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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. @Booch I thought I respectfully disagreed with one part of your post and even liked it and agreed with the rest, but you can't handle anyone having an opinion that goes against your 'expertise'. Then not for the first time this season said that I'm not watching (before, you told me I was too busy pissing and snacking). This "don't you know who I am" act is also tiresome and played out. Don't high road me when you've been on this forum personally attacking other posters kids you haven't even met! Don't make me go dig up the post, you know exactly what sort of jerk you're capable of being. Sorry to the rest of the forum for having to read this BS, I know its exhausting.
  2. I'm definitely old enough to be considered a grumpy old man, this morning especially.
  3. I hate the current state of healthcare in this province. Inlaw has been suffering stroke-like symptoms for the past 2 weeks. Doctors at the rural hospital they are in says they need an MRI to positively diagnose and treat them, but the rural hospital isn't equipped so they need a transfer into the city or to another hospital. Every day the nurses call a stretcher service to move them and every day they fail to show up. Again and again to the point that the hospital has asked us to perform the patient transfer this morning. I said I would because what else are we going to do, we need to get that MRI, they've languished long enough as it is. But I'm not a professional, I'm not equipped for this. What happens if they seize on the highway or trip getting out of the vehicle into his wheelchair? They are nauseous and dizzy, and i cant lift them alone. Just brutal. And what if I didn't have a vehicle? Are we now calling ubers to transport patients? I knew healthcare was bad but not 'no ambulances or stretchers available for days on end' bad. Definitely writing my MLA, Manitobans deserve better.
  4. Watching you be a dickhead again. EVerYonE has tHeiR takE I have MinE but if you disagree with me you aren't watching. GFYS
  5. Haha jeez I swear he must have snubbed you in the autograph line at fan appreciation day or something 😆Kola played just fine last night. All the pressure kept coming from Eli and Hardrick's side of the line from what I could tell. Otherwise though I agree with the rest. Lawson needs to stay on and Jake can ease himself into the bench. Grant is a gamechanger, we are very fortunate to have him back in time for playoffs. Parker is indeed a speedy guy, noticeably faster than other guys on the field. This punter is bad and seemingly gets worse with every game. Cole has a bright future, hopefully here with the blue
  6. Whelp the empty glass say it's time to call it. The sun rises on the Bombers, best in the West
  7. HH to Farhan, yumm yumm your tears of unfathomable sadness
  8. Here we go refs, I knew you were on our side all along!
  9. Devil's advocate says he makes the tackle they kick a FG to win, thank god he's a waif!!! Waif FTW
  10. Let's see that Killer Instinct, go Fulgore on these kitties
  11. BC could or should be way ahead, we are unbelievably still in this, if barely
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