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Everything posted by Dirty30

  1. Flip him to the Eskies for Franklin. He'd be more than happy to have completed his tour of playing in every CFL city then.
  2. I think the Bombers are strong on Defence, but could really benefit from another offensive weapon.
  3. Db is one of our strongest areas. Don't really understand picking up another DB. If anyone is gone I believe it will be Randle on the outside looking in. Strictly for financial reasons
  4. The guy is arguably the best receiver in the league. He is tired of Popp running their team into the ground with poor coaching. I don't blame him. Stegall was very opinionated and vocal when things weren't going well here too. Not saying it's right, but it doesn't sound like Popp and Calvillo are doing a great job running the Als offence.
  5. It all depends on the significance of the injury Smith sustained of course
  6. Carter has been saying some very unflattering things towards the Als offensive staff on Twitter today
  7. Montreal might be just as interested as Toronto in acquiring Willy.
  8. So say the Bombers aquired Coombs from the Argos....would that kill any possibility of them trying to sign Demski if/when he becomes a free agency
  9. Willy won't learn the Argos play book that quickly. Any QB would need at least a couple weeks
  10. Haven't been listening to the pregame, but did Lawless make mention of a potential trade with Toronto involving Willy again???
  11. Whew at least he didn't need to go to Regina General for emergency heart surgery **sorry do trunk to figure out how to post pic
  12. If you wouldn't mind...could you please ask him to pick 6 numbers between 1 to 49 then DM me with his choices?
  13. I think the problem is that the newer guys seem to be very comparable in what they bring to the table. Honestly, I don't see much of a drop off either way in the db back field. What are the intangibles? Who can contribute more in other ways? Vets bring leadership and rookies bring a bit more hunger and a much lower price tag. Who contributes more on ST? Maybe it would be a good idea to see which player might bring the best return in a trade. If the club could shed some more salary perhaps they could/would be able extend someone like Chung or Westerman a bit sooner rather than later.
  14. Denmark, Smith, and Dressler are great at getting open, but average at best blocking. There is more to being a receiver than catching. I think that is the biggest difference why Harris is not having the same type of year as he has in the past with BC.
  15. Do you mean Darvin Adams with a broken clavicle?
  16. Don't get me wrong....it would be great if he could find his groove again. He's got the tools. Hopefully it's just a confidence thing and he can find it again.
  17. I agree but Davis is a much cheaper back up and dare I say reliable. Willys $400k could be used elsewhere. I think I'd be just as comfortable with Nichols, Davis and Bennett.
  18. I've lost all hope in Willys ability to make the quick decisions needed to be a productive starting QB in this league. His confidence has been shattered and I can't help but think that he is suffering some effects related to concussions. He just reminds me of Pierce near the end of his career. Dazed and confused. When he has the ball he just seems to either not be processing quick enough or he is second guessing way too often.
  19. Daniels has not impressed much either, but I worry about not having that big physical receiver who could potentially go for that jump ball. The problem for me is that Smith, Dressler and Denmark are very much the same type of receiver. Speedy, shifty, smallish, but amazing hands. The Bombers seem to be missing the Matthews/Arceneaux type of guy.
  20. Now given the Big Blues glorious fortunes as of late maybe this would be a good time to discuss potential upcoming problems....albeit good problems... The club does not suit up for another 14 days and there will a number of players returning...who comes back in the line up, who is out, who stays in and who is out the door? Is it also maybe time to look at cutting bait with our two DL draft picks bouncing around from one nfl team to another? Maybe certain teams up against the cap and not having particular good years (hello Sask and Mtl) would be possible trade partners. It might be a good opportunity to further strengthen the depth of this roster.
  21. Sorry couldn't paste the attachment I was hoping to
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