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Posts posted by Valderan_CA



    What future would we have mortgaged?  What young guy on this team is making top dollar?


    A trade will mortgage the future much more than matching an offer.

    Did Ottawa pay Burris 465k/yr for 3 years. If so that is what I would call mortgaging the future....financially. QBs have notorious egos so paying this old guy 1;3M is madness.


    You can win a GC with a less than average QB (Sean Salisbury) if you have great D and a decent offense...



    No.  An average quarterback and defence can get you to the big game... only to get blown out by a great quarterback...  see 2011.




    Cmon now... we hardly got blown out.  That game might have ended in the Bomber's favour if Willis hadn't dropped that gimme interception for a touchdown.  (The bombers were down by less than 10 at that point and the lions ended up scoring on that drive - the drop was a 14 point shift)

  2. I believe Banks is a future hall of famer, but IMO he's past his best before date already. Adding his veteran leadership should be considered a big positive though.



    Just because your milk is past its best before date doesn't mean it isn't still good enough to drink - I think Banks is the kind of guy we need on our team to right the ship.

  3. Calgary is a rock-solid organization (save for the QB position, which I have no doubt Huffer will figure out).


    Once I heard they were in the mix I knew Stubler was heading there. 

    I dunno... their QB position doesn't seem that bad


    They have Bo Levi who has looked good when playing and Tate who has looked exceptional when he isn't hurt...  I would trade that for what we got in a flash.

  4. And ottawa picks... Pierre luc labbe



    He really didn't show much loyalty to the Bombers declaring his retirement prior to the draft eh... couldn't have just mentioned it to Walters so we didn't need to protect him and announce the retirement after the draft?

    Watch we wasted a pick protecting Labbe because we had to send in the list before he made his announcement.

  5. Kgroh isn't that good... Looks like TO decided keeping was more valuable than eppele

    Lavoie is the only real surprise... Well and green, ha


    Lavoie isn't that much of a surprise, he was really good for the Alouettes in 2012 (their offense didn't use him at all this year but I don't think that was his fault)

    Green however.... really makes you wonder what we protected (and that they are really sticking to their guns about not taking free agents)


    Been there. The team players he brought in were immediate upgrades over the ones Mack had in previously.

    You mean guys like Foster? Gonna go ahead and disagree with you there. What other moves were there? The Neufeld trade? Well why don't we wait to see the guy play before we judge that one?  There is really very little to go on for the guy at this point, it will be determined when they play some games next year. 



    I still think the Foster for Buck trade was a good one... even if Foster ends up being a complete bust we weren't going back to Buck and it completely eliminates any chance of going back again this year.


    Ripping the bandaid


    I just have a hard time believing that sask will let cortez walk... But if he does and we go with jones instead of cortez, that seems a bit crazy.

    I think lapo would be better off taking a job with montreal... Could be hc in a year...

    It's my understanding he was on a one year contract just like most assistants are. If that's the case then the Riders can't stop him from leaving.

    All indications out of Montreal indicate Thorpe is being groomed to be HC next season.



    I really liked Thorpe's defense this year - Balls to the wall pure aggression all game long, every single game.


    I don't know what he was doing on the backend, but it didn't even feel like they were getting blown up on big plays all the time with the constant blitzes either.



    Slightly off topic but I'm watching the Jags-Texans game (as the Jets were playing like poop tonight) and I saw them iso on Austin Pasztor at guard for the Jags and talk about how he's got a long career ahead of him on the O-line there.  That made me smile as I still remember that jerk Tillman high-fiving everyone when Edmonton got to draft him after Mack took Pencer instead.  Who's laughing now Eric??

    Andy Mulamba.




    That is yet to be determined... as far as I can tell he is doing alright with the Pack, it will be telling since due to injury they have to start him.



    Good report on this in Kirk Penton's blog:




    He ends with:




    Finally, I had to ask McManus if he could still play quarterback at the tender age of 48, and his answer proved he has a solid understanding of the CFL’s collective bargaining agreement. “Maybe a play or so,” he said, “but I told Kyle not until after the ninth game of the year so my contract is guaranteed.”




    To me listening to it, McManus came off more like he knew what he needed to do to get paid for an full year as a player.  I wouldn't say that it means he has a "solid understanding of the CFL’s collective bargaining agreement".  It was a lame question from Penton in the news conference, going for a good quote, instead of asking something that might be important.




