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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Jets spoke to Jussi Jokinen, olli Jokinen, Paul Stastny, Tanner Glass.
  2. Please stop. Just...stop. Ofcourse what you say is untrue. Air France sat at the bottom of the ocean for two years! Not only was the voice and data recorders retrievable but by studying the Pitot Tubes they were able to determine the cause. After two years. If they find MH370 next week, thats practically immediately. No reason why the data recorder wont provide evidence. The voice recorder will be useless other than to confirm there was no one conscious up to 90 minutes before the crash. Stop what? Whatever, man. You seem to think this will go on UNTIL the plane is found. You also seem to think you're the one with the only opinion here. They find it great. They don't, well just don't be surprised if it doesn't happen If you dont care about the topic, why did you bother commenting? Ofcourse "they" will never stop looking. How they look might be a question but the search will never stop until the plane is recovered. As said earlier, there is still people searching for Ameila Earhart. They searched for Air France for two years (thank goodness).
  3. There's a belief the Canucks might be stockpiling to make a run at 1OA. I think they are better served to keep their two 1st, 2nd, 3rd and plan for the future.
  4. Interesting from earlier: @Sportsnet: #Panthers GM Dale Tallon says he's received an offer for the No. 1 pick that goes "above and beyond" what is fair: http://t.co/XREdE0eOe7
  5. Yes that is all true. Vancouver did what they could. Sedins to Pens for Malkin and Neal?
  6. Exactly. And unless you confirm it was a mechanical issue, there is the potential that it was a crime. The murder of 239 people is pretty important. And not just for the people who died. Consider this, Iso. If you're on a plane and there is a mechanical issue or pilot error that was exactly what caused MH370 to crash but no one knew because they called off the search, wouldnt you, in that moment, have wished they found it? Its not like its your money so I dont even see what your objection is.
  7. Please stop. Just...stop. Ofcourse what you say is untrue. Air France sat at the bottom of the ocean for two years! Not only was the voice and data recorders retrievable but by studying the Pitot Tubes they were able to determine the cause. After two years. If they find MH370 next week, thats practically immediately. No reason why the data recorder wont provide evidence. The voice recorder will be useless other than to confirm there was no one conscious up to 90 minutes before the crash.
  8. Thought I'd start a thread for the trades made today. I think Anaheim overpaid for Kesler a bit here, but they need to be able to battle with LA. Disagree. Great deal for Ducks. For Vancouver? Not so much. Kessler is often over-valued. He's the type of player that fits in with a team like Anaheim who have a great team and he enhances it. But alone, he's no great shakes. I dont see Vancouver's vision here. With the twins turning 34, are they going to keep them for a rebuild?
  9. Burmi could be the throw in to make a larger deal happen. Chevy has seemed pretty determined to get what he wants for his core pieces. And I see no reason why he shouldn't. The Jets arent Vancouver - if we do nothing but pick 9th over all, we're still a good young team with good prospects and a bright future. If we can get better, great but Chevy wants a top six player, a first round pick and a top prospect for Kane. If he gets to the point where a team is willing to deal big but "needs something", Burmi could be the throw in.
  10. Wow, saying that a search should be called off 4 months after a crash is callous? Happens all the time in air & ground searches. God forbids those callous officials who make those decisions lose loved ones too. What are you even talking about?? Please state when a passenger jet crash had its search called off within four months without any clues being find. Ill help you: never. When Air France crashed under similar circumstances to MH370 in that it disappeared and no one knew why, they didnt stop. They had wreckage so they knew it had crashed. It took them two years to find the bulk of the plane. They kept looking because not only was it the right thing to do for the dead and their families, it was the ONLY thing they could do to confirm the cause and prevent it from happening. And guess what, thats exactly what happened. They determined the cause was Pitot Tube issues and changed the design, in addition to pilot error and they adjusted training. I mean really...
