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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Floyd


    COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months 'Of those surveyed, about three in five are between the ages of 30 and 49. About 56 percent have not been hospitalized, while another 38 percent have visited the ER but were not admitted. About a quarter have tested positive for COVID-19 and almost half have never been tested at all. Some became sick in mid-March, when their home countries were severely short on tests. (Most survey respondents live in the U.S. and the U.K.) Others were denied testing because their symptoms didn’t match the standard set. Angela Meriquez Vázquez, a children’s activist in Los Angeles, had gastrointestinal problems and lost her sense of smell, but because she didn’t have a cough and her fever hadn’t topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit, she didn’t meet L.A.’s testing criteria. By the time those criteria were loosened, Vázquez was on day 14. She got a test, and it came back negative. (She is now on day 69.)' How on earth do you use an article that states that 94% of covid positive patients between 30 and 49 were never hospitalized or even admitted - some were sick well before lockdown... then find 9 out of 640 people who are 'long-haulers'... then use that as somehow 'proof' that covid affects the general populace??? If we applied that logic to all disease - we would be walking around in bubble boy suits. If an article was published with this same lack of statistical significance and same lack of backup data - yet it was not fearmongering - we would be comparing the author to an 'anti-vaxxer' or 'truther'... Strange times.
  2. Floyd


    I have absolutely heard of 'long haulers'... but as of yet, these cases are outliers... That is the reason I do not cite them - much the same as I am aware of Kawasaki syndrome as a covid side-effect Again this leads to my point - the same people who decry contrary opinion backed up by multiple, credible sources (i.e. a basic fact that Covid overwhelmingly kills nursing home patients over 70)... then cite anecdotal stories. The Atlantic article is anecdotal unfortunately. This is not to say that there are not covid cases that last months... but why is this article given more credence that Italy's top doc saying covid no longer exists in Italy... its just interesting that's all. Negative covid stories get more traction than positive covid stories - its a strange phenomena People who are sick with covid should be treated in a hospital or facility - not told to stay at home until they are critical. This has always been my position. Who knows ibuprofen or oxygen may help these 'long-haulers'... we'll never know because we left them in lockdown.
  3. Floyd


    I'll check on this claim later... To be honest, my arguments don't really involve the US - we live in Canada and that's all that really matters to me... Re-opening a society with universal healthcare is vastly different than the state by state gong show in the US. However, the US is a perfect example of the over-reach that I am concerned with... unless you can explain how gutting all environmental regulations and oversight under the guise of covid is not harmful.
  4. Floyd


    Interesting point about the projecting... I will consider that. In a debate on these threads, I don't see much reason to explain empathy - and in fact, I only see this requested when we're talking about covid (or Sam Hurl's retirement...) Early in the covid outbreak, I expressed deep concern that our lockdown response and the market crash will double the amount of malaria deaths in the world, result in mass starvation in the poorest countries and increase deaths in Africa and other regions because the rich countries stockpiled all the PPE and massive funds were diverted to covid. Do I expect everyone to start every post expressing this same concern for third world countries and apologizing for our lockdown? No. Its just very strange to watch how we (this board) took this 'every life is sacred' approach to covid but really not to any other issue... ever. Its just groupthink to me, to be honest. As for how I'm wired... I've been in the north 20 years and I believe that living in cities really insulates people from having to deal with death and with the real world... I've worked with polar bears for 20 years and saw how our climate models were fatally flawed yet we still follow them... yet for all of my tours I contribute a percentage of the price to Plan International Canada as our carbon offsets - because third world countries will be hit the hardest by climate change and female reproductive rights are our best chance at 'reducing' the world population. I am wired to be a critical thinker and not to accept anything without checking multiple sources... i.e. I have huge empathy for George Floyd and his family... zero empathy for the drunk-ass Inuk who barely got tapped by the RCMP truck door in Cape Dorset while they were between a firearms report and a domestic violence call... I guess my question is why on earth would I care 'how' my posts are read on this board and why would I expect someone to read more into them than the basic information presented.
  5. Floyd


    Oh I'm not talking specifics... just relating to the fact that last week I was lit up for suggesting the risk of covid was 'infinitesimal' outdoors... and now its a generally accepted reason for breaking our mass gatherings order Its more in relation to the old Mack arguments of 'well he's a football executive and you're not so you can't have an opinion' - many parallels One thing is clear though... with masks and without social distancing, mass outdoor gatherings are fine and there seems to be no fallout Without masks and without social distancing, there appears to be a moderate rise in cases - whether this is followed by deaths remains to be seen
  6. Floyd


    HaHA... YES...!!! I love it when my original arguments are slowly co-opted... its the small victories that count This thread is so much like the old 'In Mack We Trust' days ha
  7. Floyd


    That's why we closed parks, trails and campgrounds at the start of lockdown? Clear data showing children's resilience, the low outdoor risk, the low risk of severe cases in people under 60... this is all different from what we thought at the start - there are multiple sources - any mainstream media in Canada or any provincial covid page - feel free.
  8. Floyd


    You missed all the 'well that's natural selection' comments when the Trumpers were protesting their right to freedom of movement (what I call the haircut protests) and not social distancing... no one stopped and said 'wow I really hope they are okay they are just protesting for what they believe in'... we laughed about them possibly dying because they don't believe in the same things we do I'm interested in your angle - it just seems strange that you would want me to start all posts with 'my condolences'... Empathy is usually saved for real life not a football forum - especially not this one But I will be clear - I think online empathy and causes are bogus and typing/sharing 'thoughts and prayers' is pretty lame I think trying to educate people that covid really is primarily a nursing home issue does more to help people than just saying home and typing 'my condolences'... I mean Ottawa just approved the sale of a Canadian nursing home chain to a sh*tty Chineses corporation - obviously the message is not sinking in
  9. Floyd


