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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Not defending him. My comment is more how much of a joke the suspension for hitting Orlov from behind was.
  2. If they give him a game for saying it. Words are the same as nailing a defenceless player from behind into the boards. Not condoning what Shaw said but think about it.
  3. I don't care if your 4ft tall if you get open that's all that matters.
  4. Would be true won a super bowl as d line coach with Ravens
  5. If they would of signed him before that he could never be a national after that.
  6. He is a New Yorker done a lot for the city of New York.
  7. Ottawa had neg listed him before he got national status so might be them.
  8. To have the same exact jerseys as the have now in the royal blue would be stupid for the club and Adidas. They want to sell more merchandise would not see a whole bunch of new jerseys if they just use the 3rd jersey.
  9. Yeah the video official if anything will speed up the game. Example given last night by Glenn Johnson was there is movement at the line and four flags go up. So before there would be a huddle with the officials and each would make a case for who the foul was against. Now instead the video official quickly rewinds tape see who committed the foul and sends it to the ref. An aside I would recommend if your a season ticket hold going to the Make the Call event next year. Glenn Johnson does an excellent job breaking down the new rules, gives more clarity on what they are looking for in reviews and how rational that officials use in making calls. Very informative and I feel like I gain a new understanding of what they are doing out there.
  10. He wants to farm. If that's his passion and he enjoys it more than football good on him.
  11. Still arbitration eligible for a couple years so no hurry to do that
  12. Ben Heenan retires says not injury related just wanted to move on in life.
  13. He has never thrown I think it's 140 innings in a year so the y are going to be careful with him. Pretty much standard for young pitchers theses days. Rather have a few shorter outings early in the year.
  14. I am excited for baseball though it's going to be a special year for my Cubs.
  15. What happened was Marco Estrada got hot and they did not want to put him back in the rotation after he came back from the oblique strain plus needed help in the bullpen. I have had him on my fantasy team all the way through the minors he was always going to be starter. The bullpen was out of of pure need.
  16. He was a starter out of spring training he was really good as a reliever last year.
  17. If he makes it a full year healthy.
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