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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I like a good defence. Its sort of the argument about scoring in the NHL. I get that too, but not every 2-1 game is boring. Sometimes a defensive battle is awesome! I want to see skill make the difference in every facet of the game not just pitch & catch.
  2. I thought the same thing... He sure didn't move much after the hit though.... Well, when you suspect possibly a neck injury, you are told not to move either. So it's hard to say what happened, I dunno. None of us really do. It's all just huge guesses cuz they don't or haven't told us yet... if they even do, a stinger maybe? I dunno, all i really know is if it was indeed a concussion, i don't think he'd be out there today practicing. I'm not an expert, but if it was a concussion, my understanding is that there would be no way that he'd be out there participating this soon after. Im no expert either though I have suffered several concussions. There are degrees of concussions. He might have passed all the testing and be deemed symptom free. And even then, maybe he did suffer a slight concussion. I assume he passed testing and today is about exerting himself. Symptoms can get worse after repeated concussions too. I know the last time I took a head shot, I felt friggen horrible for about 2-3 days. The first 24 hours were horrible though. Just awful. Once I felt better, I felt completely better.
  3. I dont think he was knocked out. He was reacting immediately after the contact was made. It looked like helmet to chin and I imagine it 1) hurt like crazy 2) scared the heck out of him. Ever cut yourself and in that split second before you look down, it *feels* like it's horrible but its barely a scratch? I can imagine Willy felt like his face had been caved in and/or neck broken. When he was being helped off he looked dazed though, though it could also have just been the aftermath of pain/fear, emotional release etc. I didnt think he looked "glassy" just sort of spent. Im sure they went through the protocols and if he is symptom free then he should play. Its not just about sitting in a dark room either. After passing everything else, he needs to exert himself and see how he feels. its possible that he might experience headaches after a hard practice and that would be a set back. If not, and he's good to go, then he plays. Im surprised he didnt suffer a broken jaw though. Hit looked horrible.
  4. He might still be free because he wants to return to Chicago and they want to keep him but they have to make some other moves first.
  5. I had the chance to see Jurassic World and Terminator this past week. Ill try not to use spoilers but be pre-warned that I might. I would say I enjoyed Terminator more but JW was the "better" film, at least to a wider audience. JW was easy to watch and was not offensive. I was entertained. But they really need to come up with a new concept. Im not sure where they go. As for Terminator, I appreciate their effort to re-write a new "canon" while respecting existing canon. It was confusing though...and convoluted. The best parts were seeing scenes from the original film re-done or from a different perspective. The casting was fine. I was worried about that aspect. But Emilia Clarke was a pretty good Sarah Connor. The one thing is, I would have had her more fit. The in-universe explanation for her being more like the original 1984 Sarah and not the ultra fit T2 Sarah might be that she's not effected by the events in Terminator (1984) so she doesnt have the same single-minded drive and thus isnt as fit. But that would have helped in my opinion. Jai Courtney was okay as Kyle. I was worried about him but he was fine. But he lacked the war-torn intensity of Michael Biehn. This is a trend I guess, that the actors were all fine but not as good as the originals. And the biggest problem (SPOILER) is the fact they Borg Queen'ed Skynet. They pretty much blew that surprise in the trailers. It was again, not neccesary. I think they were so concerned about not doing a rehash that they over-complicated the story. For example, watch The Terminator (1984), it was so simple and there was no effort to stop Judgement Day, it was going to happen no matter what. T2 upped the stakes by introducing the idea that maybe they could stop it. T3 showed us that the events of T2 just delayed it. And ofcourse, each film has its own paradox. For example, in T2, it's Cyberdyne that developed the AI robotic technology based on finding the damaged Terminator from the 1984 film. So if the Terminator had to go back to 1984 in order for Judgement Day to happen, how did it happen before he went back? The answer, I guess, is the plot of T3 where the US military developed the AI. In Genisys, we get another delay but as far as I recall, its never explained why its delayed this time other than the idea of a different timeline. if they introduce the idea that there are infinite timelines with infinite possibilities and we're just seeing a different one, then they risk alienating the audience. Why should we care if the outcome doesnt matter. We want to be emotionally invested in these characters by feeling that this is THE timeline, not just one of a million. See Star Trek for how multiple time lines can alienate the audience. They wanted to make Judgement Day, or its cause in this film, something that we the viewers could understand more from todays perspective. Okay, I get that. But Im not sure they needed to "paint over" everything that had come before it. They certainly left room for sequels and left us with unanswered questions (most importantly, who sent Arnold back). I hope we get sequels but I hope they keep them simpler. This might be a negative review but I really did enjoy it. Arnold was born to play this role and he's very good at it. He "gets" it, even when the humor doesnt seem quite right, he nails it. And he's a better actor than he sometimes get credit for. He acts with his eyes. He has that ability to convey emotion with only his eyes and thats important in a film where he's essentially an emotionless robot. The CGI was magnificent. Seeing de-aged Arnold as the original Terminator is tremendous. But again, I wished they had given us a few more easter eggs such as a cameo from Earl Boen as Dr Sillberman. And they absolutely missed the boat by not casting Robert Patrick. Lee Byung-hun was a fine T-1000 and he sort of looks like Patrick (oddly enough) so it would seem they intended to keep the same look from T2. So why not use Patrick? I read that they asked him and he declined feeling he was too old to do the action scenes. I would have convinced him. Or at the very least, use Byung-Hun but CGI Patrick's younger face on, like with Arnold. I mean, why not? That was a huge miss for me. All in all, an "okay" re-start in the series. Hopefully it rebounds at the box office after a disappointing opening weekend enough that they make the sequels. Maybe get James Cameron back on board. But I recommend the film. Also, stay through the credits as there is a "mid credits" scene that really amounts to nothing but a very very brief tease for a sequel...and quite honestly, it didnt excite me because I think there are better ways to go fro the sequel then what they teased...
