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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. I wouldn't say he's more talented than either of the Jeffs. Really the person who is taking his spot (who 100% should not be) is Bennet. And he's the teams #1 draft choice. I feel like there are NFL style politics there...as in, he plays cause he's the #1 draft choice. And helps that he's CND who can go in if there's an injury.
  2. The only thing I've seen about Schoen being done for the year are people online saying "I've heard he's done for the year". Never anyone who could even be called a reporter, never mind an insider.
  3. Johnson is the best. You'll never hear any other announcers voice get like Neilson. Not 1. He legitimately sounds like he's out of breath by the time he's done saying "what's happening". Taylor gets excited, big difference being its actually HIS team. He doesn't work for TSN. And his voice still doesn't get to the awkwardness of Neilson.
  4. He's fine until he gets excited. Then it's just weird and awkward imo. I dunno, act like you've done it before type of thing. You'll never hear any other announcer in any sport get THAT excited about something, especially when it happens regularly (Like a long TD pass).
  5. there were a few times throughout the game where I thought his bias got the best of him. But I still prefer him over Neilson. Can't stand his voice when he gets excited.
  6. I didn't say people weren't allowed to have different viewpoints. I'm saying I don't understand people getting worked up about it in the first place. It's bullshit sure....but who ******* cares? lol. Where did I defend the argos? Is me saying **** the argos defending them? lol.
  7. The media is so dumb around that game. The entire week(s) leading up to it..."Anything can happen at labour day" "No matter the record, everyone is on even playing field that weekend!" "The riders STILL have a chance, cause it's labour day".....Riders barley pull off a win, "Riders are Grey Cup contenders after beating the Bombers!!" So is labour day a one off fluke of a game that doesn't really tell the season tale? Or not? you can't have it both ways!
  8. It was just risk management imo. They need him playing home games. There is for sure the same amount of chance to get hurt at home, but that's a risk they were willing to take. I still don't understand the bunched up panties around here for them doing that.
  9. What? People need to get it that they rested Kelly so he wouldn't get hurt against the Bombers/Duke would get some quality reps. That's it. There was no hiding anything. They didn't rest him this weekend because it was a home game and they need butts in seats and to continue winning there. I don't get the sour grapes? It's still **** the argos, it's still 1 and done in the playoffs for them.
  10. Not sure who threw the punch. I was watching it muted and they didn't have pads/uni on.
  11. Also anyone know what muambas story is? Hurt? Coaching now? I just don't get it. He hasn't taken a snap all year.
  12. Just saw the clip of the Argos punching Acklin in the pre game warm up....how is he allowed to play?? Lol
  13. No. We need to win 1 game. Then the best BC could do is tie us which isn't enough as we have the season series.
  14. That should be a penalty in the CFL. That's one thing the NFL does better.
  15. You mean one of the greatest OCs the CFL has ever produced, Lapo? Or someone else?
  16. That IS big. Would have figured he'd be close to if not top of the list for HC candidates.
  17. would have been awesome if they got him in on field goal blocks
  18. Blows me away CGY didn't try to sign Agudosi to a starters contract. Their rec is brutal and beat to ****. He's exactly what they need. I don't think there's any shenanigans going with Argos grabbing him either. Everyone knows what the Bombers do.
  19. Schoen getting up there with the toughest players in the league. If I'm not mistaken didn't Stove beat out Bryant(or another DT) right out of camp? I don't remember him getting a start due to injuries and everyone saying he'd be the guy coming out of camp...
  20. I already told you guys. It's a leg injury of some kind. Wrapped up and limping off the plane.
  21. Schoen hurt his leg. Apparently it was wrapped up and he had a decent limp coming off the plane.
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