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sweep the leg

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Posts posted by sweep the leg

  1. There were two primary schools of thought on Jade Etienne.


    "he sucks" and "let's wait and see"


    I don't remember many, if any, people proclaiming he was a future all-star lock. But I remember dozens proclaiming with 100% certainty that he was useless garbage. If you ask me, those people deserve to have it shoved in their face when/if he proves them wrong.

    Agreed. I've never wanted to see a player do well more than Etienne, just for the pure joy of rubbing the noses of people I don't know in it.

  2. but Mike's point still stands: they could've parted ways before giving him a salary bonus...

    I wish he would have just done what he was asked and played nickel. The team would be much better off for it. I also wish Mack & Burke had sorted this out with him before they paid him $35k for a couple weeks of training camp.

  3. He's also Senior Ah Me at Riderfans, if you didn't know that already.


    He's annoying as **** over there too.

    I didn't know all of this. I used to read the cfl forum so I remember who that is. He used to make jokes about Lyle Bauer's cancer.


    I've always thought that the guy(s) behind those other aliases were idiots, but now I know he's a complete ***hole too.

  4. One thing I noticed about Hall was that he tends to stare down his receiver. Otherwise I thought he was ok.


    I only saw a couple of series for Clement, but questions about his arm strength aren't going to go away. The pick he threw on that deep throw came down flat and basically straight down. I guess on the bright side at least all of this year's qb's can throw a spiral.


    I hope Goltz gets at least a half next week. He kinda got screwed on playing time yesterday. I'd like to see he & Hall play the entire game.

  5. 4. Beer selection is awful. Bud or Bud Light. That's it. I realize Budweiser's the sponsor but they need to have at least some variety. Maybe something from the local brews? The premium section/suites had more to choose from though. Speaking of sponsors...

    7. Not really crazy about the half time show or game day hosts (Power 97). Actually liked Wheeler but he belongs to the Jets now.


    I saw a guy in my section walk out with a Stella, so they must sell them somewhere outside the suites.


    I wasn't impressed with the host either, but I'll give him a chance to get better. Thank God it wasn't Carson instead...

  6. Riders?? Why??? Please explain...

    I think their OL will be much better this season. They're all good players. but I think last year was the first time any of them had ever played together before, and it showed. A year of familiarity should really help them out. An improved OL will make the entire offense better, especially Durant, who's already better than what Calgary & Edmonton have. Sheets is a top notch rb & the receiving corp. should be improved this season.


    I also like the moves they made on D this offseason. Chick, Foley, Anderson (as long as he's at corner, not db), and Weldon are all nice upgrades for them. They have to show they can do it on the field together, but on paper their D looks much improved.

  7. i think Elliot is going to be Wally's next pupil to bloom under his tutelage... then trigger a FA bidding war.

    (which, if it happens, could make things very interesting at 315 Chancellor Matheson Rd.

    I've read that he's being beaten pretty handily by Demarco for the backup job. The same article said the bigger issue might be if they want Hart as the #3 instead of Elliott, b/c they apparently think highly of his potential.


    edit: the article also noted how Westerman has been the star of camp so far...


    As for the West this season, I think the Riders & Lions will be the top two teams. The Esks OL will have them in the basement.

  8. Couple thoughts on what I saw:


    -Mike Renauld was clearly the best punter today. Very consistent. The other 3 all struggled. Cameron would get 1 good one off for approx. every 3 he shanked. Huthison was probably second best, but the gap was pretty wide.


    -Pierce looked very good today. In the session without the ol & dl he was money on nearly every throw. Goltz & Hall were also good in that session. Clement struggled badly at times. He'd throw an incompletion then walk back towards the coaches with his hands in the air. You could see the frustration. He hit a couple of long td passes, but he held onto the ball for so long before he threw them there's no way that would have ever happened in a real game.


    -Pierce (edited: put Matthews earlier) made a few really nice catches deep. Adams also caught a nice one that went for a long catch & run td. Adams also blocked a Cameron punt in a st's session.


    -The d won most snaps against the o in the running drills.


    -Parked looked great. He made a fantastic diving knockdown in coverage and blew up a few running plays. I'm impressed how good he is in coverage for a guy his size.

  9. I think you missed my point.


    If you wait until he's cut, you run the risk that you may not be able to sign him because there's a strong market for his services.

    If you give up an asset, you can secure him before other teams get a chance to make him an offer as a free agent.

    I have to think he's on a big contract right now. It would be interesting to see if he could get the same money again on the open market.


    I really don't think he'll be cut though, so none of this probably matters.

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