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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. That offensive display clears any cobwebs of doubt of retaining Marcel. I like him but I like him even more…somewhere else.
  2. I hope the players turn in a stellar performance, if only for their own sakes. (** Congrats to B. Dobie and the Bisons for that huge win over Sask. last night.)
  3. It'd be nice to see this weekend: -Goltz present Burke with a new tie and shiny new cufflinks. -A big new doghouse on the sidelines. -A block party announced for DelMomaco and company -A dunk tank contest with Burke on the hot seat (although I'm not sure the QBs could hit the target) -A copy of "Catch Me If You Can" for Marcus Howell (with introduction by Marcel Bellefeuille) -A copy of Cyndi Lauper's hit song "True Colors" for Burke -For all players to be released…free resume services courtesy of Pinnacle Staffing agency (that's for you BriceDream) -Wrist bands inscribed with the definition of discipline (shock collars would never be approved) -And finally…for Coach Creehan…tuition for Mime classes. Any others you'd like to see?
  4. That the source is very high is quite revealing. Yeah well, that's like, your opinion, man Totally man, totally.
  5. That the source is very high is quite revealing.
  6. I, myself, find it easier to believe that errors occurred when in-game changes had to be made, either through injuries or ratio concerns. Then, I can see where 'rookies' making incorrect reads led to veterans trying to over-compensate. The amount of players having to play in different positions always leads to some sort of confusion and, for us, always seemed to lead to the big play. We saw evidence of this numerous times through-out the season. I'm reminded of this recently when Burke said they prepared for a particular play but because of injury, the next guy in did not know his role in stopping that conversion. How much of this falls on improper coaching is where we have to draw our own conclusions.
  7. I guess a guy like Dwight Anderson picks up a lot more trash talking time when he attempts to bring down Cornish, the hardest guy to bring down.
  8. Then criticize Edwards and Johnson for lying. They're not lying….they're just radio rookies.
  9. Best Clutch Performer: Ricky Ray, QB, Toronto (59%) Biggest Threat To Score: Chad Owens, WR/KR, Toronto (46%) Most Underrated: Marquay McDaniel, WR, Calgary (27%) Most Accurate Passer: Ricky Ray, QB, Toronto (99%) Fastest Player: Maurice Price, WR, Calgary (65%) Toughest To Bring Down: Jon Cornish, RB, Calgary (64%) Toughest Player: Mike Reilly, QB, Edmonton (83%) Nastiest Player: Khalif Mitchell, DT, Toronto (40%) Best Trash-Talker: Dwight Anderson, DB, Saskatchewan (93%)* Hardest Hitter: Tyron Brackenridge, CB, Saskatchewan (32%) Best Hands: SJ Green, SB, Montreal (29%) http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/story/?id=435583
  10. Maybe all he really needs is a Snickers Bar.
  11. Plenty of people were questioning the management method used by the Buchko - Mack combination where the GM had, seemingly, total control and the CEO operated in the background. And they were right. People wanted something different than that arrangement, and they're getting it. Should we be watching every move? Yes. But really, nothing's happened yet. It's what's going to happen in the next little while that may light the fuse. The question is, will the fuse be of the firecracker sort or the dynamite variety?
  12. That's just Burke being Burke And Burke is being Burke….again. Seems that, according to Burke, Etienne has "plateaued" Etienne says Kohlert is playing well and is ahead of him but that nagging injuries have held him back. And Burke... “I would say he’s plateaued more than he’s been injured,” Burke said. “… He got off to such a good start, but he hasn’t really progressed past that point and the other guys have kind of gone ahead of him.” And lately, Poblah has been getting more reps than Etienne. ​Nope…no doghouse there. Is Etienne on the downside? Not according to Bellefeuille…. “Perception is reality, but it’s not always truth,” offensive co-ordinator Marcel Bellefeuille said. “In this case I don’t think it’s truth. He still has an opportunity to be a player in this league, and he has all the same skill sets he’s had. “He had bad luck with health and got behind the starters, and those guys have stayed healthy for the most part.” Etienne's a FA in Feb. but according to him…he wants to stay in Blue and Gold. He may not, with the new regime, but at least with Burke gone, he has a chance. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2013/10/31/the-shine-is-gone-from-jade-etienne-season-after-promising-start-with-bombers
  13. In a season where we were 4-14 but easily could have won 3 or 4 more games, then finishing 1st and the EDF and you don't consider some sort of semblance of a football team? I do.
  14. Its been a while. Can you blame me after the last 4-5 years? But really, it's only been 2+ years since the wheels have started to come off and…..you're already got a spotlight on the new guy…and it sounds more personal to me.
  15. Gimme a break. They are buddies and DB works out in his gym for free. Fish hasn't worked in a professional team setting in 10 years -- and in that field, being current matters. Don't believe all tire-pumping you read. Its friends helping friends. LOL - Is there ever a post from you that doesn't pour out negative energy?
  16. The resurgence in the play of Denmark can be attributed to tutoring by Marcel B. Burke gave MB credit for aiding Denmark overcome the nuances of the Canadian game and this offence. This is only a small sample to show that proper coaching can make a difference, and makes me wonder what are our position coaches doing if not helping the progress of our players. (See O-Line and DBs)
  17. But what if the week after the Grey Cup they announce that Burke is coming back..... It wouldn't be considered a smooth move…....
  18. Unless, of course, he's already employed somewhere.
  19. Viable candidates...not Tom Higgins, who says he's interested in any job that will get him out of the league office. So now Higgins isn't a viable candidate?
  20. And yet interest has already been shown in the position, so which is it?
  21. After reading that article it's evident that: Lawless is promoting Walters. Timing will be an issue for the WFC: - as in acquiring a QB, a top priority. - hiring a HC, we'll probably be in competition with 2 other teams. (Mont & Edm) Miller's target date of Dec1 for hiring a GM affects the decision making of potential candidates if the 1st two priorities are already filled. I can see an applicant living with a QB choice but a HC hiring may derail an applicant's decision. Is that too long to wait to hire a new HC? Miller has spoken with Higgins and Worman(??) Interesting indeed. Miller defined what he wants in a GM, but, to me, it doesn't sound like he has already settled on one, including Walters.
  22. FYI almost exact same article was in the Free Press Same speech, different writers. Same source…Burke. So, does he want to tell us or just get people to guess like he has made fans guess most of the year? So again I would ask, what's the point of bringing this up now? Anybody who is not playing Sat. now falls under the cloak of Burke's comments.
  23. A pretty 'high school' article if you ask me. "I know who's on the teacher's *hit list …but I'm not telling." Really? There's some players who aren't acting professional and you're not telling? Then why the hell do you bring it up? So, now if someone's not playing, and it involves a different matter, how are we supposed to know the difference?
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