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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2014/04/09/katz-let-media-see-flooding-at-investors-group-field Katz has waded (bad pun on both parts) into the situation LOL
  2. This would appear to be what Miller is doing and I applaud him for it. Can't help it if Friesen spins it like it's an illuminati coverup ...
  3. I know poop that thinks Friesen stinks ...
  4. I wonder if this will be blamed on Butcrack or Mack somehow?
  5. Like these moves ... If Hogan work's out I'm sure there will be a Hogan's Heros reference there somewhere ...
  6. I'm concerned he doesn't spell his name with a K ...
  7. Prolly was ... long offseason LOL. It's official today I guess ...
  8. Looks like Glenn will either come to us or I don't know, perhaps the Als, when no one meets Desjardin's outrageous asking price. This one took me by complete surprise but that's the thing about the good ole CFL, you never know LOL ...
  9. http://www.bluebombers.com/article/bombers-name-mcdairmid-linebackers-coach Good move, lots of experience ...
  10. referring to the "friend who knows" type post, nothing wrong with what you put in IMO.
  11. Good to hear, he was one of the all time great players and deserves it ...
  12. http://www.morningbigblue.com/community/topic/3066-please-read-message-from-the-moderation-team/
  13. Great news and I'm really looking forward to improved play on the online ...
  14. I guess Kevin Glenn will keep waiting for a trade
  15. I know, that's what I was thinking
  16. What a loser he is Ya that would be cool ... an aggressive, powerful, fast, smart center ...
  17. Maybe we can take him there
  18. A DL from Concordia got some attention at the CFL combine, he did very well against all the top o-line prospects winning every single rep in the one on one drills. He also played guard and held his own against Even Gill and others. Wonder if he'd be too far off the board to take a chance at? I know we need a center so I doubt we go that way. These kind of stories make the draft very interesting though ...
  19. Welcome Nate Would be nice (if they are getting Wylie) if he had of been there, but yes the Bombers should be able to tell a good prospect without him. Every eye that can be used does help though IMO. Lets hope this process of getting him or whoever signed gets done soon. The season is not that far off ...
  20. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/2015-Grey-Cup-willed-be-played-in-Peg-251972661.html F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!!!!!
  21. Too soon to post anything positive? After the last few years I guess it's expected, but all that being said, I have a feeling that this is going to be the start of a different Bomber era, a time where fans have hope and possibly can get their swagger back. Not sure how long it will take but I truly believe we are heading in the right direction as a franchise again. Call me a dreamer or delusional if you'd like because I know this has been said countless times over the last 23 years. Still IMO I've seen us try harder in the last 6 months than in the last 5 seasons combined to improve and that gives me reason to hope.
  22. ... June 16 against the Argos and July 3 against that team from Ottawa. When was the last time the Bombers started the first two at home? I really believe the early sked gives this team a chance to get out of the gate well and build some confidence. I know the later part of the sked is brutal, but it's amazing what momentum can do for a young team. Those two (turning into 7 straight) early wins in 2011 gave the Bombers the chance to play in the Cup. We're not in the East anymore so it'll be a tough road. I'm hoping we're going to compete from the first game on.
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