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Posts posted by Brandon


    I'm thinking Dickenson and Howell are the only coaches who should stay past the 2013 season.

    As for who replaces who, it all depends on the head coach. Nelson might be a great pick, but his style may clash with whoever is the new head honcho. We need people in key positions who not only have experience with the Canadian game (and a history of at least some success), but who work well together.

    While I agree with some of the sentiment on this site that a lot of our problems come down to coaching, I think on the defense (especially in the secondary) talent is big issue. So whoever gets brought in, we need to improve the talent of our secondary and probably linebacking. I'm very satisfied with our D-line and hope we can keep those guys around.


    I have to say, I wonder why people around here like Howell so much.


    He sure hasn't helped Matthews this year. Or Denmark. Or Poblah.


    I'd get rid of Howell too.



    I think folks like him because he's a great community guy?   


    If you read my original post you would see my reasons....  mainly the lack of arm strength and his slow feet.  Unless for some reason he was holding back I doubt that he's going to throw missiles in his next start.

    and if you don't throw missiles you can't win? Give us a break...Jyles for one! and many others



    Hey if we had the kind of stats that Jyles had with us we would be sitting at 500 minimum....   19 tds to 7 ints is pretty damn good!   

  3. I feel bad for Rob Bagg.  You've got to admire all the comebacks he's made, and each time he's come back he's played at a high level.


    Saskatchewan 2013 looks like Blue Bombers 2011 -- they started like a house on fire, but they have some structural deficiencies.


    Aside from the fact that Saskatchewan has a fantastic offense and we had a pitiful offense and only won many of those games with superb performances from the D...

  4. Everyone knew this was going to happen,  not a shocker at all.   The writing was on the wall when MB came as a consultant.  


    As for who choose Crowton it was LaPo and all that other junk is  nonsense.  And who really cares Lapo was a genius on offense and he couldn't do sweet F all so he sucked just as much as Crowton.  


    Time to move forward and I think MB's impact will only start to show maybe in 3 - 4 games from now...  cant expect him to create a miracle over night.  

  5. Other than our secondary getting a lot of interceptions, was our defense that good under Nelson. And I don't think Nelson was the one who made Willis look good.



    Until a new GM is hired and a decision is made on the head coach I can't even begin to speculate on who the DC should be next season.


    From my very foggy memory as I don't want to remember that ugly season.


    I seem to remember our defense keeping us in close on many games but being on the field for far to long and the points piling up a lot in the 4th quarter when they were tired.  Mostly because of the offense being absolutely putrid and lots of 2 and outs... a trend that has not gone away since then. 


    Looking at the old stats... wow our offense really was putrid with Kelly.    We had a 47% completion for our passing game!   Last in the league for time of possession and a whole bunch of stats for the offence.   The defense lead the league in int's and were near the top on lots of the good stats such as  average yard per pass/run against them.    The accumulative stats though they were at the bottom for most.   Not really their fault considering they were on the field for more then 200 plays then the 2nd last team in the league!!!   

  6. I've told you why. More than once. You refuse to listen so you figure it  out. Performed the best? 112 yds passing in BC & less than 50% completion rate & Goltz has performed the best? The dozens & dozens of posts???? Really... Like are we talking 24, 36, 48, 60, 72???


    So Calvillo had games like that this season as well what's your point?   


    Mike clearly pointed out Goltz moving the ball much better then Pierce so why you talk to cray-cray and write so much poop on here?

  7. 21-40 since 2010 but it's not talent. Nah, it couldn't be. It's just coaching.


    And yet we had MANY all stars during that period despite a poor record.


    Only lack of talent we have had is at QB during that time period.....




    RB - Chad Simpson had the most highest avg per carry among the top backs last season despite playing behind a crap o-line and was an all star last season.... Fred Reid was also an all star in 2010....


    Rec - Matthews was rookie of the year,  Denmark was runner up the year prior...   Edwards has had 1000 yard seasons in 5 of his last 6 years... Edwards and Matthews both all stars during that time period


    O-line has been weak... but January all star last year... Labatte in the past also all star....


    D-line -  We have had a guy in the top 3 for sacks in the last 3 seasons....  as a unit we have been #1  for 2 of the last 3 years as a unit for leading the league in sacks... the other year we were 2nd.  Alex Hall, Bryant Turner all stars last year. Willis and Doug Brown all stars in the past....


