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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. If Goltz's accuracy issues don't go away then declaring him the starter for the rest of the season will be a disaster. He was lucky a couple more of his throws weren't picked off as they were off target. Throwing behind receivers on crossing routes??? Wow, he's going to get his receivers seriously injured doing that as well as one hoppers. From what I saw yesterday, he's a decent runner when he decides to take off & below average as a passer. The guy played D3 for a reason. With his size & physical capabilities he should have been a sure D1 player. But he wasn't.

    He had four atrocious drops by his guys. He made some poor judgment on some throws but for the most part they were on target. His running is great and overall he wasn't that bad. Way better then pierce was that's for sure.

  2. Just watched the game on my PVR, my bums are definitely are Matthews and Denmark in the second half of the game. Matthews dropped two balls deep in our end that could of our us out of the hole. It's disappointing because he was solid in the first half. Denmark not making the clutch catch in the fourth also was a big play.

    I thought Goltz showed well and extended some plays with his legs and for the most part made good throws. He showed good mechanics and his faults were mostly risky throws to the sides which can be corrected. Definitely is better then Brink and Buck.

    I also thought Woods looked fast and had good awareness.

    Crowton needs more variety in the run game and that third down call was atrocious.

  3. It's just disheartening because even someone like my dad who isn't the biggest fan but he definitely has supported the team over the last 20+ years has told me that he'd rather I take him to a Goldeyes game then to a Blue game because he doesn't want to get pissed off and spend money on a **** team.     


    It's not even so much that people just are fairweather wanting to watch winning football teams fans... it's more like people (like him) are so angry and disgusted with the team that going to the game makes them angry rather then excited.  


    it's F'd up ,  I think the only other time I seen stuff like this was when I had season tickets during the Reinbold years.   

  4. I do think selling Brown paper bags at the games this year where the proceeds go directly into the paying off Burke/Mack/Crowton/Creehan salary fund is a great idea.   I guarantee you either doing this or having a giant social where all proceeds go to this fund would be a massive success.   


    We want to have a safe bet for our next regime so no crazy off the wall hiring,   just a solid group of guys if they are available. 


    GM throw some money at Higgins,  promise him complete control and if he so chooses to get an assistant GM,  don't cheap out and get him one.   If not him then select somebody who has been in or around the league in the last 5 years.   NO TILLMAN NO TAMAN!!  I don't know if it is Mack or if it's the BOD but how in the world can this team be so damn cheap in free agency.   We should have a massive amount under the cap considering how  young and how little superstars we have.  I know other teams cheat and have more spending money, but how does Taman sign big cheques to guys like Geroy Simon who they don't even need and yet we don't throw a little money at Picard and end up cutting bigger salary guys like Hefney and replace these guys with men making small potatoes.   I'm not saying go full blown Hamilton in spending, but if you need o-line help would it kill to give 50 000 more to Picard rather then having our qbs being killed. 


    HC - Bluto is going to hate me here,   I'm actually keen on Chris Jones and would definitely give him a shot at being a HC.   He seems to be a winner wherever he goes and it doesn't look like he will move up the ladder in Toronto anytime soon so why not.  The fancy pick also could be Dickenson... I'd rather have a guy with more experience coaching but with how crappy our offense has been for years... I'm open for a guy who knows how to put up points in the CFL.


    OC - Absolutely has to be somebody who has played in the league and/or coached for at least 5 years on offense.   No more croutons or barr-asses or nobodies that have no clue what they are doing.   I'd go off the board here and see if Calvillo has any interest in coaching.  Might be a gamble but the guy knows the CFL and defenses very very well.  This is one area that we can't afford trying to get a NCAA guy to learn the CFL game.  Can't afford it at all,   if not him then I'd be open to pretty much anybody with positive experience.  I'd assume Berry burned his bridge with us, but if desperate he could do as well. 


    DC -  Go grab Mark Nelson right away from Montreal,  the guy has had success and does run a nice defense that I think could work well with our solid D-line and when healthy solid LB'ers.  I do think our secondary is better then they have showed,  their is no way that the whole group of guys "lost it" in a matter of one season.


