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Armchair GM

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Everything posted by Armchair GM

  1. Lawless is a loser? Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. I wish I was as big a loser as in my field as Gary is in his. So being a Burke apologist got old, and your trolling ways have lead you to being a Lawless supporter now? I've enjoyed seeing that Lawless' latest Bomber articles have been upbeat... but dude, a spade's a spade. To state that it was Walters' decision to take a discounted salary (for his rookie GM gig) so that he could redirect the funds to football ops seems like a very illogical premise. The rest of the article is fine, if you don't mind articles that are written on illogical premises. Give credit where it's due. Walters is being painted as a charitable figure. If he does a good enough job to earn a raise and extension, he surely won't be turning it away to instead allocate to football ops. Walters and Miller should be praised for the valuable things they've done, namely convincing the BoD to open the purse strings to hire more coaches and personnel guys. Lawless glosses over that.
  2. This is article is so Lawless. Don't get me wrong, I like that he's supporting the new Bomber regime, but a lot of the board's sentiments are dead-on. So far, Walters has been a willing interview. So far, no games have been played, and we're judging everything on paper, which let's face it, compares favorably to Mack because we were actually active in FA. Probably most questionably... does anyone really think Walters said "Wade, please don't pay me $250k/yr, I'll take $150k so that we can spend the rest on football ops?" No. He wasn't an experienced GM, so he was likely given what an unproven guy gets... less money and a proving ground. Somewhere between Walters and Miller, it was determined to spend the difference + on football ops rather than being in support of the bottom line. That's the important takeaway that Lawless glossed over.
  3. Like this. I've never had a problem with Buck from a leadership standpoint. He comes across when you talk to him, as a leader. It's that dogged pursuit of holding onto the ball way too long and getting concussed senseless; all the while coming back for more and more that I tired of. Happy for Buck, and hoping he can transition into the coaching ranks.
  4. Except that you have no idea if he would either A) be interested in coaching, or be a good coach. We've got a rookie coach learning the ropes with a much less important position at RB. I would think the Bombers would think it prudent to limit their roster of first-time coaches...
  5. You're right, we don't think terribly much of him. This is the man that hamstrung both of this franchises with QB albatross contracts. But if I'm trading an NI, it's going to be a DB before Jake Thomas. Need the depth NI DL, and can spare it at safety.
  6. His work as a DC has been outstanding... that's not my issue. He was a poor leader, and we needed a culture change. Had to go. Again, I'd take Daley back over him, and I've got 3 half-eaten, day-old Wrath of Khans and a meter high pile of dog **** higher on my list than Daley.
  7. I'd give them both. In a heartbeat. I appreciate Max Hall for steadying our offence somewhat last year... but it was clear to me watching him, that he lacks both arm strength and quick release. If Ottawa thinks he has potential, have at him. Myself, I think he's a high-floor, low-ceiling guy, and therefore not starter material now or down the road. And take Cauchy too. We're deep enough at NI DB, and Cauchy didn't beat any worlds last year.
  8. Just when you think he's gone... the stench of Burke (losing) returns. I'd take Jim Daley over Burke, because at least the stench of his rotten carcass hasn't been wafting over Portage and Main to the tune of 7-21 for the past year and a half. Burke was an absolute and total DISASTER as HC, and oversaw the club in spectacularly bad fashion during what I'd call our worst stretch in the last 30 years. Yes, I'd have preferred Steinauer, Stubler, or Lovie Smith, but I'll take Etch over Tim Burke, on the premise of leadership change on its own.
  9. You have no idea how thrilled I am that Goltz and Boltus are gone. Neither belonged remotely close to on-field action.
  10. He's a Houston Texan... played late this season after Foster and Tate went down with injuries. A neg lister at best with I would say low prospects of landing in the CFL.
