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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. Anyone here watch the game again? Goltz had some really bad passes but there were also some bright spots. People are way to quick to dismiss him already. And despite his struggles he was better than Pierce.



    I agree,  he didn't look all that bad in the game.  He had 2 - 3 god awful drops which killed drives and really killed any sort of momentum.  The balls were being thrown where they should be and had decent zip to them.     My only criticisms of his play was maybe throwing a few balls when he shouldn't have because of high risk.    He was definitely much better then Pierce that's for sure.  Much quicker ,  actually checked down on his 2nd - 3rd reads,   tossed the ball away rather then getting sacked....  


    I agree with 17 .... Bucko should be 3rd while Goltz should be 2nd and Hall should be only playing for evaluation purposes. 

  2. I feel bad for Marcel, on the free press they have a video of him being questioned and the media were all over him asking if he made the decision for Hall, if he's going to coach on the sidelines , what he has recommended so far.

    All this despite him saying he was only called 48 hours ago and has only watched film in one day.

    At least give the guy a few weeks before hounding him...

  3. oh you guys. Just relax already. My goodness. You guys are acting like Crowton killed your dog and Burke punched your grandmas. Give things a few days to work themselves out. We've got a really crappy team coming to town on Friday, let's give our team a chance to get their **** together and figure things out. All of this whining isn't helping or going to change anything by Friday. I'd hate to have you guys working in my company - if the mail was five minutes late and the toner ran out in the printer you'd all be crying in your hankies and sobbing that the world was coming to an end.

    Qft this thread is nearly as whiney as riderfans after losing a game

  4. My guess is that they want to evaluate who they have and it's hard to evaluate Max Hall if he hasn't played in game at all.   


    I'm pretty sure Miller and the rest of the Blue realize that this season is a write off and they are trying to salvage or figure out what they can do with who they have.     


    I have no problems with them playing Hall and I don't take much from people saying a qb is god awful in practice.    To many times we seen guys who absolutely rocked in practice only for them to be god awful once in game.  


    We did the same thing last season and this is how we found out that Alex Brink really didn't have what it takes to win and it helped them move on from him.  

  5. Buck has poor numbers over longer games. Wait til Goltz plays four games and see how bad he looks.

    Did buck suddenly forget how to play QB or is the system and lack of o line partially to blame?

    Look at how we ran Glenn out of town claiming he couldn't play anymore. Look at how bad calvillo looks in a new bad system.

    Quite frankly I don't care who the QB is as long as he wins. If that's Goltz great. If its buck great


    We didn't run Glenn out of town,   that was Kelly's decision completely.  


    We were disappointed with Glenn mainly because he would play scared after getting hit a few times... we also at that point had Khari Jones before him so we were accustomed to good qb'ing.  Since then the only QB we've had that could up good stats is friggin Steven Jyles....


    Calvillo is looking bad this year at the age of 42 .... Buck has been looking bad 3 years in a row and he's 10 years younger.... 

  6. QB by committee is fine with me as long as they win. If each QB is used to their strengths then I think it's a good thing. Leaving a guy in a game come hell or high water has never made sense to me. That said, Buck should have a shorter leash if he does get in a game.

    But Buck has zero strengths, Goltz is way more agile and has a stronger arm.

  7. Ok..that's true enough, let me put it another way. Miller will tell Burke that losing will not be tolerated under any circumstances and that the grooming the next QB excuse will not save his job if the losses mount. Although, we all know this was the card that Mack was hoping to play not Burke. Burke will try to save his job and he will go back to Buck.

    But Burke has been doing this all along, Mack wanted Buck gone, coaching staff wanted Buck to stay because he gave then the beat chance to win. Coaching staff wanted Elliott gone.

    If Burke wanted what was best for the club he would of had Elliott or Goltz be our starter and let them get more experience in game action.

    The only time anyone aside pierce got any playing time was when Buck would get hurt.

    So this whole must win now mandate has been going on since they traded Jules.

  8. I'm basically suggesting to have Tate take Bucks spot on the roster. We keep Goltz playing and if he stinks the joint up I'd way rather have Tate go in then Buck. They are equally injury proned however Tate has looked fantastic when he does play while Buck has been the worst qb in the league.

    I'm not saying put all eggs on Tate, suggesting we bring him in to get some wins this year and maybe in the future he can be our Kevin Glenn.

  9. Bandwagon jumpers jumping on the anti-buck bandwagon. He hasn't been awesome but he's played better than Goltz. Maybe not by much but he has. All thins being equal I'd rather have a veteran in there

    With his more turnovers, less point production and lower qb rating? Despite being nine year vet. If Goltz can reach that level of production in only two starts then clearly his ceiling is way higher.

    If Buck with healthy receivers can only be marginally better as you claim then why not stick with Goltz?

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