    QB Coach -  GET ONE STOP BEING CHEAP,  dear lord Buck Pierce is not a qb coach I'd want.... have you not heard him the guy thinks he has it and thinks the team is always almost there.  I want someone more realistic... I'd take anyone who's interesting in coaching.   Maybe Dinwiddie since he's always been known to being a very technical guy and smart.  Plus he can sell a few tickets to the cougars fawning over his dreamy eyes.


    O-line Coach -  Our o-line has stunk for years,  what's Wylie up to these days?   It seems like we used to get a lot out our o-line and these days they just plain old suck.  


    QB -  Keep Goltz , start off fresh.  I'm not a Goltz hater,  I just think he's getting a raw deal with this crap team.   For competition depending on who is available and who is healthy....   I would rather they bring in a guy who has had some kind of success. I know we won't be able to magically Tillman up a free awesome qb.... so maybe they can manage to get someone like Tate, Nicholls, Collarus, LeFevour etc....  I assume Calvillo will retire so Montreal will go hard after a new qb, so along with the Ottawa draft we may have to once again settle.


    O-line -   How in the world have we not brought in some Americans to start?   That should the absolute easiest position to fill and yet we settle for massive mediocrity.  Huge huge thing we need to fill in during the off season.  If their are proven o-linemen... we definitely need to open up the wallet and get someone.  It's one of the easiest spots to put together with new players and to make them gel.  A-one top priority for the off season. 


    For all other positions, I think we are perfectly fine and could plug holes easily with some recruits from our new GM.   


    All I know is that people are not motivated to watch this current team and current regime play,   they are highly motivated to clean house and remove the cancers (coaches + buck) and the media would more then love to jump on this kind of bandwagon to raise money and to pay off the crap in order to get hopefully something good going.    We need CFL experienced winners running the team.  No more guys who were passed over a million times by other teams and/or guys who are way over their head.  

    Anyone like my idea?   


  5. I just find it weird that people get stoked when Etienne get 3 receptions for 60 yards or when Simpson runs for 75 yards.  


    I remember Roberts getting 120 yards many times and when we'd have stats like   Stegall, Armstrong and Edwards all well over 75 each in a game.  


    It just seems so weird that literally nobody on our team is excelling  (outside of our d-line) and we are so far down the list in each of the stats columns.   


    I can't imagine really anyone on the team making All Star aside from the d-line guys.

  6. Somewhat copied from the message i wrote on the other site but....



    Remember back in the day , not even so long ago when you and your friends would go to the game and would be "disappointed" if Khari/Glenn didn't throw near 300 yards, a few TD's ,   and Roberts was always over the century mark and Stokes would be expected to get at least one big return per game.   


    You would expect the defense to actually make a few interceptions or someone like Barrin would strip the ball and the offense would get some fantastic field position.  


    Back when our only major complaint was that Westwood was still on the team and that our placekicker would be the shits while Jon Ryan would boom some huge punts.   


    I used to go to the game with my friends and generally expect more times then not for our team to win at home.  What really sucks is most of my casual bomber fan friends have absolutely zero interest in going to the game anymore... I'm thinking the team is going to really struggle selling tickets at the end of this year and next season.  


    Fast forward to these days ,   when I watch the Blue play,  It's nearly a miracle if they get a win and for the most part I go into the game hoping that they don't embarrass themselves and keep it competitive.   I only expect us to win if the defense has an insanely over the top fantastic game (like against Montreal) and if our QB actually can go over 200 yards passing and our rb is over 60 yards running to me that's almost like a Tecmo Bowl like stats and it's a huge success.  


    It's just weird because I look back and remember complaining about Glenn getting shell shocked and on a crap day he'd throw 250 yards and Roberts would only get 70 or so yards on the ground and I'd think that used to be a stinker.  


    Has anyone else lowered their own bar of expectations massively as much as I?

  7. It's starting to get bad when I go online to check the score to see if the game is worth watching on the PVR..... after seeing 128 yards passing I'd rather save the 3 hours and watch something else..... that is not a good thing.  