  11. Who needs a field side receiver? Throw Morley out there for posterity and roll with 4 SB's and 4 OL.
  12. Pretty sure that if we actually do re-sign Ford, that he'll be well aware that he'll have to compete to start. There's something about developing an expectation that you're going to get paid... and then sitting on the FA market for weeks... that instills humility into you. An "underpaid" Will Ford with a chip on his shoulder would probably be a good thing for us... although I firmly believe that RB production is at least 50% dependent on OL performance.
  13. I'm actually worried that we're stocking up on Non-Imports because we're weak in Non-Imports; with little regard for fit with our needs. Maybe Alexander will show up to TC with a gunner's mentality as his best chance to make this team, and I hope so. Just don't see his fit otherwise, with Muamba and Newman already rostered, and Newman being an ST ace. Unless this is the background work in a ploy to have Newman replace Sofa, have Alexander back him up, and release Sofa...
  14. Don't mind the additional competition at NI Safety, or a depth DB, but just wish Alexander was more of a special teams ace. Depth DB's need to be special teams aces.
  15. Oh gawd. So Mike O'Shea, a reputed leader both as a player and coach, is a poorly qualified HC, because he's never been in a co-ordinator position? Can I get you some Burke or some Stubler as HC to appease you? If you can find me a hot-shot co-ordinator who's also a leader, I'll take him. But I'll take the leader over the co-ordinator... all day, every day.
  16. I hate that we're already blackballing the coaching staff that O'Shea/Walters have chosen as "underwhelming." Put the right guys in the right scheme, and you'll have yourself an effective defense, regardless of whether the DC is a young up-and-comer, an experienced vet with a good reputation, or as we like to call them "retreads." Seriously... do we have any better chance of winning a GC with an Etch defence, a Marshall defence, or an upshot like Steinauer? It depends entirely on their personnel and their fit in the scheme. Be underwhelmed if they suck in October. Not Febtober.
  17. Now just get us Wylie for the OL, and TJ Rubley to coach the QB's!
  18. where is Bryant Turner ? It's Bryant Turner's world... we're just living in it.
  19. Does anyone else feel with Edwards' retirement (and I DO NOT mean this as a critique of Edwards AT ALL) the Bombers now have essentially achieved a "clean break" from the "old guard" leadership-wise? Burke and Crowton and their assistants are gone. Buck's gone. Jovon, BStew, and Hefney (key Swaggerville guys) are gone. Muamba and Edwards are gone (but I don't believe they were the problem). O'Shea's in with new(ish) co-ordinators. Willy's the QB. Nick Moore has been brought in to be a #1 SB. Korey Banks and 2 other DB's have been brought in. If Walters' goal is to change the culture, one would think that with all of the key moves made this offseason, that he's shed the locker room of a great deal of the "old guard." Only question I have is whether or not we've brought in enough new leadership to fill the void. Team should be interesting this year, and should have a whole different attitude and personality... when vets like Jovon are allowed to walk without even an offer, it sets the tone.