  11. Havent seen the Burmi rumours. What are they? Peter tessier ( I think) reported two sources indicate Bogo in play. Good deal for Ducks on the Kesler trade. Vancouver, not so much. They might end up in full re-build mode. The twins are going to be 34 years old this upcoming season. Might they look to make a real splash and trade them? They'd look good in Pittsburgh!
  12. I have no problem trading Buff. i just think trading a core body AND our first rounder for a pick that wont play for a year leaves us even thinner when our big issue is lack of depth. Bogo rumours gaining more traction. I just dont know what to think about that. By all accounts Bogo loves Winnipeg and is a stand up guy. He has term. He's our 1 or 2 RHD. He's young. I just dont know about trading him. Though he would likely return a significant amount. But it leaves our D thin.
  13. It will be nice when we can give this a rest. Big win tonight and people want to rip on Tim Burke. Stay classy.
  14. Lawless reports chatter about buff plus 9 overall for first overall. I don't know... I'd be on the fence. We would need to be very active in free agency. I'd like to see something come back. If not a player maybe floridas second round pick?
  15. People are still looking for ameila. I mean I assume you're being sarcastic. God forbid you ever have a family member in the same situation. Talk about callous. And not just that but really ludicrous. As I said the single biggest reason to find this plane is to determine what happened so as to prevent it from ever happening again.
  16. Some of us, ahem, were touting Marcel's offensive knowledge for awhile now.
  17. Those end zone seats are just not worth it. What do they cost now? They are terrible seats
  18. Lots of chatter about Kane asking for a trade. Chevy was asked point blank today of Kane asked for a trade and r went out of his way to give every answer but yes or no. That usually means yes.
  19. Did you miss the part where he was described as having reduced capacity?
  20. Eklund rumour: On Dustin Byfuglien Hearing the Flyers are going to make a huge push tomorrow and Byfuglien wants to move and be a defenseman... ***If there is any truth to Buff *wanting* to go to Philly, then I think this might happen. He's been linked to the Flyers before. What is the best get from the Flyer for Buff? Also, apparently Jets talked to Jussi Jokinen today. I'd love to have him here. He can play either wing though is especially a LW and can play Centre. I wonder if Jets see him as the answer at 3C. Also, Mason Raymond wants 3X3. I'd do that. If those are the only two moves you make and your lineup looks like this, Im happy: Kane-Scheif-Wheeler Ladd-Little-Frolik Raymond-Jussi-Buff Halischuk-Slater-Peluso Enstrom - Trouba Clitsome - Bogo Stuart - Redmond/Postma Morrisey
  21. You cant argue absolutes. Im a law & order guy but I spent time within the Youth Centre (not as an inmate) and I can assure you, there are kids there that range from little assholes that need severe consequences to good kids who made a bad decision, to bad home life, to FASD etc etc. Adults are different in the sense they understand consequences etc a lot more. But dont over-estimate a kids decision making abilities. When I was a kid, peer pressure was skipping class or wandering around in under-construction houses. Its worse now.
  22. Are you friggen kidding me??? Good God I dont know where to begin. For starters, you dont think the 200+ dead deserve to be recovered? You dont think their families deserve to recover their loved ones? You dont believe a definitive cause should be found? You dont think foul play needs to be ruled out? You dont think we need to determine what the cause of the malfunction, if thats what it was, needs to be determined to prevent 200+ deaths in the future?
  23. If the jets wanted Couturier they would have taken him over Scheifele when they had the chance. At 9, I'm thinking Nylander or Kapanen if they are still available. Not really. At the time they valued Scheif more. Im sure they still do. But I am also sure they'd want Couturier if making a blockbuster trade with the Flyers. Apparently the Jets are one of several teams that have "reached out" to Paul Stastny. That would be a heck of a free agent grab. Made $6.6 million last season.
  24. Couturior would have to be involved I think. I like Schenn but Im not there yet as far as him being a top six guy. For the draft, maybe Brendan Perlini?
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