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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. The Riders have awful talent and people want to add the personal guy they just fired?
  2. John Murphy and Jones. Shoot, the Riders are poised to be good.
  3. Ok on Chris Jones, imagine if this off-season, the New York Jets hired away Bill Bellichik as their coach and GM? Think the NFL would allow that Ripper? Think of the responses from fans and the media.
  4. Great news. Good job by Walters. Hope we do the same for Chung.
  5. Yay, we go for the easy/buddy hire again.
  6. May I be the first to say what we are all thinking, here's to Chris Jones falling flat on his face and be less successful than New Coke in Riderland.
  7. Imagine adding Cappocitti and Bilikudi to Westerman. That's three NI's on D right there. No more Hurl at LB or Bucknor at DB.
  8. If Walters pulled that off, I'd go down to IGF and take him out for some beers.
  9. The Riders with Reinbold as GM, Jim Daley as Head Coach, Marcel as OC and Etch as DC would be a dream.
  10. No LaPo please. Won't somebody please think of the children?
  11. I'd like Cortez, experienced and successful. Much better choice than Lapo or Chappy imo.
  12. 1. JT's wife wasn't elected. She has no official role. She may choose to but that is a choice. 2. JT's is a millionaire. 3. JT makes $335,000 well into the 1%. 4. JT campaigned against child care benefits for the wealthy. Given # 2 and # 3 he can afford to pay for his own childcare as he did before becoming PM. Given #4 this action is hypocritical. My biased opinion, he's an entitled little brat like many Liberals before him but I am sure he is entitled to his entitlements in his mind.
  13. I'd like to add a FU to Wally for denying us permission to talk to Khari too.
  14. He makes over $50,000 more than the line for the beginning of the 1%, ero he's even better than the 1%, he can afford to pay for his own child care.
  15. Trudeau makes $327,000 per year as Prime Minister. The top 1% is $272,000. The entitled brat should pay for his own childcare. I challenge anybody to defend this action by Justin "I support the middle class" Trudeau.
  16. Hopefully he's a good one. Too bad he's not a running back.
  17. I see a number of kids and parents at the games. I do agree that if I had kids, I might lean towards the Goldeyes or Moose.
  18. The game was great. My thought is though that future games in Winnipeg, Regina and Edmonton should start a 3pm.
  19. Never hurts to give a NI a look, unless his name is Jade.
  20. Yeah give it to a guy who played with the only healthy oline, the MOP QB and 3 other thousand yard receivers. The media sucks.
  21. In a heartbeat. I think many here would help MOS/Walters pack and drive Huff in from Calgary.
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