    It was a joke...

  10. The Stamps run 5 or 6 camps like that all over the US & have found a number of very good players that way. They weren't invitational. Anyone can come which opens it up to a lot more players. That is the difference between the Stamps & Bombers. I know the Lions have the same set up as the Stamps for free agent camps as well. No invitations. Yeah, the players pay but so what? If they want to be pro football players it costs money for the fringe players. Costs money to become a civil engineer or a teacher, too. Be interesting to see what the Bomber scouting dept do  now...


    There are arguments both ways...

    invitational camps means you don't up wasting any time on guys who show up and have absolutely no chance of peaking your interest whatsoever (since you want to look at everyone coming)

    non-invitational camps have a lot more faces (some of whom shouldn't have paid the money to show up and are a waste of your time) and you can sometimes see someone whom you never heard of but impress enough to take a second look.

  11. The majority of people in Morris aren't racist, that we can be certain of.  But is a greater percentage of the community racist and homophobic compared to most other towns/cities in southern Manitoba?  It's starting to look that way.


    This is the second incident that has occurred in Morris and with the same restaurant no less.  Where there's smoke, there's fire.


    Or a smoker



    Saying this is the second incident being evidence of a problem totally ignores other evidence showing the opposite.

    It is telling that this location has had FIVE restaurants close down in this location in 4 years... Before Pots and Hands and before Thea's there were 3 other businesses that bit it there


    One was Charlottes Cafe which facebook tells me seems to have been run by a pretty white woman (VERY white... with flaming red hair) named Charlotte (who also appears to be straight based on facebook photos) - and somtime before that was a Chicken Delight that was owned by a Randy Wiebe (I couldn't find much but name alone would suggest he was from the area).


    Think about how it must feel to open a restaurant thinking you are realizing a dream (of owning your own business/restaurant) and things start to go wrong... In the case of Pots and Hands these guys were very accomplished cooks preparing food that was, at least in their opinion, a step above anything else available in the town.  Things aren't going well and you just can't figure out why and suddenly you remember that some idiot called you a couple of fags... the cogs start turning and you remember every negative interaction in the light of homophobia (perception can be a powerful filter).


    Step forward 8 months and now you are the new owner of a restaurant that you believe closed because the town was close-minded, things aren't going well despite the fact that people should be coming in droves to your place (at least you think they should be).  You start wondering why you can't get enough business to stay afloat and you remember that this town is a bunch of close-minded bigots... right you even had someone make a racist comment at you once... it suddenly all makes sense.




    Nevermind that no matter who you are, where you are located - if you own a business where you interact with the general public you will encounter close minded idiots.  I wouldn't be shocked if the previous owners of the businesses could also look back and find some form of discrimination they once experienced from a patron and blame the failure of their businesses on that as well if they chose to make that their story.


    I'm sure gay restaurant owners in San Francisco have, albeit on rare occasion, had homophobic slurs slung in their general direction by customers unhappy with their service.



    Which is more likely -


    Thea's and Pots and Hands ended up closing because their business model in this location was a bad one, just like the two (maybe three) restaurants that had to close in that location before them.



    The other two restaurants that closed means nothing - Pots and Hands and Thea's would have thrived if it wasn't for the close-minded bigots who populate the town of Morris.


    Before you super tolerant heros take up your pitchforks and run everyone from Morris out of the province, maybe take time to hear both sides of the story: http://townofmorris.ca/an-open-letter-to-gordon-sinclair-winnipeg-free-press/


    Shockingly, sometimes the media paints a pretty biased and even - gasp - dishonest story.


    I read the post.  The problem is that this councilor is taking the wrong approach.  He shouldn't be going down the "nothing is wrong, we've been framed!" route.  He would be better off doing something proactive, starting up anti-discrimination groups, campaigns, etc.  That's how you clean up your town's image.  Not by saying "No, no, no!!  They're lying!  Everything is GREAT here!"


    Do I believe everyone or even a large percentage of Morris are racist or homophobic?  Nah.  But that post does absolutely nothing to help their cause, in fact it makes them look worse.




    It can be difficult to tuck your tail between your legs and try a PR (essentially) campaign showing how you are taking steps to fix a problem you honestly don't believe exists in your community.

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