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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. worth pointing out ... he's never done it when we're losing I don't think it matters. The Riders were jumping around like ******* after every play, the game was close and I like to see the fire from the team when they score. Let em do their little celebrations. Rather have guys who are pumped up to score than emotionless robots. There's too little passion on this team to start with, we shouldn't be killing the bit that does exist. Remember swaggerville.....
  2. Elliott had more wins and more pow then anyone we have now. He also could throw more then 300 yards ints and not.
  3. Elliott is the ****... If he's so bad then what does that make Pierce since he was cut years ago by Buono. Also just cuz a guy was cut it doesn't mean he's necessarily awful. Ricky ray was dumped by a team that is now 1-8 ...GMs don't always make the right move. I'd way rather have Elliott then any of our current guys.
  4. Damn shame about Woods, he's been our best returner by a long mile over the last few years.
  5. I wonder if Montreal will bring back McPherson.....
  6. Anyone catch Doug Berry throwing his signature temper tantrum after Marsh tossed the first lame duck int he had.... so much anger in Berry's eyes lol
  7. Drew Tate starting qb for the first 2 games of the Blue Bombers in 2014....
  8. Well with all the injuries it only makes sense to bring in someone who has been around the CFL .... with the current o-line the guy might see game time.
  9. I'd rather they gave him multiple "titles" and let him grow a bit more before handing the team to him. I want a GM who has had experience and who has lived through rebuilding a team before....
  10. Just me, but it seemed like our Offense worked ALOT better when we switched Swiston to Tackle and had Kowalchuk in at guard. Douglas was getting beat like a rented mule all first quarter (Every play John Chick) so he is either still not ready or just isn't able to get back from his injury. I didn't watch the game (Radio - Who else thought Penton was actually pretty decent as a color guy?) but it seemed like Swiston/Kowalchuk on the right side of the line were actually getting it done. Once again wasn't Douglas only on the field for two plays?
  11. Two botched kicks, several questionable ref calls on fumbles both going Montreal's way.... They did not have the luck.
  12. Marsh is going to get hurt if he keeps holding onto the ball that long. Looked lost out there...
  13. Marsh has horse shoes up his ass the guy is not good at all but everything seems to be falling his way.
  14. Wasn't Douglas hurt on the 2nd play of the game?
  15. 3 yards passing in the 3rd quarter also didn't help. it was very disappointing because in the first half Goltz looked quite decent, he had time to make his throws.... Watson and Kelly were catching balls that Denmark/Matthews have been dropping all year long and Woods looked like a nice double threat. It's a shame that all 3 parts of the team just can't play a full game....
  16. I didn't think the offense was all that bad, Goltz sadly forced those picks but for the most part he was much better then Pierce.. He actually had to time to throw in the first half. Sad that Kelly looked better then Matthews has all year...
  17. I think the problem is the drops that Moore had which killed two drives and Harris definitely is very streaky and sometimes looks like Cornish and can bounce off guys for extra yards... other times he looks like Fred Reid where a gust of wind drives him to the ground.
  18. Ray could dink and dunk to Simpson all night long and that would definitely stop the blitzes coming on every down.....
  19. Lulay really has been streaky this season... he was on yesterday because Hamilton has such a **** defense.... I am not convinced that BC is on the same level as the Riders/Calgary/Toronto ..... they seem to be making lots of mental mistakes.
  20. Watching him with his time with the Blue he looked... better then what we currently have!!
  21. I don't believe we had a shot at Burris, but Ray probably some truth. But every report we have heard is that he was going to Toronto and really no one else had a shot. Plus forget not all the conspiracy threads. Me thinks this article and thread is purely to trash Mack because he's no longer with us. I'm sure once Burke is canned the Media will have a dozen articles about him making crazy decisions and him being the reason Hefney sucked and why we had to get rid of talent bla bla bla
  22. Dude Elway was one if not the hardest throwing quarterbacks of all time...
  23. Collaros is a free agent at the end of the year
  24. wasn't a strong arm but it was good enough, fast enough to run when he needed to, certainly a lot faster than the likes of Ray or Calvillo right now. Lots of ints sure but a hell of a lot more TDs and a hell of a lot of wins in his time as a bomber qb. When speaking of receivers just think about 2002 for a while... Jones through 46 tds, almost enough for a record, Stegall had 23 but one was from Barnes so 22 from Jones, that still leaves 24 tds for Jones, only Calvillo threw more than 24 tds in 2002, that's a staggering number. even without his top receiver Jones was still top 2 in td passes. Not to mention that Charles Roberts was in double digits in touchdowns as well. People maybe forget what happened to his shoulder in his last bit of time here. It was damaged and never able to recover properly. It's also worth pointing out that in Calgary he did have some success, the problem was that he was brought in by Dunigan and when he was fired they wanted to turn the page completely and with Jones being one of Dunigans moves he had to go to make way for Burris. Bottom line people who don't think Khari was a very good to great qb are morons. 46 TDs.... have we even thrown for that many TD's in the 3 years with LaPolice and Burke all combined????
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