  20. Happy trails Terrence, and thanks for being a consummate pro and reliable SB for a lotta years.
  21. I miss Section S. The fun we had in there... being in Section S made a lot of really mediocre Bomber teams watchable... On second thought, I miss spending the entire 2nd half of most games getting Wickman to eat the corn and ride the pony, chanting "cell phones suck," and trying to string together consecutive games of getting drunk girls to show their ****
  22. Very different. First off, the QB-centre exchange is the most important skill in football. You can't do anything without it. You can't just plug anyone in at centre and expect them to be able to get the ball to the QB at a CFL level, which is the problem with guys like Kowalczuk and Parenteau etc. That is a huge skill in and of itself. The centre makes some calls to protections, but this is way overrated in Canadian football, most plays have the protections built in and basically what both the centre and QB both do is count how many guys are inside the tackles and which gap the defence is centered on, basically what they are playing as the strong side, which 99% of the time mirrors the offence or the width of the field anyways. This is different than American football, mostly the strong side of the field down south depends on the strong hand of the QB since the field is not nearly as wide. This is most of what the calls are, and the protection adjusts based on it, but every guy can see that when they look up, and if you're playing somewhere noisy, there's not a lot you can change at the line. Everyone is watching for potential blitzers, that mostly falls on the QB to make a call to react to that. adjust a route. OL have to block from their inside gaps out and do their best to take whoever comes...that's why you'll often see guys coming off the edge free when a defence sends more than 5. When you see guys come free through the 4 middle gaps, that means someone really screwed up, either took the wrong block or got completely dominated physically. Zone run blocking, it doesn't matter where the defence lines up or how many, they are blocking gaps and chipping upfield. Zone plays head to a side of the field, not a specific gap, you're basically creating a 3 on 2 situation for your blockers all along the LOS on the play side, allowing at least one of those guys to chip and get to the next level to take a LB or HB. The RB reacts and finds the opening. So really a centre doesn't call anything there, every OL needs to read their initial block and come out of their stance properly to get that done. The first 3 steps are key, can't waste any if you need to get upfield, or get a bit wider. I guess it depends what you think a sub-par lineman is. IMO, most of the centres in the league lately have all been subpar, meaning they'd really suck if you moved them to another spot where they actually ended up blocking someone 1 on 1 on the majority of snaps. But that's where the snapping part comes in, a guy who can snap very well and consistently can make a career, even if he struggles to make a block. Just look at a guy like Dominic Picard. If I had a dime for everytime he's literally been carried through the pocket by a DT, I could pay for my season tickets this year. Mostly you're just hoping they can be a good speed bump. Guards need to be more mobile, presumably you want them to be able to get to the 2nd level (LB's, HB's) in run blocking, although there are enough guys around the league lately that don't really have that ability (Kabongo for one). They both need to be smart enough to know where their block is and guards need to be patient enough in pass protection to not give up their inside gaps. Patience in OL is a sign of intelligence and football smarts IMO. This is really what the blitz is all about, challenging the OL to give up their inside gaps and a more direct route to the QB, the QB can read the outside rush, when it's coming right at him there's not much he can do. Relating this excellent post to Morley... we would be better with him at centre than at guard IF he was a satisfactory snapper, because his blocking inadequacies would be marginalized? Seems like a match made in heaven for Morley.
  23. And Tate then traded to the Peg !I'm going to personally buy you a blow up doll and tape Tate's head to it and you can go to town. Maybe then you'll shut up about him. I was told by jbr that all gay jokes are unacceptable. This was an ignorant comment towards all men who are born with a fetish of banging blow up dolls in the mouth.Ftr I think Tate would fit nicely in Ottawa with Burris that would be awesome watching them fight. I realise your feelings are hurt and ego bruised since you quickly found that few if any people share your ignorant perspective. But stop digging. You're only making yourself look more foolish. You should *choose* to shut up. Coming from a guy who promotes 120 lbs kids wrasslin in front of 20 people I don't really think you can be the judge of who looks foolish or not. Regardless *if* Calgary for some reason re acquired Glenn I would assume they would dump Tate based on the fact that they believe BLM is the future and since they re upped both he and Tate's contract financially it wouldn't make sense to keep all three. I would take as a back up purely based on the fact that he's more talented then Max Hall. Hahahahahahaha yes!! A 'rasslin reference. You're ignorance knows no bounds. I'll tell ya what. I'll leave comps for you to my next show so you can point out the 120lbs kids and the 20 person crowd. But I know you won't attend because A) you'd be proven wrong again and I suspect seeing fit, scantily clad men would make you feel, ahem, awkward. Back to the dark ages for you, fool. Settle down children. And secondly, if you're going to argue, at least use the correct your or you're. You just told him he is "ignorance knows no bounds."
  24. Gawd... if we were to get Matthews and Kohlert on the flanks, and Moore, TEdwards, and Watson inside... our receiving corps could be top 1/2 of the league. Now... about that QB protection...
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