    Has this defense intercepted a pass this year?  I don't even think Marshall old crap soft defense being this bad.... it seems like every qb gets 70% and higher completion with 3 tds and 0 ints every game.   It seems like forever since this team has actually made an opposing QB struggle or returned a pick 6.....   


    Oh well,  how many games until they throw Max Hall to the wolves?  I'm guessing 3?

  8. a) Yes, I know, it was Mike Kellly's g/f.  Tillman is married...


    c) Tillman wasn't convicted either, he was given a conditional discharge.


    Everyone's neglecting to mention how good Sask was when he was in charge. I had to watch them beat us in the 95th Grey Cup in person.  Only reason he got fired was for that grab.  Yeah the Ricky trade was bone headed but a lot of fans out there were calling for a trade in the years leading up to it.  Ottawa was an expansion team with worse management than the bombers.  In his last 7 years as GM his teams only missed the playoffs once.  He's not the messiah, but he's not a rookie either.  Yeah it's sexy being with a virgin but after a few you realize they really have no idea what they're doing (probably not the best analogy given the context).  Time for someone with recent experience.


    Stop before you really embarrass yourself anymore....



    Tillman sucks as a GM,  even when they did win in Saskatchewan nearly everyone said it was the players that Shivers brought in with Austin being the coach that gave them the cup.   


    Tillman has had way more misses then wins with his trips around the league,   he's a dirt bag,  more crazy then Mike Kelly,   and he's simply a moron.   The complete wrong person the team should hire.  

  9. Watched most of the game and all I can say is wow Edmonton must have Crowton calling plays because it seems like they love to long bomb it whenever they are struggling to win back some time of possession. 


    Is Edmonton's D-Coordinator Greg Marshall?  Because that defense was so soft and pathetic it was really quite sad.    JC Sherritt looks absolutely the shites this season.... poor tackling all around for Edmonton they really need an ass kicking or at least some kind of consequences.  


    LeFevour looked good out there,   Hamiltons secondary blows and wow that team takes a lot of dumb penalties.    One thing I did notice was that the TI-Cats seemed to have way more intensity this game then Edmonton did.  Lots of big tackles and lots of energy from them.


    Dumbest moment of the night..... Edmonton fans screaming and cheering when they are in the red zone all while the o lineman is waving his hands for them to quiet down.... so in return they go louder?

  10. Anyone think that Mack either makes a trade or brings anyone in to jump in on our o-line?   Clearly it's a weak area and is their any fringe guys waiting for their NFL shots that we can maybe bring in once they get cut??


    Think we have anyone of value on the club that we can make a trade to get a starter?  Does JJ have enough value anymore for this?>  Any thoughts?

  11. That part is professional.



    This part is not. Neither was the quote I can't track down right now where he said last week that he "disagreed" with them not playing him vs. Calgary.



    Forget not him saying post game that he thought the receivers were out of place,  blamed the defense and said that he also wasn't quite the best for that lost.... when in fact he was outright garbage missing targets by a long mile and holding onto the ball for way to long.   At least Calvillo admitted that he stunk....

  12. I said he has shown "flashes" and was asked to justify that.  He also moved the ball before being injured.



    The guy was outplayed by Goltz who had 14 career passes and who did not have our best receivers playing in that game.....    Pierce also has what 6 more CFL years of experience then him?   


    Bucko also has shown to be very selfish and while he's a warrior for being tough, the guy has no honour at all and really he sh ould stick to his restaurant and be happy to collect a pay cheque this year.  

  13. the thing that really got me was how in the clip of burke talking about moving on from pierce he talked about needing the continuity of having the same guy behind centre week to week and how the young guys have more potential to get better.... Why the **** didn't he see that prior to now? Some of us were saying those exact same things before last season ended. Frustrates me when fans pick up on obvious things before the coaches do. 


    People were saying this 2 seasons ago....   I guess Burke needed 2 years of game footage to come up with the same answer that a casual fan could come up with....     

  14. I don't get all the Buck worshipping, his play was substandard and this year he was not a huge team player. Remember his post game interview where he blamed mostly the team and receivers and only took a slight bit of accountability.

    IMO him getting sacked a lot does not make him a legend...

    Glenn accomplished way more then buck ever did.....

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