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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. Absolutely made my day when he wanted a “poll” done to show people wanted him back, and then the poll said they don’t want him 😂😂 see ya later buddy, career is over!!
  2. Man, sucks because the browns were the team I would root for in the NFL... no longer the case
  3. Yeah Randle will catch on with another squad undoubtedly. Really sucks about Mo, however. Dude was an absolute game changer
  4. Thanks Mr Randle for the great years, really sad to see him go. He repped the blue and gold with respect and dignity, and is a hell of a player. I wish him the best in the future. ... tough business. side question, does anyone think mo will get another look from a cfl squad ?
  5. Wow do I hope you are correct about that. I have a concession business that I operate in Brandon at the Keystone Centre. Just got wind that I almost kinda sorta have gotten the contract for the hockey arena in Halifax. Would love to put in a bid for the new stadium, too !!! not to mention I think having the 10th team would be AWESOME for the league.
  6. Merry Xmas to alll my blue bomber family!!
  7. Hope Ottawa wins ... I think they do
  8. on second thought, some things are best left in the past..
  9. Man, the fact that nasty nate still gets mentioned. (10+ years since his absence) makes the guy a legend. Give him a come back straight for entertainment value to
  10. I HATE this about Nichols. Not the attitude of the winner, or of a q.b. For that matter. Of course I don’t know what he said but he is so Kevin Glenn like personality wise that it’s irritaiting
  11. Got a place to stay in Edmonton which is really nice. Train would be great but my girlfriend works till 5 on Saturday so would likely fly out Sunday morning . 358 bucks round trip for both my girlfriend and I right now
  12. It’s not that , it’s buying the flight. Can get them dirt cheap right now but if the bombers win you know the flights will go through the roof
  13. Need some advice ... want to buy grey cup tickets ... but not if the bombers aren’t in it. chance it and get good price... or wait and let it sky rocket
  14. My friends it’s been a great season. I am very excited and hopeful. we deserve something to cheer about. Go bombers go !!!
  15. Anyone ever see hootie on the message boards any more ?
  16. Appreciate this post sincerely, a millennial
  17. I also don’t disagree with you. I think the riders have been lucky, or fortunate. Whatever you want to call it. my post is only to try and condemn people from speaking without any class or intellect . I’m not even calling anyone out in particular, was just an observation
  18. Hey, I agree no doubt about it. If Kevin Glenn played in 07’ we’d have a grey cup too. We should have won those games, we should have won the game early in the season against B.C. too. But we didn’t and it all counts. anyways my hunch is we meet them again in the semis. Don’t want to jinx anything but I like our chances
  19. Ya know guys I hate to say it, I’m reading a lot of these posts and I see a little bit of double standard going on. lets face it, at the beginning of the season we laughed at rod person for hyping up the riders and placing the bombers at the middle of the pack. We were all confident Chris Jones was a maniac, we thought he would be fired and it was the worst thing since joe Mack. Now here we are, behind the riders in the standings. If rolls were reversed and riders fans were calling us lucky, trashing us, and completely losing class (which they often do) we would be saying what shitty fans they are. The riders are pretty good. I think we can beat them but we haven’t proved a ****** thing or even clinched the playoffs yet. Let’s keep the respect of the league as Bomber fans but also Winnipegers. There are a lot of bomber fans bringing us down a level class wise here....
  20. Rogers back to pass, good protection ... haha noticed that too
  21. Funny, I have noticed the CFL in many shows but was just binge watching a bit today and noticed. of course it makes sense with the rights and all
  22. Completely off topic but watching ozark and saw a ticats - Argos game
  23. Wanted to quote both of these because it sums up perfectly how I feel. I love the team but just don't care anymore . Becoming apathetic. I always start the season excited and hopeful and always end up feeling the same way. Fire osh, then what start over again and re evaluate our expectations for another 3 years. It's exhausting
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