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sweep the leg

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Posts posted by sweep the leg

  1. Chase, you can look at basic statistics all you want.


    If you really want to break out stats that mean something, they all favor Goltz.


    Points per possession, percentage of two-and-outs, average net offense.


    For example ... last I checked, Buck was going two and out roughly 44% of the time this year. Compared to Goltz at around 17-18%


    Not even close. And there are plenty more stats just like that.

    Goltz did it against better teams too.

  2. I got absolutely nothing against Walters and I would bet that someday he will be a real good candidate for GM... I just don't think he's ready yet. AGM is a great place for him right now I believe and if the bombers just stick with him then it's just more of the same crap we've done for the last 2 decades that haven't worked. Make the easy hire cause the guy is already around rather than actually looking for the right candidate who can do the job for the next decade +. Where's our Wally Buono?

    Not sure if you listened to the press conference or not, but Miller said they're going to do a full GM search in the offseason.

  3. Burke claimed they were told on Sunday.  He was good about it though, he said Buck and Goltz's comments were due to their disappointment at not starting, and they are such competitors they had a hard time with their emotions....blah blah blah.  I thought it was extremely poor and unprofessional of both of them, but especially Goltz.  It's like the Dieter Brock ****-show all over again, only Dieter was actually good.

    The "I feel betrayed" comment was a little melodramatic.

  4. hated it when he said it, hate it after processing it, terrible attitude from a head coach. Yes Tim it IS your job to decide who the starter is. If you want to listen to your co-ordinators that's fine but ultimately it is your job. 

    I like that he's letting his offensive coaches pick the qb. My problem with what's happened is that he's basically come right out and said he disagrees with them. You need to give the impression that all coaches are on the same page. I wonder how Hall feels about knowing his HC doesn't want him to play?

  5. but the Burke love for PIerce started before the offseason even hit and the bombers even talked about where they were going with the qb position. Burke was waiting with baited breathe to get Pierce healthy last season, I just don't accept that he was full of **** when he talked about how much he liked Pierce because he's come across as a very straight shooter thus far. 

    Burke liking Pierce compared to what we had at qb is very different from liking him over Kevin Glenn.

  6. Also calling BS on the price for Glenn being a 2nd rounder. Methinks Lawless is just trying to throw more **** on Joe Mack who he seemingly has something personal against. 

    So you're suggesting Lawless is outright lying? I don't like the guy either, but he's been pretty accurate with his info lately.


    He said it was a fact, not just a rumour he heard.

  7. If true, Mack was ridiculously stupid.

    Not sure if I completely believe this though. Burke loves him some Buck.

    Assuming this story is true it appears that, no, he really didn't love Buck as much as some believe.


    On your other point, I agree it was a mistake to not make the deal.

  8. When does a team ever confirm to the public which individual was responsible for the hiring of another individual?


    As far as Wade being the one to call Marcel goes, it's such a non-issue. Who cares? Maybe Burke said to him, "hey Wade, I'm too busy to audition offensive assistants, can you find out if there are any available?" and Miller obliged. Who knows? Who cares? They're all working as one unit and if Burke wanted an offensive assistant (which he did) and Miller got him one, then it's not meddling so who really cares.

    Good call. Of all the things to worry about, this has to be at the bottom.

  9. I have grave concerns if this Hall move has been made by Miller himself. I do NOT want a President meddling in on-field stuff. Hire the right coaches and player personnel folks and let them do their damn job...

    Miller seemed to me to say that on-field decisions aren't his job (his comment about not watching film for example). My guess is that Burke is letting Crowton play the qb he wants. He's said he's not involved with the offense, so he's going to let the guy who is pick his qb.

  10. My neighbour ran into Crowton at the store.  He said he wanted to play Hall, but they wouldn't let him.  I don't know who "they" was referring to.


    That is my unsubstantiated rumour and I don't expect anyone to believe it.  I barely believed it myself.

    I've heard that before too. It may have been on here, I can't remember.


    On the pregame show for our last game Dunnigan said that Hall was the guy the Bomber coaches thought was the future and he expected to see him before the season was over.

  11. but at what cost? Not like there was a lot in the cupboard to to work with in terms of making trades. Now sure we can bicker about the one or two free agents who were out there that could have been THAT guy but there was really only 1 or 2 people. 

    The cost of a qb trade & an OL or two in FA would have made us a much better team. That's all I think we needed to be a competitive team.

  12. but lets say that Goltz goes on to be this teams starting qb for the next number of years and swiston and pencer wind up being solid starters on the o-line.... would it then not stand to reason that the guy actually knew what he was doing? 

    It would to a degree. As it stands right now though I agree with Iso's post. He didn't do enough to make the team competitive while we waited for these young guys to emerge.

  13. To answer the OP, my attitude has changed a couple of times over the past 5 years. In 2009 I had some doubts as to whether or not I wanted to keep my season tickets, as I was having zero fun at the games. 2010 & 2011 made me love it again, but the last two years have again chipped away at my willingness to pay for watch something that only makes me angry. I'm coming periously close to no renewing, as my tipping point might be my chance to get in on Jets season tickets for this coming season.


    It sucks when you actually feel like it's a hassle to be bothered going to games.

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