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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  2. That's what has me worried about the Dline/LBs. We're relying on guys who are consistently hurt, AND are aging. It's worked out, but it's just a matter of time before it bites us.
  3. Meh, if the players feel more comfortable without socks when it's 30+ etc....I have a hard time blaming them.
  4. Why? I mean Augustine hasn't really set things on fire his last few starts, but is capabke of breaking big runs at any time. LaFrance hasn't dont anything notable at all his entire career outside of 1 playoff game years ago. I'm not sure how anyone could say LaFrance would be a better option at this point. Has anyone see LaFrance run the last few years?
  5. Lawson looks surprisingly good imo. Could be a real good rotational player.
  6. Leggs is a bit of a surprise....but also not really. Harrison being cut after getting re-signed earlier this week is kinda odd. Adamson is a complete surprise to me. Thought hed be a PR player forsure. But must have flopped i guess.
  7. It was Lemon. But I disagree it was anything other than a football play. Nichols just fell awkwardly while trying to get away. Lemon didn't pile drive, he tackled.
  8. To go from potential MOOLM to cut in less than a year....thats rough
  9. Some notes I took last night at the game. Lawson- noticed first step, fast off the ball. Jake Kelly- solid on blitz and can hit. Agustine- same old same old....not sure that's a good thing though. He looked better than he did in edm though. Wade...noticeable in all the wrong ways, slow off the snap. Missed tackles.
  10. People who were maybe on the fence about going might be swayed. Nostalgia shouldn't be underestimated either. And like Noeller said, at least they're doing something. We can add Cgy to the list of owners who doesn't give a ****.
  11. Last year they had two lanes to work with. I'm pretty sure it's just the one now.
  12. Fajardo after game 1 - "🎵We are, we are all innocent!🎵"
  13. Very much a possibility....my only confusion is the 3-4 weeks aspect.
  14. I remember people blaming leggio for a blocked fg. And they were wrong.
  15. To be fair, you're assuming distance is the only metric. And its not. Leggio struggled at times with height and placement.
  16. Yeah the punts not only had great distance and decent placement....but the hang time is what I noticed. It was great. And that's something leggio lacked.
  17. Anyone have any actual updates on what's going on today?
  18. so you're denying that the racist laws of colonial england hasn't impacted canada? You're fine with the GOP style racism creeping into canada? Why are you only defending Trudeau?
  19. That's fair, but other posters have brought it up as proof that JT is racist. And yet, you didn't jump in them about all the other parties having racist issues.... I know. But I think there's obviously some "home team can do no wrong" type of stuff going on with them too. I still haven't seen them say they condemn what that PC member (should be noted that all political parties the world over have aspects of racism in them) did.
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