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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You dont trade guys only because they are busts. I'm fine with trading Kane *because* he's good. You get a lot of return. If Kane is a great guy, team player, fits into what the team is doing, wants to be here, etc etc etc, sure, sign him to a 10 year contract. There are many reasons you'd trade a quality talent. I'm not sure the talent Kane brings fits into the identity the Jets are going for. I think there is a sense his desire has been lacking since the team was all but eliminated and I think that has disappointed management a lot. A Kane trade *could* bring back the pieces we need to compete for ten years. Keeping Kane could be what puts us over the top too.
  2. A Couple of teams? If Kane is available at least 20 teams are interested.
  3. I wouldn't say Kane's stock has dropped. There isn't a hockey journalist alive who doesn't think teams would line up and salivate at the prospect of making offers for Kane. If he was a scratch for no other reason than poor play it's very interesting. It's been said many times that part of why Maurice is here is to provide Chevy with a fresh perspective on guys. Kane could be the jewel of the draft day deals. He doesn't have to bring back a player of equal potential as long as he brings back several key pieces that make the team better over all. Blake wheeler has clearly usurped Kane as the Jets resodent superstar and there's no reason to believe Scheif and Trouba won't be the heart and soul of this team for he best 10+ years. Kane is potentially expendable. If chevy hangs a for sale sign around Kane's neck he will have a lot of options.
  4. And the less you post the more I'll know!!! Nice try but that was stupid.
  5. The more Nate posts the less he seems to know about hockey.
  6. I agree about nuclear. Risks aside it really should be the preferred energy source. We're going to need it for space exploration also (unless we can make some of the other ideas feasible). The fact we havent gone back to the Moon or Mars yet really grinds my gears (oh wait, thats another thread). Blame the Big O (bama) on that one.
  7. I was quite unhappy to have a buddy refuse to go to Hooters because he's gay and "why would I want to go there". To which I asked "well, if you get a female server anywhere do you demand to be moved?" Just foolish. Anyway...while the servers were attractive I didnt find it that big of a deal. Tank tops and short...meh. yes, short shorts but they were wearing some sort of leggings or something. I'd like to back and try their burger which got good reviews from the people I was with. I've also had Moxies a few times lately. Salad was better at Hooters but Moxie's has a great burger. The service is excellent also.
  8. Come on guys, dont help Nate out. He made a comment without justification and Im eager to see what he comes up with.
  9. Ate at Hooters last week for the first time she they opened in their old location. I was there for a charity fundraiser otherwise it wouldnt be my usual hangout. 20 years ago I found the food average at best and the servers were far too aggresive in their flirting. But they were good last week. Servers were really nice. Had a Chicken Cesar. it was good. Decent atmosphere.
  10. Also that didnt answer my question at all. You said Kane couldnt pull in L.A. the crap he's pulled in Winnipeg. What crap has he pulled in Winnipeg? Being injured? Having multiple line-mates? Being moved around the line up? What has Kane done that you object to?
  11. This season, no. After the prior two seasons, factoring in age, talent, potential, upwards trajectory, comps, the cap and salaries? Yes. The good news is, it isnt a one year deal. The better news is, most teams that want Kane and will give up a lot to give him wouldnt blink an eye at $6 million
  12. Wonder if there is any desire for a Pavs for Reimer deal. Reimer is an RFA but TO usually likes to have a couple of options. He might factor into an Islanders deal also (Pavs I mean, with the jets doing a separate deal to bring Reimer home). Reimer could be very good with a change of scenario but if he came here and faultered we're pretty much back at square one.
  13. I'm in love with that trade. Kane can showcase his speed-skating and errant shots in front of Popeye Sutter. Wonder how long Kane would go in LA before Sutter has a few words for him. ie. I don't think Kane could get away with some of the same crap in LA that he does in Wpg. Such as?
  14. Top six, mid six depth, pick, prospect. The issue being, if someone has a top six to give, why would they want Kane. It would have to be a scenario where someone has a guy that doesnt fit or two players who arent Kane-calibre but still in that 2nd line for talent. In an ideal world, we'd keep him and he'd be awesome. Its the variables that impact this decision (attitude, does he want to be here, does he play the style our coaches and ownership want etc).
  15. Larry Updike might be telling the truth. My friend who worked for him was certainly not lying. What do you expect Peter to say? Besides, its not like Peter has a sterling reputation amongst all of his staff either but he's smart enough to know what kind of quote to provide under the circumstances. Also, I would not expect Garth to be anything short of an angel to a guy buying advertising from him.
  16. I agree that we should love and respect our planet A LOT more than we do. There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with awareness. Even if the impact we have is too small to cause global shifts, if we have an impact we should be determined to minimize it. But those efforts should be reasonable, balanced and sensible.
  17. As was Garth Buchko.Buchko essentially became the face of everything that was wrong with the Bombers and IMO that was unfair. The Bombers, Province and City needed their scapegoat and that's where he came in handy. I disagree with this. Garth was never front and centre unless it was a good news story No ? So Garth Buchko having to deal with the Water situation was a good news story ? Or better yet the first 2 delay announcements by him were good news stories ? Lapo being fired a good news story ? Should I go on ? Say whatever you want. Garth was a terrible hire, a terrible CEO and ran for the hills when the heat got to be too much. Zero respect for him as an executive. Was told recently by someone who worked for him in radio "he's a great sales man but a lot of people couldnt stand working for him, especially on-air talent. ****."
  18. I guess the man-made polution is so bad it's also causing Mars to trend warmer too.
  19. If Buff is truly enjoying playing forward and wants to be here, then I'm more enthuesed about keeping him. The guy has been much maligned, went from D to RW to LW, multiple line-mates etc and has flourished. Next season? He has to factor into the top six. Im fine trading Kane if the return is worth it.
  20. To be honest, I always want the team to win and always get caught up in the desire for victory. But at times like these, when they lose, it bothers me a lot less because its all about the future and the draft position plays into that.
  21. Ill be interested to see how this plays. On one hand, no police charges = dead issue for most. In reality, I've seen the cops pick sides a thousand times and lay charges when they shouldn't or decline charges when they should (most egregiously when I was attacked by three guys with a nail-studded baseball bat that resulted in many stitches to me face, caught on video, charges filed and DROPPED because some young Crown decided it was a consensual fight LOL)...so anything is possible. But you dont hear about issues like this with Andrew Ladd. Or Blake Wheeler. Or Bryan Little. It's not the kind of PR True North likes.
  22. I would not pay him $4.5 million again. To be our bird line centre? Come on. He was awful last season. This could be considered a bounce back season. But he still has had long stretches of invisibility and as a number 2 centre simply did nothing with our most offensively gifted player. Between Odell, Lowry, Burmi etc I think we have better value already in the system. Jokinen is the safe choice to have around I grant that.
  23. Some chatter online and TSN 1290 about the future of Olli Jokinen. Matt Leibel expressed growing interest in re-signing Jokinen. Im not sure he fits for next season but we certainly need depth and while he's more of a mid-six guy, not having anyone capable of stepping up to the top six in the case of injury hurt us this year. I'd be interested in him at one year, $2 million. He has good qualities, is positive, leader and has improved his offensive output while being defensivly sound. If given a choice between the two, I'd re-sign Burmistrov. Kane got mentioned because the Jokinen discussion apparently transitioned into "trade Kane for assets" which I am more and more intrigued about.
  24. Wasnt he a Francophone folk hero? Why was that offensive to Francophones? I assumed it was because he'd surely be called Big Muff.
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