anyway, I'm not sure there's anything wrong with dairy and poultry farmers making a lot of money. It's hard enough these days to survive as a farmer, if any of them do well, I'm glad to hear about it. I guess if it was that great some farmers wouldn't have to branch out into making kitchen cabinets. Others wouldn't have to have sideline jobs driving semi trucks. Eggs aren't expensive, neither is milk/cheese, or chicken. What's the cost of a bag of potato chips, and the retail price? didn't hear anyone bitching about the price of that item. biggest section in the grocery store. If you want their prices, to go along with their way of life, move there. Here in Canada the low man is always happy to see his neighbour get knocked down a notch. Is the price of milk is a big issue for people? No, didn't think so. More jobs lost in rural Canada which is not what is needed. end of rant.
  10. We are in the stupid position of having all of our eggs in one basket, cause it's easy. Now we are f$$ked. Trump will be back for more. If I were in Canadian business, and Canadian government business affairs, I would quietly start looking for other markets. Now.
  11. That really pisses me off. What happened to small hog farmers after they got rid of their supply management? All gone now. Rent their farms to big Ag. Dairy farmers provide jobs, support local rural business, and work their asses off. Problem is, probably will not be able to buy Canadian milk in the future, cause American factory farm milk will be a few pennies cheaper. I do not like this at all. American dairy farms are in a money crunch, cause they get squeezed from all sides. they are huge, monstrous operations. So, they'll dump their crud here. Do they still use growth hormones? illegal here. And to boot, they won't be allowed to label "made in Canada" I bet. F off Trump.
  12. I thought that this was not the same blizting that they deployed earlier this season. Or, I guess, that the players weren't executing it right earlier this year. They were coming from all over the place. When JSK and Biggie are "on", it is formidable. Both really athletic, fast, and strong. Add on Nevis outstanding game, and voila! must admit JB rules has been touting the defence for quite a while. Richie Hall..... YAY!
  13. Much prefer Moss sideline style to (no) Maas. Cory's probably relieved to be out of there.
  14. Mike Miller. guy showed that he has good hands, some moves, some speed, and of course power Glad they rewarded him for his special teams and hope they use him more on the O. honker award.
  15. don't let Reilly move up in the pocket, and escape out on the left side. Bombers should be ok against the run. Edmonton has a good D line, do something to keep them under control. Edmonton linebackers are not very big, run right at them.
  16. comment about working as a wind turbine repair technicican
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