    LBers -  Muamba led the league in forced fumbles last year... regarded as the #1 NI free agent that teams will go after.  Bowman was fantastic until getting hurt last year.


    Secondary -  Jovon has been a league leader and an all star numerous times,  in the last few years guys like Logan and Hefney also unanimous all stars.  


    Punting -  Renaud has been in the top 2 for Net Punting in each of the last  3 seasons.  Also former all star.


    Kicking - Palardy was top 3 last season had 87% success which is really high. 


    Return game -  Last 3 years we've always had a guy in the top two in the punt or kickoff return leaders.  


    Outside of crappy QB'ing we have had an all star at nearly every position (outside of place kicker and lbers) during the last 3 years.   Funny thing was that Jyles in 2010 had the 2nd highest qb rating in the league and 2nd highest TD to Int ratio! We had Joey Elliott who was 2 time POW winner ,  it may be a fluke to win it once but to win it twice means the guy had to have some sort of above average talent.  Buck hasn't even won it once has he?


    So once again facts proves that you literally are typing poop in each post you make.   

  8. I'm not saying Hall is the answer but I sure know it ain't Goltz. Time for some NFL cuts.


    Based on the fact that he's performed the best of our 3 qbs and him being the youngest and most physically gifted QB out of the 3.  Please provide substance aside from 1 incomplete pass to Matthews and a whole lot of nothing else aside from ignoring the dozens and dozens of posts from various people on here providing clear cut examples that he's been the best of the 3.  

  9. It's not the talent... the guys may have bad attitudes and I definitely think they have given up and are not playing with any sort of effort or care these days.  That I believe.   

    But to say Alex Hall is a bum,  that Demond Washington,  Muamba and name pretty much anyone on the defense and say that these guys are bums is ridiculous and the easy and lazy way to criticize the team. 


    This site unfortunately is starting to get a lot more lazy posters who simply don't back up what they say and just go with the easy blame Mack and anyone he has recruited garbage.....

  10. I'm having a hard time understanding how anyone can say difinitively whether Hall can be a starter in the CFL after one game. We have 9 years or whatever of film on Buck and 3 years of Goltz on the team to get a sense of what they have to offer. Max Hall has been here 2 and a half months, and whether he is the answer or not, I just can't believe anyone can make that call already. For what it's worth, I found the game more enjoyable to watch because I at least felt like he had a chance to move the ball, especially in the first half. He made quick decisions and what seemed to be good reads. Give him a chance to get some timing down and then evaluate I say. I feel like if you looked at the stats of a lot of great quarterbacks in their first start, very few would have numbers that wow you. Whether the end game is Goltz, Hall, or samcanadian, I think casting the judgement of a guys developement after one game is more indicative of the level of impatience of the fan base than anything.



    If you read my original post you would see my reasons....  mainly the lack of arm strength and his slow feet.  Unless for some reason he was holding back I doubt that he's going to throw missiles in his next start.

  11. Hall missed guys as badly as Goltz missed that throw, Pierce has missed guys as bad as that throw. Stop trying to make this sound worse than it was. Even Ricky Ray has over thrown receivers at times too. 


    What I don't get is those two guys make it seem like Goltz is missing guys by a mile.... maybe I have selective memory but most of Goltz incompletions that I remember were from drops and/or throwing the ball away instead of giving up the sack and losing yards.    

  12. No way Creehan is back next year with how pathetic this defense is looking this year.....


    Maybe he gets canned this season and Burke takes control over the defense for the rest of the season but I doubt it....


    Who do you think we should bring in next year for the full rebuild to run our defense?


    I still say Mark Nelson would be a solid candidate...  he was one of the few bright spots back in the Kelly dark years and his style of defense from what I remember was much less passive then the crap we have now with Creehan and the crap we had back with Marshall.  With Nelson he made Odell Willis look like a superstar and same with the rest of the d-line... I think he could get a lot more out of the talent we have.   


    Anyone have any other suggestions of coaches who might be available?

  13. If his accuracy wasn't an issue, he wouldn't have overthrown a 6 foot 5 receiver running a crosser 10 feet in front of him as he did against BC. Accuracy, and lame ducks in most contexts, are different things. Goltz doesn't typically throw ducks, his ball placement is just incredibly poor because of his mechanics.


