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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Reimer also sucks the only reason I'd want him is simply for a way out of Pavs contract.
  2. Kind of a risk but he is a good fit, the club needs an experienced guy for all the young talent we have. Its not like their is a vast array of available coaches that we could pick from.
  3. I went to all of the shows at the religious place on Chevrier , didn't think it was Church of the Rock but maybe it was. Did not see Scott Steiner at that place... I did see him at the U of M with Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger (pre accident) and Buff was a real good guy while Lex was a total mess. Scott was pretty good also, up close in person his arms were obscene and scary. At the Chevrier place the worst was Nikolai Volkoff wrestling and pretty much throwing out his hip... it was sad his gear was the same gear from the 80's... tattered knee pads and the same trunks that were really faded.
  4. If we are competitive that would be mighty nice.... If we don't field an anemic offense that also would be fantastic.
  5. Remember the times Reinbold and Kelly hand picked certain players for his system....
  6. I was referring to burying as in him admitting that pav is a bad goalie to the public.
  7. As for your former partner , the shows had great talent but we're poorly put together and his business partner who was trying to get people to sign up for his credit card was extremely shady. It was nice seeing some old classic guys mixed with Indy wrestlers on the up.... But 4 hour shows with no breaks kind of was a buzz kill and torturous.
  8. Well if Warrior was telling the truth then Hogan was a huge drug fiend and he used to pimp his wife out and was really a selfish bad guy. He hated Hogan with a passion and made it seem like the guy was pure evil. Now Randy Savage he said the complete opposite, macho man was genuine and a real good classy guy.
  9. Why would he bury Pav? That would drop his value big time.
  10. You sure do love jumping the gun. A proven loser with a bad track record...not really jumping anything...
  11. Off the wall zany and a guru of his position..... that seemed to work wonders when Kelly did the same thing with his zany offense..... Hopefully O'Shea takes over by the end of the year and hopefully Etch isn't locked in for more then 1 season...
  12. I kind of find it weird that the WWE trashed the warrior and guys like HHH ripped Warrior in the self destruction DVD yet after he dies HHH contradicts and says such nice things about the guy on Raw...
  13. Also when Glenn is traded to the Blue it will really push Hall and Marve to the back burners!
  14. I gotta ask, what makes kane a moron and whata bad choices? a picture of a moneyphone or the rumors on the internet that arent neccesarily true?Want to actually give me some proof besides a picture of a moneyphone that makes kane a moron? I think you need to stop believing what you read on the internet so much. Well him skipping out on bills acting like a hot shot, him being knocked out by a team mate for being a ******, the money thing, being charged in BC, being in trouble with the coach etc... Byfuglien is dark and was charged the other year yet the fans didn't turn on him because he's acted normal since the incident.
  15. It was annoying as hell having Burke flip flop every week on who the starter will be.It only makes sense that we have a clear direction. Willy will be fine and I'm sure it can't be any worse then Goltz and his 110 yards per game... But shouldn't the 'best' guy start? I'm just asking, what IF you've got somebody that is just better? From years and years of watching new Qbs lighting it up during training camp and then falling flat on there face during regular season action for the QB starting position you have to look at there body of work in the CFL. Willy has looked very good and has years of experience with the nuances of the cfl and learning the game. Very rarely does someone walk in and then is able to start. Marve has zero chance to start at the beginning of the year. He may win the 3rd position if that
  16. The black card is such a cop out excuse to defend him. Nobody is hating him for his skin color. Winnipeg is one of the most multi cultural NHL cities. Nobody hated on Stegall and he's black and was a huge star here in the Peg. People rag on Kane because he is a moron and makes bad choices constantly. If Scheifele and Trouba were doing dumb **** people would also rag on them.
  17. At his salary he doesn't have time to grow.. He has to earn the money.
  18. It wasn't personal, he would be equally be pissed that Scheifele would be ahead of him...
  19. It was annoying as hell having Burke flip flop every week on who the starter will be.It only makes sense that we have a clear direction. Willy will be fine and I'm sure it can't be any worse then Goltz and his 110 yards per game...
  20. Not much different I'd say... Noel did well with lots of dead weight.
  21. Yes and no. If the Jets want him I think they would have to buy out his KHL contract.
  22. Willy has more talent in his little finger than LeFors ever had. We'll be just fine with Drew Willy. Relax. Lol not true at all! But hey hopefully his fate ends up better then Lefors
  23. Burmi wants to be a top 2 line guy and he simply isn't there. It would be best if we traded him for really anything...
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