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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Floyd


    https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/australia-sends-troops-tackle-coronavirus-surge-live-updates-200625002236379.html couldn’t ask for a better control group...
  2. Obviously you’ve never run a business
  3. That new Biden ad is fkn awesome Vote Biden - he can run and drink water.
  4. Well we are all talking like he actually wants to play again... he's probably worth 20-30 million without playing a down
  5. I actually look at it more that Kaepernick is off the Roger Goodell 'blacklist' and teams are finally 'allowed' to look at him
  6. Racism is absolutely an issue in Canada... and we need to do better... but for those people who say we are no better than the states... I mean modern day lynchings and KKK cops... cmon.
  7. This reminds me of the lead up to last season where 'the league hadn't even talked to the players about a CBA' etc etc and then suddenly the deal was done The league doesn't run everything by the players because they know the players have no bargaining power - its just reality.
  8. Well this is the same team that couldn't quite sign Tom Brady... that and they don't even have a work out scheduled...
  9. You got a credit??? Miller said he needed my season ticket money for global scouting...
  10. In Canada, we value beaver.
  11. I doubt there's another league as reliant on gate revenues... They are probably waiting for some way to make Toronto work as a hub city... however Bombers did just call and say they are expecting a season starting in September
  12. Cost-cutting is a terrible plan for a league where Riders, Bombers, Stamps, Esks and prob Hammie are all making money while 'profit sharing' leaves the league in trouble overall Running the league based on the Toronto and BC situations is a broken business model - CFL always gets trapped trying to compete outright in large urban centres rather than setting up community-based grassroots support... which in reality supports their only successful franchises
  13. Floyd


    https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/us-coronavirus-spreading-south-1.5607770 Southern states is screwing things up for everyone... spikes centred around industrial food facilities, nursing homes and prisons...
  14. Amazing how a fake tweet about Antifa is doing more to 'out' fascists and show people what monsters they are than anything Antifa could do itself... Not that it will really sink in but whatevs
  15. I'm fine with Mitchell and Miller tbh - they're pretty much a 'how to' guide on running franchises
  16. Floyd


    We couldn't have asked for a better control group than the US... every state is taking a different totally random approach... to everything.
  17. https://3downnation.com/2020/06/16/cfl-staff-players-losing-faith-in-leagues-leadership-under-randy-ambrosie/ Dunk fueling the fire... but the Global draft thing is a pretty good point
  18. I'd be pretty choked to see this after CFL 2.0 just did the 'world tour' and now you need to scout in several countries... AND seeing more positions hired in the CFL execs for the globals... A 20% cut in staffing is not a viable growth move in any industry - especially one competing to even be noticed - I'm not against CFL 2.0 but expanding into a new market while you're bleeding in your current one is a terrible idea
  19. i Don’t get this coaching cap... getting harder to retain good guys
  20. Pro-rated pay? Its mid-June and CFL is still tossing around 'pie in the sky' ideas like that...? Yeesh.
  21. Floyd


    207 of those are in East Arkansas Regional Prison... are you suggesting that prisoners may not be able to social distance - and that living 24 hours a day inside a contained environment with recirculated air promotes the spread of covid?
  22. There's been a proxy war between Saudis and Iran for years now in various countries in the middle east... I think a 'conflict' with Russia is more easily controlled by both sides - Putin gets to shore up strategic locations and allies while Trump gets to delay or cancel the election - we'll find out soon enough
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