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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. You guys discussing all these rookie rb/wrs/jack off all trades offensive weapons we've brought in has me excited. However did any serve in the military? Heck, were any of them in the Scouts?
  2. Dang, I'd have been good with Winnipeg paying Pickett $170,000. Good job by Ottawa's GM.
  3. Sorry to see Yoshi go. Agree it seems smart moneywise and it may be smart talentwise.
  4. I'm a little surprised we haven't heard anything about our big two and several other prominent FAs such as Tim White, Jamal Peters, Oulette etc.
  5. Is the ask would I rather have Schoen or Pickett and Hendrix? Love Roadhouse but would take those 2.
  6. O'Day also needs to make Houston the highest paid DB.
  7. If you can lock up the core of a team that went 6-12, you just have to do it.
  8. If we lost Roadhouse but added Tim White, I'd be ok with that. On Brady to Montreal, they not only brought back Antwi but Walter Fletcher as well. They may not be in the market.
  9. Free Agent Tampering period starts Sunday. Curious to see who makes offers to Brady and Dalton and for how much.
  10. Not thrilled about the Jake news. I mean maybe if they know that Mason Bennett and Kongbo are both a no but this could have waited till TC imo.
  11. Curious what people think about Brandon Barlow at DE. 26, with the Argos last year had 30 tackles and 9 sacks while rotating. Could he be a younger, cheaper option at DE over Jeffcoat?
  12. I like Brady but if he wants $250,000, I am more than fine in letting him get it elsewhere and signing Oullette for $170,000 or another cheaper replacement.
  13. MBB has demerits? Next you'll be telling me it filters out swearing.
  14. I've changed my mind on Kolo. I have decided that Walters plan is that he drafts a stud OL prospect who becomes our 6th OL, while Eli beats out Kolo and then Kolo is dealt for draft capital. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 😉
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