  6. But Burmi coming back is okay?Just asking... Burni never played like he wanted out. He had a dispute with the coach. It's a moot point bexause Burni was an RFA and oduya is a UFA and won't be coming back
  7. Oduya wanted out of here and played like it. No thanks.
  8. Nobody is poking fun at it. But a person really has to be nuts to say the bible should be followed to the letter. The bible has contradictions and "orders" that are just incredibly out dated as one would expect. Not to mention the church changes over time too. I make no judgement about monogamy and faithfulness. It's no ones business but the people involved. from a scientific perspective monogamy is likely not considered very realistic.
  9. Will Burmi still be an RFA at the end of his deal?
  10. I wonder if Armia will need more time in the Jets system to reach his potential. Did the Buffalo system suck or Something?
  11. @LeafsPR: The @MapleLeafs announced today that the club has signed forward Nazem Kadri to a one-year contract extension. #TMLTalk
  12. Great article on Burni. He here and staying all summer. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/jets/Burmistrov-hits-the-ice-with-rookies-at-camp-311678191.html
  13. The thing in ehlers favour is he can't go to the moose. It's either junior or jets. Whereas Petan can be assigned to the Moose.
  14. And that's the key. Gays and their allies have no desire to hate or remove the rights of the religious "wrong". But the religious wrong feel they are justified in doing that to gay people. Because they know better. Because a very very old book written by flawed man tells them a bunch of things that they pick and choose from to believe.
  15. Correct me if I'm wronf but it's still a penalty even if it's not with malicious intent? Because what I saw is Willy was going down so was lower than usual. The player did pish forward leading with his head. In essence he was like a torpedo. If willy was upright he would not have taken it to the chin (didn't look helmet to helmet to me, looked helmet to face). But that's still a penalty, no?
  16. Yup. And had terrible dialogue and was badly directed too. He was just chewing scenery left and right.
  17. I think Petan begins his season with the moose but we will see him at some point. Could Scheif be looking over his shoulder for the 2C spot?
  18. @SpectorsHockey: $7.5 million per season for seven years for Ryan O'Reilly with the #Sabres. Holy overpayment, Batman!
  19. Totally disagree. And agree actually. Canon should be embraced. Not perverted. Think of it this way, you have two audiences. The hardcore trek fans tjay will always be there. If they love the film they will see it ten times, buy all the merch and spread the positive word. Then there is the mainstream movie goer. That's the audience the studio was trying to get. You don't need to ignore canon to get the wide audience because they don't know any better anyway. But ignoring or twisting canon alienates the existing fan base. The problem with STID was it alienated the fans with a bad perverse twist on canon and was too convoluted for general audiences to understand. It was the worst of both world. The general audience knows Kirk, Spock, Enterprise, Klingons etc. don't change that stuff. For example, mentioning Nurse Chapel. That's a canon reference. Makes trek fans happy. If the general audience doesn't know Chapel, they are none the wiser. They dknt even realize they were subjected to a canon reference. There are a million ways to invoke canon and not alienate the audience. Using khan was all wrong because it broke their own rules. They said the new universe was the same until Nero arrived in the 09 movie. Then why was khan completely different? Plus STID was a war on terror analogy that took the position that the US was bad and the terrorists were just misunderstood. I think that was a message that North Americans were tired of. The writer Orci is a "truther" and wrote a bad plot. If the war on terror plot explored both sides it would have been way better. The real star was Admiral Marcus. But he was a mustache twirling **** Cheney villain. These films are just poorly written. And neither the writers nor producers not studio understand their audience. That's why Orci was fired when he was trying to get Willim Shatner. Which was a great idea by the way. But the studio is so afraid of doing a Star Trek movie that they ran the other way and demanded the new writer make the star trek film less treky.
  20. Would be great if he was ready for the bigs asap.
  21. @FriedgeHNIC: Hearing AAV on Saad on $6M. @FriedgeHNIC: ROR contract very interesting. Salary is $1M per year. Rest is signing bonus: 10, 8, 7.5, 5, 5, 5 and 5.
  22. Don't get me started on how poorly they executed the Star Trek time change. The Star Trek 2009 time travel gimmick sounded great on paper but was terribly executed. Firstly it ignored 50 years of Star Trek canon that says you can go back in time and change the future. They now go with the Multiple Worlds thing. Fail. Secondly, the writers did it so they could be "free from canon" but they LOVE invoking canon whenever they want to show how smart they are (they usually fail). They only ignore canon when the canon violations are as a result of their crappy writing.
  23. The moral of the story is, its okay to be violently brutal in the name of religion if the other side starts it and you think your God is better. Im being sarcastic and certainly will not get into a debate about the Crusades. Im a believer in God but anyone who says "because the bible says so..." is a non-starter. Saw a great post on FB. "Even if you think being gay is a choice, so what. People choose to be a$$holes all the time and they can get married". The way I look at it, if you think it's wrong, so be it. You have the choice to not marry someone of the same sex. But the arrogance and ignorance to actually come down on the side of saying gay marriage should not be allowed...its mind boggling really. In 2015! its almost funny if it wasnt so sad.
  24. Didnt realise Stoll's contract expired. Not aware of any convictions in Richards past...did I miss one? I do know Voynov now has a conviction. Richards hasnt even been charged with anything. Abusing painkillers is a lot different than violently assaulting your wife. Yet they moved quickly to terminate one and havent done squat on the other. In fact the Kings gave him access to their facilities and staff while he awaited trial. Just a poor message. This would be moot if the Kings had just bought Richards out...then it's a bit different. But to use the whole 'oh he violated his contract' by being investigated for a crime and not treating Voynov AT LEAST the same is glaring.
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