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Posts posted by Valderan_CA



    I really wish the league would release the protected lists, Cohon's reason for not doing so is just sad.

    but it's a very good reason actually. GMs don't want to deal with players getting their panties in a twist if they weren't protected and I'd rather have the fans left in the dark than to start creating some bad blood between players and management. I mean is it far fetched at all to see some player who wasn't protected but not taken in the draft feel unwanted by their team and start looking for somewhere else to go? Yes they should all be more mature than that but we all know that professional athletes are not always as mature as they should be. 


    The players are obviously going to find out if they're protected or not. Its stupid, but I can't say I'm surprised given the stance on the Neg List and Salaries.



    How will they find out... not getting picked by Ottawa != protected


    Re: Cortez: imagine how good his TiCats could have been if his DC wasn't Casey Creehan.

    It's not often that the top-scoring team in any league also has the worst record in that league.

    I prefer Higgins but I'm definitely intrigued by Cortez' offensive skills.


    I heard he was wearing out his welcome in SK. Granted, a GC ring will chill his critics, but I would sure like him here as an OC/Assistant HC.


    Of course, we still need a fricken QB.



    I don't even understand how Cortez could be on the outside in SK... did anyone over there see their offensive performance this year?  That wasn't entirely the result of having a good running back.



    Again your opinion is based on your personal perception vs. reality.   


    Someone mentioned this and I think it's important to keep this in mind.  Miller is ensconced in the Wpg business community and if he fucks this up and it becomes a public debacle.  It's going to hurt him more anyone else.  


    I hear his company Pinnacle is having all kinds of profitability issues for a number of years .... nonetheless I love Wade Miller at the controls


    It`s a tough time to be in the recruitment business

  4. If Ac does come back next year then what do the Als do? You don't bench a guy like AC. I mean, they may hope he doesn't come back or decides that he wants to leave the team gracefully. The Als certainly wouldn't want a Brett Favre situation to happen like in Green Bay. Thing is, if the Als don't want to play AC & he still wants to be the starter he just may have to leave to go elsewhere to do that.


    If AC says he wants to come back you quietly tell him that he's too ******* old and shouldn't do it to a stellar career... then offer him a QB coaching position.


    Did you see Garrett run in the game against Edmonton …. their offensive star of the game in my books


    The naysayers who said the achilles injury finished him …. well I hope they run away and hide knowing they have been schooled


    Not getting Garrett back on the field is another example of Burke's inability to recognize and assess talent  … or perhaps his prejudiced attitude does his thinking for him … Garrett could have given the Bombers a bit of a chance this year at a time when it might have mattered … well maybe


    Now what is this I hear about Burke's negatives on Sims-Walker?

    I'll agree Garrett was running hard...but look at the defence he was running against...they are very very poor


     I almost went strikeless to the win betting against their ability to stop a running back from getting into the end zone...  I wouldn't read too much into a RB doing well against edm.

  6. if not for the last couple weeks Denmark was the prime example of a guy who was destroyed by these coaches. Remember how in his rookie year he was seen as the next best rookie behind Chris Williams? And how this year everyone was ready to cut the guy cause he just wasn't getting it done? 



    He is my thoughts on Denmark this year - He either didn't fully understand, or buy into whatever offensive system Crowton started us with.


    It showed, and perhaps that lack of understanding/buy-in hurt him more than just not performing well within the system (he didn't get what he was really supposed to be doing / didn't think it made sense and that resulted in not going at 100% of his full effort)


    Once we got MB as our OC Denmark made a pretty marked turn around in his play.


    I doubt it is coaching affecting Denmark as much as I think it is having a system he understands and believes will work.

  7. I know this. Comparing football to baseball is like comparing apples to oranges. Football is much more technical than baseball. If I am a coach &  I say to my personnel guy on the team that I need an offensive lineman & the guy I want must have certain traits can he find me someone quickly? If a personnel guy can't evaaluate a DVD or go to a game & isn't able to see what certain players are doing on every play then how can they find someone that a coach needs? If attending a game is just a mass of humanity in a huge pile because everything happens so fast well then there is a problem. That's why guys like Miles Gorrell or Rick Worman are hired to do those jobs because they know & understand the game at the pro level. If you guys think a plumber can come in & do an engineers job you're mistaken. Now, if someone actually can break down film & know what to look for then fine.The perfect fit for a personnel guy would be someone who knows the game at the college & pro level, has contacts & has a business degree to take care of the cap & negotiate contracts.



