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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. We still don't know the details of this contract. Never will - well over $400k could be $75,000 signing bonus and $300k this year with incentives - as in, well over $400k if they win the grey cup... I have never been a huge Burris fan - personally I wanted Collaros... but now we have missed two QBs and are heading into free agency with no starting QB (no offence Max) and the 'stink' of losing two bidding wars... We need to overpay in a major way. Still can't believe we left money on last year's cap without locking up, at the very least, guys like Gilmore, Ford, JJ... that was essentially 'found' money.
  2. http://cfl.ca/page/2014-free-agent-tracker Something non-burris. Who can upgrade our team here? Myddleton, Butler, Newman, Laurent, Legare
  3. At some point, Walters has to get the job done. We gave Mack two years of blaming Kelly... look where that got us. Overpaying a 39 year old QB is not getting the job done either. Case in point. Seems Marcel has learned very little for when he broke the bank for Printers when he was running things in Hamilton. Good for Kyle for not budging. Kelly Moore ‏@KMooreOnSports 1m Burris' agent Chris Gittings confirmed his client signed for money with Ottawa. Did not dispute or confirm #Bombers offer of 750k for 2 yrs. Another vague statement that can be used by both sides... really could just be more money upfront, more guaranteed... after all, Walters only guidance on contract offers was Sleepy Joe. At least Taman is off the hook now... Desjardins is our new 'oh, he overpaid for a vet hack who's washed up and there's no way they'll be under the salary cap those cheaters glad we didn't sign him' guy
  4. Technically, we've missed on Burris, Collaros, Reilly, Ray, Glenn and Burris. We kicked ass on the Steven Jyles and Buck Pierce sweepstakes though. So, now, someone tell me what we will be offering as trade bait for Glenn?
  5. Ottawa can survive with all three QBs until mid-season... by that time, some team will have an injury or such a terrible QB that they will pay the price for Glenn.
  6. We needed to shore up the OL... Neufeld was a small step in that direction but we desperately needed to find or trade for a real Centre. No QB coach, no OL coach, no interior... a new QB every year since 2009...
  7. So why would Willy's agent turn around and say, hey you offered Collaros 250k and Hank 350k+ but let's sign for 150 so you can save money... Willy comes here for 250k or more, Glenn is likely 250k... Lalji's math is off.
  8. The only signing is was really hoping for was Muamba, even to a one year deal or something... If he hits free agency, I expect he will end up in Ottawa or Toronto - this whole 'NFL' thing seems pretty far-fetched to me.
  9. Seven days to free agency and we haven't announced our coaching staff.
  10. Willy's agent can now ask for $250k plus from the bombers... just because we're the 'only starting spot' doesn't necessarily mean anyone will sign here. 'Starting spot' can quickly deteriorate to 'end of career'. Trade for Joey, at least, he knows what he's up against.
  11. I predict Kevin Glenn lands in BC for the 14th overall pick... although if Desjardin is smart, he will shop him for a Cdn receiver. At best, we head into the season with Willy and Hall... I predict a lot of D-FENCE chants this year at IGF.
  12. I think MSW's career is over... The trouble is we likely will still have to field three import and two NI receivers... so its Akeem Foster-Denmark-Watson-Edwards-Kelly... Sorry, that is just an 'okay' lineup. So given it's just an okay line up (which I don't entirely disagree with) that means a deserving and dynamic rookie won't crack the line up? No one knew who Chris Matthews was before he got here. It's one thing to find one solid receiver, it's quite another to find five. Not saying they are going to field five rooks of course but that's still five spots that need to be filled. I like our chances MUCH better of having a better group of receivers than Ottawa does. Honestly, I'm not really arguing that Ottawa has great receivers... and if Matthews comes back or if Neufeld pans out and we can play more imports, I think we have some good guys. That being said, Lavoie is a top-notch Canadian... if they keep, Kohlert - he also has good NI talent. We liked Wallace Miles before he left, Mitchell has upside... something could materialize. Plus Chevon Walker is no slouch out of the backfield. Just sayin', I don't think receiving core is a real deciding factor between Ottawa and Winnipeg... But their OL and OL depth is already better than ours. I mean we actually only have one Centre under contract right now... Chris Kowalczuk. Yikes.
