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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I know some people who rave about it but I didnt like it. I dont like my Sub's toasted and mine ended up partially burnt
  2. I know some people have been down on Mongos lately but I have to admit its a guilty pleasure and usually worth the guaranteed Mongo's Revenge that arrives shortly after.
  3. Good to hear. In some cases, this forum was becoming a very negative place to be due to the insults, derogatory remarks etc. Intelligent people do not need to insult to make a point and there are a lot of intelligent people here.
  4. In the early 99's Subway really exploded. My friends and I used to go there every day for lunch in high school. I remember it being better but maybe that's just nostalgia. Mr Sub was always better. I then switched from Subs to Pita Pit. When that place opened on University Cres it was the bomb. Lots of meat, lots of cheese. It's still decent but for you vegans they seem to hate you there.
  5. Burger: Johnnys on Marion. Johnny G's is also pretty good. I just went to some greasy spoon on North Pembina for the first time (cant remember the name Something Grill) and the burger was huge but had zero taste. Pizza: I will second the vote for Gondola. I am also a big fan of Tony's on Pembina. And if anyone needs pizza for a party, Santa Lucia's Giant Pizza is huge and a great conversation piece. Complaint: WTF is with McDonald's fries? More often then not they only half fill those things. And now they charge for McChicken sauce...like come on. I agree Wendy's is a better fast food joint. Prefer 5 Guys to Fatburger. Five Guys has a great hotdog also. Where is Carl jr's located?
  6. Lawless is a loser?Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. If by lead you mean the chemical element, whereby, lead reporter means he's capable of "killing" a story with the angle he chooses to write, then I would agree with your point. The fact is, in an analogy, that if Lawless were our starting or 'lead' QB, we would not settle for this mediocrity, but rather would demand a change. He is the Steven Jyles of writers, when we really want the Tom Clements or Khari Jones. Just because he "is" where he is doesn't mean he should be. The people making those decisions who have money on it disagree with you.I suppose I could be wrong. Its possible that people who's only medium for expressing their sports opinion is a message board are in fact, far more insightful than the guy being paid by the Free Press and TSN. But I doubt it. Chill with the appeal to authority schtick. Lawless is a lazy reporter -- when was the last time he even had a quote, much less figures and stats? You are correct, he is a big deal in WPG with multiple channels, which likely explains why he only has time to pen opinion pieces masquerading as reporting, but he is certainly no Ed Tait. What does he masquerade as? He certainly hasn't pretended to be anything other than a columnist. In fact he often mentions exactly what his job is.
  7. Lawless is a loser? Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. If by lead you mean the chemical element, whereby, lead reporter means he's capable of "killing" a story with the angle he chooses to write, then I would agree with your point. The fact is, in an analogy, that if Lawless were our starting or 'lead' QB, we would not settle for this mediocrity, but rather would demand a change. He is the Steven Jyles of writers, when we really want the Tom Clements or Khari Jones. Just because he "is" where he is doesn't mean he should be. The people making those decisions who have money on it disagree with you. I suppose I could be wrong. Its possible that people who's only medium for expressing their sports opinion is a message board are in fact, far more insightful than the guy being paid by the Free Press and TSN. But I doubt it.
  8. Lawless is a loser? Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. I wish I was as big a loser as in my field as Gary is in his. So being a Burke apologist got old, and your trolling ways have lead you to being a Lawless supporter now? I've enjoyed seeing that Lawless' latest Bomber articles have been upbeat... but dude, a spade's a spade. To state that it was Walters' decision to take a discounted salary (for his rookie GM gig) so that he could redirect the funds to football ops seems like a very illogical premise. The rest of the article is fine, if you don't mind articles that are written on illogical premises. Give credit where it's due. Walters is being painted as a charitable figure. If he does a good enough job to earn a raise and extension, he surely won't be turning it away to instead allocate to football ops. Walters and Miller should be praised for the valuable things they've done, namely convincing the BoD to open the purse strings to hire more coaches and personnel guys. Lawless glosses over that. I'm a troll? Why is that the immediate response for people too stupid to engage in a thoughtful discussion? Maybe go back to OB where the discussion will be more to your liking.
  9. Lawless is a loser? Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. I wish I was as big a loser as in my field as Gary is in his.
  10. I know its not popular to support Lawless but the Lawless hate is so over-the-top. He's too pro-Walters. No no no, he will soon be anti-Walters. Everyone disagrees with him. He appears to the masses. I mean WTF people. There should be a new rule - if you dont like a Gary article, either dont comment or discuss why you disagree with him. The remarks calling him a loser or a hack or whatever say far more about the person saying that and having no ability to debate the issue than of Lawless.
  11. Okay Shankman... Hey don't say Jesus because some people may find that offensive. Who's shankman
  12. Why would he do that? Better to just keep collecting a paycheque and waiting for a trade, while you hock cruellers and coffee to people in Detroit who have no idea who Tim Hortons is. Tim Horton.
  13. Joking about Ukraine situation. Jesus.... There really needs to be a deadline on when all insults to past Bombers need to be concluded. Sick of hearing about Mack
  14. Funny you say that. Went to A&W last night and the gf was quite dismayed at the one size fries.
  15. I mean Glenn will become very valuable to another team. I doubt he sees any playing time In Ottawa.
  16. Good thing it wasn't this year. Feb? -47 with the windchill? Goodluck.
  17. Well it's getting warmer. I just don't think we need him. Good on Walters for having an abundance of caution but don't give up quality starters
  18. I've not found Lawless to be a flip flopper. When I hear him give a different opinion he often admits he was wrong or changed his mind and why. Which is not a flip flopper on the usual negative definition. His interview style can be annoying but it's his reporter training. He tries to lead people to the conclusion he wants or lead them to the quote he's looking for. I'm sure it's great at getting material for his articles but unnatural for an audio interview.
  19. What an utterly useless, stupid post. This has as much insight as a Lawless article. No wonder you like him. My remarks were clear and concise. Insight not required since the content pointed directly to a conclusion that was both accurate and clear. It's unfortunate you have such blind hatred for lawless. Try injecting some insight into your own posts
  20. No rush in Ottawa. Someone's starter will get hurt eventually and then Glenn becomes a steal at whatever price. Personally as much as I like Glenn I'm fine with Hall as our back up. He's a good QB.
  21. At risk of igniting the debt debate I think they are okay until the NDP get ousted. Then all bets are off as far as what they might have to pay back. The sneaky NDP "sponsorships" to help cover some costs (like traffic issues) might not be there under a PC government I'm all for public investment on IGF (even though I'm a conservative at heart) but I suspect in time that dept will be somehow forgiven.
  22. Great great point about subway. I miss the wedge. The trend away from supersize annoys me too. I realise North Americans are grossly obese but that rare time I want a bucket of fries and a Keg of coke I shouldn't be denied.
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