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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Nevis and Richardson are almost exclusively the reason for our stout run defence. They are both essentially unblockable. Granted, pass defence is infinitely more important than run defence but it’s nice to make teams one dimensional right out of the gate.
  2. I think it’s arguable at best that Nichols is a better passer than Streveler but it’s not worth going pass by pass. The main point I’m trying to make is that very few anti-Nichols people didn’t also acknowledge that Lapo wasn’t also a huge problem. I think Lapo being terrible was a built in excuse for Nichols’ failures and it’s a dangerous precedent to assume once Lapo is gone, Nichols performs any better.
  3. And of course I’m more sympathetic and willing to give the benefit of the doubt to a 24-year old QB making his seventh career start who has look better than any QB of his age has looked for this city since the 80s than a 34-year old QB who makes the same mistakes every year. Especially if the end results are largely the same.
  4. I think there’s more to it than this. The things Nichols struggles with (making plays under pressure, moving the pocket, hitting intermediate routes) are things that aren’t as fixable with a good game plan. When everything is going wrong for the offence, at bare minimum Streveler can make plays with his legs. And in games like today, where he was hitting his short and intermediate routes with ease, there really is nothing Nichols does better than him. The flaw in the gameplan today in my mind was the only deep shot they took was with Darvin throwing the ball. Especially while Evans was out injured, how do you not attack that?
  5. I think the bottom line for me is, did Streveler leave any plays on the field in the second half? And to me the answer is no. He absolutely did not light it up but once again he was put in a position to fail by his co-ordinator. And I’m sympathetic to Nichols in the sense that Lapo also does him no favours while still being convinced Streveler is both better and gives this team a better chance to win.
  6. Would have been a different game altogether. Keep oscillating, though.
  7. Jefferson’s poor contain alone was responsible for a number of big plays against.
  8. I’m genuinely not sure what Streveler could have done differently in the second half. He made the plays that were in front of him. Play calling was once again a joke. It’s not like he was careless with the ball or even missing receivers.
  9. The three certainties of life: death, taxes and Chris Matthews being afraid of contact.
  10. Adams’ arm low key sucks. For every play he makes, he leaves two on the table by tossing up floaters.
  11. Blessing in disguise. Lapo was about to take his foot off the gas.
  12. The inevitable return of Nichols as the starter is going to be heartbreaking.
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