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Everything posted by M.O.A.B.

  1. If all 3 Natl are healthy, I wonder if we can all of them - Watson, JFG, and Kohlert. Rotate Denmark on the slot. That way if we need to play 3 Intl on the OL (if Neufeld is out) then Cotton can still be on the 44 as backup RB.
  2. OL Quinn Everett is not listed on the Bombers roster anymore. Any scoop if he is released or not?
  3. Jim Popp need to fire a HC two years in a row and step in as replacement. And maybe ask Calvillo to replace Dinwiddie.
  4. Its either Schonert or Lapo will be the HC of the Als next year
  5. Kevin Strasser is looking for work. Another guy is Stef Kruk. Wait. Care to tell me why are we worrying who's the next OC for Als?
  6. this game is not only a 2-and-out-fest but a injury-fest.
  7. Peach Creamers Kelly 2nd-raters Watson traders Renaud cutters Suber shoppers
  8. Didn't saw much of the game, what happened to Neufeld? How serious is the injury?
  9. Sweet payback by Willy.... willy willy sweet.
  10. Question: Where will be the ti-cats after this game? Answer: oh c'mon 'Like' it.
  11. I agree. just like when we played Edmonton both Reilly and White killed us on the ground. We need to stop both Lefevour and Gable from gaining yards and let Lefevour go through the air.
  12. stare at these for a while ... then go straight to your boss office (acting like you want to puke) ... and tell him you have a headache and needs to go home.
  13. I'm a little surprised Donovan Kemp hasn't been given a shot yet... No worries there still a lot of games left to be played, we're just in our 6th. Let the vets worked their butts off and help this team get wins in the early going. That will buy these PR guys enough time to learn the CFL and the team's schemes. Continuity is very important to O'shea and so far it's doing us good. They will get their chances sooner or later.
  14. I'm glad the circus in Winnipeg is over and built tent in Montreal. It's really nice to be in the other side of the comedy (of errors) show.
  15. I got a feeling that putting Romby in the slot will be a wise move.
  16. Mid-season firing (Higgins and Dinwiddie) looming ?
  17. Last week Penton said that the Bombers are actively trying to trade him. I know Burke liked Suber so I could see a fit in Toronto. I could see that too, but what we get in return?
  18. LOL. You been spoiled with 6 or 7 MLBs. Notice that they are moved to a different position. From last week, Cornell to NT and West to SAM/Dime. This week Norris to WIL/Dollar, K.Jones to SAM/Dime and West to S. Just shows how Etch system is evolving these guys as versatile football players... which is good. Unamba was moved from WIL/Dollar to SAM/Dime too. I'm expecting Stoudermire to draw in the 44, interested to see him have some actions on returns too. Swiston and Cotton will be the 2-man reserve.
  19. But that's a paradox…you have indicated by your post,that there will be less o….. but you still want Willy to send more on the deep throw. If he's injured there will be less O, so how can you send him deep? What? What is less O?
  20. I hope the Bombers doesn't have bad luck in QBs wearing #13.
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