  13. Actually, people think that every other team spends $4.4 million and the bombers spend $4.1 million.
  14. I think MSW's career is over... The trouble is we likely will still have to field three import and two NI receivers... so its Akeem Foster-Denmark-Watson-Edwards-Kelly... Sorry, that is just an 'okay' lineup.
  15. This off-season just gets more and more underwhelming. These two guys are probably the absolute lowest priority signings we have. So you'd prefer we didn't sign them at all? Or just sign them and not announce it? I don't get the negative spin on this. It just "is". Another Blue Bomber fan myth.... Apparently you can only sign one player at a time and in priority order.... Actually, I was hoping we would upgrade from Lucas and Kowalczuk going into camp... Nobody is coming after them anyway.
  16. At some point, Walters has to get the job done. We gave Mack two years of blaming Kelly... look where that got us. Overpaying a 39 year old QB is not getting the job done either. Except we didn't sign Collaros and said we were targeting Burris... he hasn't signed Muamba... lost Kohlert... hasn't announced coaching complete coaching staff... you could say he has overpaid in trades... at the very least, our trades have been non-impact - unless Neufeld comes though... I'm still on his side, but things are starting to pile up. Free agency should give us a pretty good idea whether Walters is in over his head... We haven't lost Kohlert or Muamba yet though. After all dust settles from Free Agency we'll be able to judge things a little better. I love the way you argued with me there by repeating my previous statement.
  17. They have an OC and a QB coach in place... plus Travis Moore is Rec coach - Burris played with him. Crandell is their QB coach, same age as Burris - probably know each other... RedBlacks will get a lot of attention - clean slate, will go down in history as their first starter, etc... - lots of media attention. Winnipeg has run QBs out of town every season for five years now. Would you rather take snaps from Marwan Hage - a guy you've worked with for two years - or Justin Sorenson - a guy who shouldn't be in the league? Would you rather be protected by Deane and Eppele or Greaves and Morely... Man, this is getting depressing. And who exactly is Henry throwing to in Ottawa? Who is he throwing to here?!
  18. At some point, Walters has to get the job done. We gave Mack two years of blaming Kelly... look where that got us. Overpaying a 39 year old QB is not getting the job done either. Except we didn't sign Collaros and said we were targeting Burris... he hasn't signed Muamba... lost Kohlert... hasn't announced coaching complete coaching staff... you could say he has overpaid in trades... at the very least, our trades have been non-impact - unless Neufeld comes though... I'm still on his side, but things are starting to pile up. Free agency should give us a pretty good idea whether Walters is in over his head...
  19. They have an OC and a QB coach in place... plus Travis Moore is Rec coach - Burris played with him. Crandell is their QB coach, same age as Burris - probably know each other... RedBlacks will get a lot of attention - clean slate, will go down in history as their first starter, etc... - lots of media attention. Winnipeg has run QBs out of town every season for five years now. Would you rather take snaps from Marwan Hage - a guy you've worked with for two years - or Justin Sorenson - a guy who shouldn't be in the league? Would you rather be protected by Deane and Eppele or Greaves and Morely... Man, this is getting depressing.
  20. We had $200,000 to play with in December and still couldn't sign Henoc... ouch. We could have offered $100,000 signing bonus and not even felt it this year... dude is gonzo.
  21. At some point, Walters has to get the job done. We gave Mack two years of blaming Kelly... look where that got us.
  22. Its more about timelines... Glenn would be cut around TC? Or even kept around for a few games... demarco is not making top dollar... Glenn is prob 200k? Anyway, glenn has more market value - salarywise and egowise - edm, wpg, mtl, maybe bc... Someone would pay for him
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