    This is also a good article about Florida... its a 'what not to do' state https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/20/opinions/florida-confusing-covid-19-sepkowitz/index.html And again - 83% of deaths are 65 and older... the majority in nursing homes https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/05/17/in-florida-83-percent-of-coronavirus-deaths-are-people-65-and-older/
  10. Floyd


    Ummm... dude Florida has done nothing right https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-coronavirus-florida-nursing-home-deaths-20200606-utgwfm7bgza7pbjzippgnztbua-story.html%3foutputType=amp
  11. Floyd


    seems a bit excessive to be honest - I would think it’s generally accepted that people feel bad when people die this forum is pretty harsh at the best of times... when we joker about all the Haircut protestors who were going to die because they weren’t social distancing - no one took offence citing stats doesn’t seem cold - it just supports my argument that we need to care for seniors in a better way
  12. Floyd


    https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/mobile/40-new-cases-of-covid-19-in-alberta-no-new-deaths-1.4972742 112 out of 146 deaths in Alberta are in nursing homes... yet they account for about 10-15% of the cases Just sayin’...
  13. Floyd


    TUP is derailing the discussion as usual the question remains - why will we not see a second wave from these mass gatherings - our lockdown is based on preventing exactly what’s happening all across the world right now the answers presented are ‘rolling the dice’ and ‘it’s a good cause’... but assuming that our current belief system is correct - we should see a massive amount of mortality within the next 3-4 weeks - why is that risk worth it now?
  14. Floyd


    Dr Bonnie Henry in BC has been our best resource since the beginning - the risk of covid outdoors is infinitesimal - it is still contagious within a confined space as with any respiratory disease the equation is and always has been ‘proximity times length of exposure’
  15. Floyd


    https://3downnation.com/2020/06/07/canada-west-university-conference-to-cancel-fall-sports-including-football/ perfect example of an irrational response to the covid pandemic - shut down activities - primarily outdoors in possibly the lowest risk and highest survival rate demographic... I am not against lockdown - I am deeply concerned with the current and coming wave of ‘cover your ass’ bureaucratic response based on the outdated abd incorrect information that we have now accepted as fact - I.e exponential contagion and high mortality in general populace
  16. There’s no room for rational thought right now - stop this nonsense
  17. Floyd


    I’ve never debated the importance of BLM as a cause... i was on board with it twenty years ago to be honest however you are the only one to even sort of answer the underlying question - why would covid not spread like wildfire through these global protests... especially in the US with the police using tear gas on the most susceptible populations to the virus? instead of anyone really answering I get accusations that I don’t support the cause - it’s a very strange world these days
  18. Floyd


    The elderly outside of care homes are generally healthier - regardless I would Keep precautions such as visiting grandkids outdoors and having separate shopping and restaurant hours for high risk populations - no one ever suggests just going back to normal immediately - but we need to remain fixed on that goal long term and not just meekly accept a new normal... There is some info coming out suggesting that many of the covid deaths were people who would not have died of natural causes during the course of this year... I am skeptical on this one but I’m keeping an open mind - need a few more sources before I buy in though
  19. Floyd


    Covid is not as contagious as we originally believed - I.e beginning of Italian outbreak and when our lockdown started - ie infinitesimal risk with casual outdoor contact, does not last on surfaces as long as we thought, asymptomatic patients are now not spreading it in Wuhan, etc
  20. Floyd


    I get that you missed the point of my conversation with other posters... and that your logic is really flawed and strange The conversation before you jumped in surrounded two main questions: - does covid seriously attack the general populace and is therefore not an 'elderly and nursing home' disease... to that you have no response - will the mass protests result in a second wave because they are completely contrary to our current covid protection policy - if not, what is different with these protests compared to the haircut protests... your response is that BLM is a good cause so its fair for us to break the covid lockdown rules and risk the lives of our elderly and immunocompromised... i.e exemptions can and should be made for ideals/causes - correct? I agree with this essentially. If you want to debate BLM issues, you can read my posts on that thread to determine my position then we can chat there
  21. Floyd


    Another typical non sequitur... You do this ALL THE TIME - jump in late to an argument... then make yourself sound like some kind of hero - you're the ultimate 'hey me too' poster on here... 'stand and be judged'... too much hahah You still cannot answer why the BLM protestors will be affected differently than the haircut rednecks. And I don't expect you will.
  22. Floyd


    https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2020/06/03/Vaccine-Will-Not-Erase-Pandemic/ Very good article explaining why 'waiting for a vaccine' is likely not a viable option... NOTE: For those of you about to 'go off', Haseltine is just one of many opinions that I have read and considered... so plesae save your 'youtuber' and 'so you think everyone is wrong' posts
  23. Floyd


    Or an 'I don't have an answer so I'll criticize this post without providing substance' button...
  24. Floyd


    Dude you're the king of condescenion on here... If anyone ever disagrees with your stance, you cry that they are Trumpers or just 'don't get it' Your point makes no sense - its not about whether BLM is more important or not... Why would covid affect BLM protestors differently than Miami beach partiers or the haircut rebellion? You don't have an answer so instead you resort to personal attacks as always.
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