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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Frolik wont get an offer sheet (is he even allowed to?). He will end up with a nice big contract with the Jets.
  2. Chevy said something very interesting though. He said the Jets might be in on deals with teams who over-extended themselves this week. There are teams at or near the cap that need to trade players and cant really take players back. Chicago might trade Sharp cheaper than usual for that reason.
  3. very interesting. For 1 year $2.5 million, Im surprised the Jets didnt bring him back...
  4. Yes exactly. Family comes first. but if he's just learning to fold diapers, come back and play!
  5. Whats the hold up? Kid was born, now come back and work. or is this a case of, he didnt practice so he doesnt play?
  6. Is it a Harveys thats opening on Corydon @ Stafford?
  7. Thats a good point. Texas, Florida and I think Tennesee (or is it Arizona) also have zero income tax. So while it's attractive, its clearly not the deciding factor since players choose many other states. What seems to be clear from the Jets being back is that people unfamilear with Winnipeg have an inaccurate opinion of the city as the 90's wasteland it was when Jets 1.0 left. But players who are here rave about the organization and fans and some have spoken quite glowingly of the city also. Once the team starts winning, I dont think we will have trouble attracting talent.
  8. Rumours are Vrbata close to a decision and Winnipeg not in the mix. Chicago looking to maybe trade Patrick Sharpe. We interested?
  9. Never a gum fan. But when I do, it's excell. I prefer excell mints now.
  10. The concept is perfect for staying fresh because it's easy to introduce new characters and have them slowly mix in with the established cast. I really like Brooke Soso for example. The only thing they have to be careful about is getting a bit too outlandish in trying to be entertaining but I think they are walking the line successfully right now. Like Pornstache was suitably "scary" in a way in Season 1 but could easily go into goofy territory. But no spoilers here. At the conclusion of Season 2, I really felt like "WTF, I have to wait a year now?" Maybe the next trend should be for Netflix to film an entire 8 season series at once and put them all up...lol
  11. Where is Harvey's here? I know there used to be on pembina years ago.
  12. Im torn on Reimer. If we didnt have Hutch, I'd say for sure bring in Reimer. Problem is, Hutch is waiver eligiable this season. So you get into some complications if you're carrying three goalies. Reimer would push Pavs. Chevy has stated Hutch deserves a chance to compete for the back up job but said there would be competition. Im not sure who that would be. You're not going to sign a top goalie on a one-way deal and then send him to St John's if Hutch wins the back up spot. I think the Jets' depth chart is Pavs - Hutch. There are guys I would have wanted, like Jussi Jokinen or Mason Raymond but ultimately, the Jets played this right. They got the one guy that works for Winnipeg and could be a sleeper signing. Perrault has a lot of upside and could or should have a career season with the Jets in terms of points. I'd still like to see someone else brought in like Vrbata or maybe even Booth or Winnick. But if Lowry or Klingberg are potential bottom six, then the Jets have improved...just not as much as our rivals it seems. But again, every year there are teams who look unstoppable on paper that just dont have the right mix. Hopefully thats a couple of Central Division teams. Anyone thing Ehlers might get a shot with the team this year? 165 lbs says no...but can he put on 10-15 lbs in the off-season?
  13. Lots of talk on TSN about Edmonton having to "over-pay" to get players. I've heard before that Edmonton is one of, if not the worst place for players to go. its got all the weather issues of Winnipeg but a worse location with an airport that is outside of town. Winnipeg isn't bad for travelling in and out of. But the retired players on TSN kept saying winning trumps weather. Oilers are probably attractive to free agents right now as they are going to very soon turn the page and be a ridiculous team. Such talent there. I like the Jets' talent if we were in the East. Look at the Central Division - who are the Jets going to beat for a playoff spot?
  14. Vancouver is dangerously close to being one of those teams that tries to reload instead of rebuild and ends up worse for it. Like Calgary for years.
  15. I'm going to try it when it replays this week. Didn't really interest me but I'll try it because it's HBO Bought OZ and I'm so-so on it so far. The music is awful. The narrative is silly. It tries way to hard to be stylistic. It's at it's best when it's just a straight forward story about prison life.
  16. I like 5 Guys. But it is expensive. The funny thing is they have reviews on their walls calling it the best $5 burger. What $5 burger? Might give Fatburger another try.
  17. Same tinny every year. Teams over spend. Jets don't. And the fans here wring their hands over our lack of activity. Can you imagine being the Capitals? Niskanen was the butt of jokes for years and had one good year and Washington backed up the brings truck. Worse yet they signed an over the hill Orpik to a long term deal. Yikes. If caps don't win soon that franchise is in trouble.
  18. I'm going out on a limb and saying chevy and Maurice know Pardy better than you do. He always showed he could compete when I saw him play. Depth move. You need 7th and 8th d men obviously. Would have preferred Redmond but whatever
  19. Jets remain in a transitional period. A signing like Perrault is good for many reasons not least of which he is young with upside. He could be a contributor for years. Better than a one year stop gap. Jets still need Kane, Scheif etc to improve. Need lowri, Morrissey etc to make the team. A guy like jussi would have fit in but signing 30+ year old guys for big money isn't really on our vision I think
  20. nah, vrbata is a 3rd liner at best, buff won't be around much longer. I value buff a lot but I hope you're right.
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