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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. Can we stay on topic here?


    I don't see why Sears or anyone really thinks this is a bad or even a surprising move.  I'm actually shocked that Garrett made it out of training camp.   Simpson is the better back,  Ford is younger and healthier ....  we really have no need for Garrett aside from being insurance incase Simpson gets hurt.    Even so ,  rb's are dime a dozen and can be replaced in a heart beat.   


    Good move to cut his salary and hopefully put it elsewhere where it's needed.  If Simpson gets hurt,  their will be a crap load of backs from NFL cuts and Garrett most likely won't be doing anything so they could always give him a call. 

  2. Clearly Glenn deserved the chance to make a comeback and prove he was a quality QB that could win

    I feel Buck deserves the same. And unless Hall inexplicably lights it up I suspect we will se Buck sooner rather than later.

    buck has had three years three oc's and has sucked with all.... Buck has had way to many chances. He can't throw accurately, with any velocity and he can't handle pressure... Three things coaches can't do to help him.

    No hope for Buck whatsoever

  3. We've seen OC's demoted before in the league ,  would it be possible for the club to demote Burke to a DC next season and bring in a new head coach?      


    He seems to want to escape the public pressure,  clearly nobody is going to hire him as a HC anytime soon....   might as well pay him to do a job rather then paying him to sit on the couch?


    Would it be possible to give him the ultimatum of either being the DC or Quitting?   



  4. You know it is possible that Burke was in touch with Bellefeuille was initially contacted by Burke about being a consultant but then Miller called him when they decided to have him be an offensive assistant instead of a consultant.

    No, mb said on the video on the free press that he was first and only contacted by Miller a few days ago. He was busy scouting NFL camps the last month.

  5. This is 100% bull ****,     rumours for Glenn were always for a 1st rounder.     Also if this was true why didn't Lawless bring this to light during the off season... this kind of material would of been gold for him to rip apart Mack.


    I'm calling 100% bs on this rumour and it's purely just crap that he's trying to throw around.   


    Also Burke has been non stop pumping Pierce's tires and saying he's the greatest... if Burke was honest to a fault then he wouldn't of danced around when Irving questioned him during the first 3 losses on questions about the offense stinking and Buck looking bad.     Burke big time was the reason Pierce is back.  Max Hall = Crowton because of the previous connection and Mack = Goltz because it's his recruit.        

  6. Anyone here watch the game again? Goltz had some really bad passes but there were also some bright spots. People are way to quick to dismiss him already. And despite his struggles he was better than Pierce.



    I agree,  he didn't look all that bad in the game.  He had 2 - 3 god awful drops which killed drives and really killed any sort of momentum.  The balls were being thrown where they should be and had decent zip to them.     My only criticisms of his play was maybe throwing a few balls when he shouldn't have because of high risk.    He was definitely much better then Pierce that's for sure.  Much quicker ,  actually checked down on his 2nd - 3rd reads,   tossed the ball away rather then getting sacked....  


    I agree with 17 .... Bucko should be 3rd while Goltz should be 2nd and Hall should be only playing for evaluation purposes. 

  7. I feel bad for Marcel, on the free press they have a video of him being questioned and the media were all over him asking if he made the decision for Hall, if he's going to coach on the sidelines , what he has recommended so far.

    All this despite him saying he was only called 48 hours ago and has only watched film in one day.

    At least give the guy a few weeks before hounding him...

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