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Posts posted by Y2C

  1. The positives from the game are that it is now certain that the defensive front 7 needs serious upgrades.  There are no excuses when with Calgary's o-line injuries your front is not only getting no pressure, but getting absolutely dominated.

    The group is mostly going to get a chance to turn it around though, because let's face it, who's out there to sign before NFL cuts?


    That's okay though. It isn't as though we have 7 useless plugs up front. Now it's a situation where if these guys don't show they can be effective they're going to be searching for a job sooner rather than later.


    It's sink or swim time for a lot of guys (not just on D, btw).  So yes, as far as positives go, at least as we get further into the season we're starting to separate the recurring problems from early season anomalies.


    Plus as lackluster as Hurl has been as a non-factor at MLB, he is still an improvement from the negative suffered with Kuale in the middle. :unsure:

  2. I don't have knee jerk reactions to games, so it's nice to get some closure. I don't care what the circumstances are, to not take advantage of Calgary's o-line situation is unacceptable. The front 7 has been under scrutiny from the start, but this tears it.


    The thing is, changes clearly need to happen on the defensive front, but what exactly can you do before NFL cuts?


    The guys we have now are going to have a chance to prove themselves before the axe comes down, so all we can do is hope.


    Got to single him out, Hurl has the right passport but that's it. When you're the MLB you have to be involved in the game. A month into the season and can you name a single play he has made? The only time I notice him is when I see a replay and he's negated by the offense with ease.


    As I say, he's got every opportunity to redeem himself. And of course it's hardly all on him. Zero pressure on a line patched together with chewing gum is a far bigger problem than one guy.


    Show isn't bad and has potential.  It's kind of like a football version of Entourage

    Yeah the Entourage vibe comes from having Mark Wahlberg as the producer. Its very like the Entourage as well in that they have guest stars from the NFL (current and past players and coaches) playing versions of themselves, much like Entourage has a lot of movie stars playing themselves, and as Entourage was supposed to be a glimpse of sorts into how Hollywood works this show is supposed to be a glimpse into how the NFL operates, including contract negotiations etc. I like it, it's pretty funny, and the Rock is pretty good in his role as a newly retired NFL player trying to become a financial manager while dealing with his past concussion history and lingering pain/painkiller addiction, and also trying to retain a shred of integrity. I highly recommend it to football fans. The slam on Saskatchewan was the first CFL reference I've seen so far, but I expect a few more. What is funny is that the Rock actually played for Calgary in 1995.



    He attended training camp. He wasn't good enough to make the team.

  4. Listen, the chest thumping from a lot of Rider fans is unbearable, and we've been subjected to Glen Suitor fawning over anything in green for over a decade now, but nobody deserves to endure Nate's try-hard schtick.


    Rider Nation are good people. Passionate CFL fans, the vast majority of them. Rivalries are one thing, but to subject another group of human beings to Nate's ramblings? Do you not have a heart?


    Enjoying a forum without Nate's goofiness? Wondering how I ever got along without the use of "z"s in the place of "s"s... It being so kewl and all. :rolleyes:

  5. Aside from the obvious ones already mentioned I had a special one on a personal note.


    Went to my first road game last season. Bus trip down for a game in Minnesota. Two busloads of Winnipeg fans headed out first thing in the morning on Boxing Day.  Great atmosphere at Xcel, massive contingent of Jets fans in the building. Dueling Let's Go Wild-Go Jets Go chants all night. Was a sweet back and fourth game too. Wheeler's short handed goal in the 3rd period to (briefly) take the lead happened right in front of us. There was even a loud "Thorburn" chant after a fight.


    Most importantly of course, the Jets won in overtime on Ladd's weird goal off the glass behind the net, off the goalie's back and in.  I high five'd a shitload of people in Jets jerseys that night. :lol:


    Here's a shot from my seat that fine evening.




    My former TSN feed has now become TSN 3, and I don't have access to the main network anymore! Fortunately, as noted above, 95% of the time it isn't a problem because they are showing the same thing on 1 and 3 (and 4 and 5 for that matter).



    Unless you want to watch the World hockey gold medal game and there's a &*!($@* nascar race on. :angry:

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