    It isn't so much that Baseball isn't technical, it is, however the additional complexity of football (Baseball is essentially a bunch of 1 v 1 matchups and easy statistics) makes statistical analysis more difficult.


    I wouldn't be shocked to see Football "Moneyballed" sometime in the future with the increase in our ability to use automated video analysis.  Almost something like what they are starting to do in Basketball with the analysis of player movement around the court.

  8. If Cortez was available I would grab him ASAP.


    Durant is a whiner who kills OC's by not believing in what they want to do (which naturally affects his play within their systems) unless it's exactly what he wants to do.  He's just lucky that he is pretty talented and has a couple of exceptionally good receivers (Dressler specifically). 


    Trade for Collaros How exactly? Trade deadline's past and rosters are frozen(no trades allowed) between the Grey Cup and the expansion draft.


    Rosters are frozen for the week before the Expansion Draft.  Basically once teams submit their protected list, December 9-16.  There's two weeks after the Grey Cup for movement.


    I thought the league still had the right to not approve any trades made after the Grey Cup

  10. Would definitely have to come way down from 325....be way too slow at that size. Especially at *only* 6'5"...hell, Doug Brown was 6'8" and just over 300, and he was way too fat. Had to come down to 290 or 295 (bigger difference than it would appear) in order to be able to run as much as is needed in the CFL...


    I don't think speed would be the problem... endurance is the bigger deal


    So Jake Thomas/A 2014 draft pick taking snaps at DT perhaps sharing a spot, with a mix of Labbe in a 3/4 front, Sherman as a dime versus playing say Neufeld at RT, Greaves at G, Swiston or Pencer at G and Sorenson or another NI at C?


    If we want to have a good offence, we should plan to "start" 5 NI's on offence, 2 on defence.  If Pencer or Neufeld win the RT spot, great, Swiston is the better of the 3 so he'll probably end up being our RG by default.  We shouldn't rely on it.  That's a recipe for a bad season.  We really need to solidify the interior though.  For some reason the Mack/Lapo regime had this great fascination with the NI tackles and we've done nothing to procure or develop any interior guys other than Greaves and even Greaves was looked at as a tackle prospect.




    I think they assumed that is a guy could play tackle he could also play Guard... it's turning out to be pretty untrue

  12. My mother, my brother are not renewing their season tickets and are probably gone forever


    My sister canceled theirs this year because of hassles with customer service .... says she won't be back for a while 


    I used to buy Pick 10 but I find the transportation on game day (as a non-parking-pass holder) just takes up too much of my time


    Besides I am not a masochist (well maybe not)


    I am waiting for big changes before I start buying tickets again ... for now, I prefer to suffer at home, privately


    Is there any doubt our season ticket base will fall, not rise, for the 2014 season?


    Transportation is easily one of the things the Bombers have done best.  With the exception of pre-season the park and ride system has been a delight.  I never have to hunt for a parking spot, basically never have to wait in traffic while driving (since the drive to the park and ride is basically traffic free) and have to wait little to no time for a bus.


    It's difficult to judge at this point of the season but an improved Hall, an improved offensive scheme with Marcel and a slightly improved o line are positive developments.


    Positive developments yes, but too little too late I would imagine.


    Not trying to take away the good things we have seen lately, but that can't cloud the fact that there is much more wrong with this team than there is right.  A few games to close out the season that show positive developments can't change minds about what needs to be done to be much better next season.  


    We finished last season 4-3 with the brain trust thinking we were on the right track, so little to nothing was done in the off-season.  I would hope that we learnt our lesson then.




    We finished 4-3 on the back of some decent quarterback play from Joey Elliot, whom we then released and went back to Buck Pierce (who appears to be no longer able to play football at a high level).


    I'm not saying Elliot is a saviour, but if we had started the year with him as our starter I don't think we would be eliminated from the playoffs yet.

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