    So one pass makes him a bad qb?   What about 3 - 4 drops he had where the ball hit the receivers right in the hands or numbers?

  14. Still faster than Pierce. Pierce is the guy who should be #3. I don't really care which of Hall or Goltz are starting just so long as it's not Pierce. 


    Pierce is done as a starter... he may have value as a backup for this season.  If he's not gone next year then we definitely need to raise hell at whoever is in charge by then....

  15. The most important skill for any quarterback, by far, is the ability to read a defence. Goltz is easily the worst at it. Ray is slow as old crap, and throws a soft pass, and makes out just fine. Hall needs to learn to not force things when trailing, and that will come with time. Of course, an OC with a clue would help as well. I'm fine with Hall or Pierce going forward. Goltz takes way to long to process information as it happens, his horrendous fundamentals (his footwork especially) and is a very inaccurate passer. He should be #3 the rest of the way.


    I think you and ISO are way over reacting in Goltz's accuracy...   it's like you guys make it seem like he was throwing lame ducks like Pierce or how Brink was last season where the ball would be 5 - 15 yards away from a wide open receiver.  


    Goltz's accuracy was perfectly fine in his two starts,  not a problem at all.   His decisions at times were questionable,  but being a young guy with barely any experience that is to be expected.   


    You can teach a qb to read a defense... you can't teach a qb to throw a bullet.  

    Ray is slow as crap, people make it seem like he has low arm strength which is a farce... he has arm strength but instead of bulleting it... he throws a perfect rainbow.   Hall can throw a rainbow... but it's slow and easy for a defender to make a play on it.

  16. Aaron Woods also deserved some kudos for the game last night....

    But in regards to Hall , I don't mind them giving him another start just to see what he does. But my suggestion from the first post is purely based on the fact that I don't think he has the physical capabilities to succeed in this league.

    The lack of speed is ok , Calvillo survived in the league for the longest time with being a real slow poke... but the difference was that he could rifle a throw 25 yards down the field like a bullet and it would smack the receiver in the chest way before a defender could even make a play on it. You see guys like Burris and Durant able to run out of the pocket and just throw a heater down the field into a receivers hands.... with Hall (and Buck) you get a rainbow or a pass that looks like it's going in slow motion going down the field and hopefully into a wide open players hands.

    It's funny because I was joking with my wife when we were watching that when you see Burris throw a pass... the camera man has trouble keeping up with it because it goes down the field so fast... with Hall it was nice and slow and the camera can't even generate a blur because of how slow it's moving....

    I know Arm strength isn't the end all be all (See Mike Bishop) , but you have to be able to throw some heat or even have enough arm strength to throw a decent pass to the sidelines....

    Hall is not the answer unfortunately.... bring in someone more "athletic" like Durant/Burris....

  17. I watched the game on my PVR today and Max Hall simply doesn't have the mobility or the arm strength to win in this league.

    I liked Max's composure and his ability to make reads, he does also throw a very nice soft pass. But yikes he is slow as a snail and he throws horribly when on the run and he was lucky that he didn't have around 4-5 interceptions. His bullets down the field were very dangerous and under thrown.

    It's to bad because he makes the right throws and when he can plant his foot he can throw very nicely placed Ricky ray like passes.

    I think Goltz however is way better suited for the cfl, his ability to buy time with his feet and the ability to throw darts makes him a way better option.

    I would surprisingly make Buck our backup and Hall the bench warmer. Hall simply can't play with this o line.

    Anyone agree?

  18. I only watched the last few minutes but yikes how did Montreal give away that easy win... So many mistakes and lucky breaks they had and yet they still blew it. Lol at the players listing up popp after the fumble return and him being cocky only to lose it in the end.

    So will they Lynch neiswander since he didn't have great stats/?

  19. Who exactly are you arguing with? The stats are just a snapshot in time. Remember when everyone thought Kevin Glenn sucked? Remember when everyone thought Joey was he answer?

    If Buck starts next week and is awful, point taken. But if he starts and is good then what?


    When was the last time Buck was playing good and was healthy for 3 straight games?   


    Glenn people complained and that was because we were spoiled from having Khari before him.....  


    Buck has been TERRIBLE for the last 2 and half seasons.......  1 good game does not over ride his last 20 crap performances....

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