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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Edmonton is widely considered the second best team in the league and we beat them with 87 yards passing. This team needs merely non-disastrous QB play to win.
  2. QB “wins” is the worst stat in football. There’s no such thing as “all a guys does is win.” There’s a way to play QB well AND win, rather than play poorly and hope the rest of the team bails you out. So far, that’s what has happened with Nichols. The strength of the rest of the team is vastly underrated.
  3. This concept is truly insane. If that is the end result, it will have everything to do with the cupcake schedule the Bombers had through nine weeks.
  4. Streveler legitimately barely played.
  5. Wilder isn’t good, too expensive and two back systems are extremely limiting in the CFL. Hard pass.
  6. Sample size with Nichols being bad is much larger than Streveler being bad. He was terrible for the majority of last season and half of this season. It has been proven time and time again that the QB for this team needs to be merely average in order to win and that should be an achievable goal for Streveler regardless of the outcome this week. If he wins in Edmonton, I consider it a bonus.
  7. And I believe that even if Streveler is mediocre, which is very possible, over the next six weeks we will realize how unimportant Matt Nichols is. I fully expect to lose to Edmonton, but I would have expected a loss in this game if Nichols were playing as well. I just hope we don’t jump to conclusions based on this one game.
  8. Do NOT rush him back. Regardless of how the team is doing. Even if Streveler or McGuire aren’t the answers, we’ve seen Nichols when he’s not fully healthy. It’s not pretty. Not worth wrecking his arm forever.
  9. Agree to agree that they were both horrific.
  10. Watching every single QB put up massive numbers against the Argos only underscores how bad Nichols was in that game.
  11. He does a good enough job neutering himself.
  12. Here’s the thing. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see Lapo institute a gimmicky gameplan with minimal downfield passing but what would be the point? Streveler has four starts and is in his second season, if he can’t run the full playbook with a few extra plays mixed in to highlight his legs then we have bigger problems than just the next 6-8 weeks. If you don’t have confidence the guy can run that offence, then what’s the point in having him as your backup QB? Granted, this is all jumping to conclusions without any evidence that it will be a condensed playbook but it’s far from out of the realm of possibility. Beyond that, I can’t see this scenario as anything other than a win-win. If Streveler either struggles or puts up similar numbers to Nichols, you put Nichols back in and you reevaluate the QB spot after the season. If he excels, you have to at least assume that the struggles of the offence had at least something to do with Nichols and you consider moving on after the season. While you don’t want to give games away, the team has a cushion to play with and getting Streveler meaningful reps now could come in VERY handy late in the year.
  13. Anything any team gives up is too much for that scrub.
  14. I mean, the players don’t deserve the confidence either but your point is well taken. That team is hopelessly bad.
  15. And he burned them the one time they let him have the ball. This BC coaching staff is all time bad.
  16. There’s nothing wrong with having a couple series a game designed to let Streveler play. I’m sure Lapo wishes Streveler had more game reps now that he will be pressed into duty for likely 6 weeks. The issue is the gimmicks. I’m all for crazy motion and fakes as a change of pace but even with a QB who is a great runner, it should be used sparingly and not the norm.
  17. Let’s see him with the full playbook. Maybe he succeeds, maybe he doesn’t. Excited to see it, though.
  18. Nichols did what he needed to do tonight. He was fine.
  19. Hansen and Kongbo are both monsters. Good lord.
  20. Amazing moment for Hansen. Good for him. Could be a player.
  21. We don’t know how lucky we are to have special teams this good.
  22. We don’t know how lucky we are to have a defence this good.
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