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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Also why did Edm go away from Litre? He looked damn near unstoppable I the 1st q.....and they just stopped giving him the ball. Irons wasn't doing anything really.
  2. An incomplete pass stops the clock and likely gives the Als the ball back (kickoff). End of game with the opportunity to kill the clock with the ball in your possession is 100% the correct call.
  3. Bo Levi will be playing for TO within 2 years.
  4. I think he was tell his defense to hold the running back up to waste the clock.
  5. What a great game! Never bad when you get to see Bo and Dickenson lose!!
  6. Why do the Argos use Banks as a returner? He sucks at it now. No burst but he still tries to play like he has one.
  7. Blame tsn all you want. They lost cause you didn't bring enough positive energy.
  8. Oline was lacking for sure...but they also got pressure by blitzing one or two guys every time. Oline needs some help with play calling and player recognition.
  9. and field goals. He's near the top of the league and is 19 of 23.
  10. 100% this. You can really tell this is a Buck Offense. Heavy on the pass even when the run game is working. Collaros needs to take what the Defense is giving them at times too.
  11. You guys can cry about legs all you want. He ain't going anywhere. So put your pants back on and continue on with your time.
  12. I totally agree, which is why in reality that's not a change I'd make. But all things being equal, I'd make it.
  13. What can Bailey do that Agudosi can't? He's proven he can block, run in the slot, make guys miss, and high point the ball. It's not a slight on Bailey, it's praise for Agudosi.
  14. I'd be happy to replace Bailey with Agudosi. Agudosi does everything Bailey can do plus some. Wolly stays due to passport.
  15. There weren't a lot of options at that time though, basically everyone was set at QB and I'm assuming (though this could be unwise considering who I'm talking about) that they shopped him around and tried to gather what type of interest there was. BC/EDM/CGY/WPG/HAM/MTL were all set with starters and backups...That leaves TO/OTT..... Riders holding him to the deadline were just as likely to get no offers as they were to get a few. They had an offer from the other division, they took the guarantee instead of the guess.
  16. Nevermind the patience of Agudosi...I see the patience of the Bombers wearing thin. Guy has had injury troubles for a good amount of his time here. Eventually you'd think the team will have to move on.
  17. no one is ******* with it. It's just a 3rd jersey. welcome to today's professional sports....that $$ train needs to keep rolling.
  18. I'm fairly sure they knew Collaros was leaving either way. That was the last year of his contract and to management it was probably obvious (as has been confirmed now) that Collaros wasn't that happy there. With a replacement all ready to go and the fans basically done with him, why would he re-sign? Better to trade him for something than lose him for nothing.
  19. The thing that I find the most amusing about all of this. Replace all of the names in here with the names of the past and it's basically the same with a few differences in what people are pissed about. BUT we will all go ahead and pretend like the changing of this person or that person is really what we need to make a difference! If it wasn't for Trudeau my life would be so much better!...if it wasn't for Harper, my life would be so much better....if it wasn't for chretien my life would be so much better....and round and round we go!
  20. This week, outside of the WPG game, are hard to judge. Ssk coming off a bye week...Edmonton is due...can BC keep it going to CGY? Which CGY team will show up? Which Hamilton team will show up?
  21. This is fairly interesting... Harris: 111 carries 471yds 4.2 average 0 TDs Brady: 107 Carries 460 yds 4.3 average 2 TDs
  22. His ties...but his kids(s)? have basically grown up here. 9 years is a literal lifetime for kids. Wpg is home for HIS family (I'm assuming). It'd be real tough to pick up and move at this point imo.
  23. Agreed. I just don't understand what Tburgs point was....?
  24. I said it earlier, and I still stand by it. Rourke is the real deal. He isn't a one trick pony and has the arm to make all the throws AND isn't afraid to get hit. He'll be NFL bound for sure. I don't know how long he stays down there, but if/when he comes back and if the Bombers are looking for a QB...I'd be 100% all in on him. By all accounts he works his butt off in between games too. Just before the game ended on the weekend, a team mate came up to him to high five or something...which he did...but then immediately mouthed, "It's time to get back to work". He's the real deal.
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