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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. How do you know they didn't exceed the cap. The announcement isn't made until late March or April. I said 'seem'. Have some tea and chill out. That would have to be iced tea.
  2. he was offered legit starter money. he was plan A. Legit starter money still doesn't address what TrueBlue was alluding to, because all facets weren't in play at the same time.
  3. Hey, I was at that July game vs. the Argos, I must have missed you somehow. I agree about getting around the concourse, it wasn't a problem if you're paying attention. It's a beautiful stadium with good sight lines. I tend to think that no matter what kind of stadium that is built for football, there is going to be some sort of deficiency, whether it be sight lines or seat width or even how far away one's seats are from the field. It's an event. You go for a few hours, hopefully you have fun, then you go home. IGF is a good facility to do just that.
  4. We're definitely in a "damned if we do…damned if we don't " situation right now. We do need a top prospect right now. If we sign Burris, do we scare off Willy? If we don't sign Burris, the international award for football ineptness will be bestowed upon us and we still run the risk of not getting Willy. So, we sign Burris, bring in at least one prospect, and work him into the lineup…Burris's ego be damned.
  5. I think we're all going to have to wait for Neufeld to show up on the field before can gauge the full extent of this trade. For myself, on the surface, I liked the trade itself for a NI O-Lineman, but will wait to see if this trade has merit and a leg to stand on.
  6. We're so aggressive that when we make an offer, we also counteroffer our offer and then counteroffer our counteroffer.
  7. Yeah, I really liked the first two trades he made but with this one and the Neufeld one it feels like he's been giving up too much. When I reflect back on on the last few years where visually nothing had been done involving trades to fill needs, I'm quite happy in that our GM is making inroads with other GMs. We have to remember, somewhere in the picture, there is knowledge that we're not privy to regarding these players, and on the surface maybe these trades may not make a whole lot of sense to us, but a whole lot of sense in the building/altering of our team. Pay a high price? Maybe. The cost of establishing oneself? Maybe. Necessary? Most definitely. I tend to believe Walters when he says "Believe me, every day we are working on making this team better."- Free Press -Feb 1
  8. Huh? Remember that play, in the Grey Cup game, where the ball was snapped over Burris's head, and he stood there looking at the centre, instead of chasing after the ball? That's Hank.
  9. I've think that it's 4 years for Henry with the option that if Hank shows up, it's back to 2+1.
  10. "It will attract more solid applicants than retaining folks who suck at their job, thereby creating an atmosphere of failure. No one wants to come into that." It will not attract solid applicants if you're flipping through the rolodex while they're in the same room. The atmosphere of failure stems from not hiring the right people, not from giving them too much time. And who makes the decision to pull the plug and move on? A majority of the fan vote? You have to trust your hire and let them do the things you hired them for. Surely, during the interview you have an idea of the depth of the plan of the person you're hiring and the state of the team at the time. To give them only 2 seasons is absurd. For example, the last time, the big mistake was the hiring of Buchko. Someone who knew football better wouldn't have let that Crowton-Buck plan grow to fruition. Consequence? Loss of another season. Hire the right people is an easy suggestion but harder in reality.
  11. Pull the plug and move on…. Yeah, that'll attract a solid core of applicants.
  12. As far as I know boos can be heard in the board room also, and I'm told that Board members are human, ergo, (not Argo Bluto) ergo, they are bound to absorb some of the angst and react accordingly. Maybe this time, with all the recent hires, starting with Miller, we're getting it right.
  13. Ah, who's going to listen to a soon-to-be Stamps fan anyway?
  14. Willy is the quiet choice hidden behind the hoopla of the Collaros sweepstakes, but really, if you looked at it, he would be the smarter choice for us. To me, his QB mechanics are much better than Collaros and he carries himself rather well. I'm not disappointed that we missed out on Collaros, but I would be if we lose out on a chance for Willy.
  15. I'm reminded of the reason I'm not torn about Kito leaving every time I think of that easy TD pass Kito dropped last year.
  16. I knew they had to announce it because there is no way Boltus could sneak out of town.
  17. Perhaps he means Burris and Banks, as some may consider Banks to be a leader/QB on defence. Although I am hoping that it is Henoc.
  18. On the face of it…Banks for Poblah…I really like it. But…I'm a little anxious that, like Mr. Perfect has stated, we trade an NI for an import. But…there are surely particulars that we are unaware of, such as…impending signings.
  19. …My bestest buddy in the whole wide world ...What in the world is he doing out there? …..I had to release my bestest buddy today.
  20. Love blooms, then gets shredded when those "unbelievable coach's" eyes pierce a young newcomer"s. But that's OK because the shock will wear off when the spittle hits a surprised face and realization sets in….the guy could be a mad man.
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