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Mr. Perfect

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Everything posted by Mr. Perfect

  1. Ottawa safety got lucky - can't do that with your hips.
  2. 1. Brady O: Great job pounding the rock and catching too. Would have liked to see more touches for him in the first half when ZC was struggling. 2. Grant: Parting of the sea on his punt return tuddy and a couple nice plays on offence too. 3. Leggs: Aside from Parades, has there been a better kicker (especially given Leggs does all three jobs) than Leggs this year? HH. Brandon Zylst...ahem...Dalton Schoen. Just an absolute gem found by Danny Mac at KC Chiefs training camp last year.
  3. It's legit cost them 2 wins so far having the garden gnome coaching instead.
  4. Yup. Everything evens out in the end. Breathe and relax until it does.
  5. No offence intended but what difference would it make? If he can't go, next man up and get the win - and when Ellingson is ready (might as well wait until after the bye at this point) then giv'er hell.
  6. Badly need a Vince McMahon strut gif with Mike O'Shea's face on it....
  7. That and playing at home helped immensely. At a neutral site, they get smashed just as they did in 2019.
  8. Sportsnet won't want to do anything that takes eyes off the Jays given they own the team.
  9. As for my own thoughts, I was apparently on one of my message board extended absences that I tend to go on every so often but I recall having a very ho-hum reaction to the trade at the time. I felt that Strevvy as a full time starter in the 2019 stretch run would have been a disaster due to his limitations throwing the ball. That said, you're "obviously" not going to get a miracle worker (though little did we know we did) in a trade so I remember thinking to myself that given playbooks take time to learn and with Lapo at OC the offence would be vanilla at best. I remember not having any hope whatsoever during that Calgary semi final game and pretty much enjoyed the ride from that point on. Happy to be wrong about my expectations of the trade, like so many were looking back at the posts, and I look forward to the day when ZC is in the Blue Bomber and CFL Halls of Fame.
  10. ....wtf...? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Another favourite post of the thread given that I can picture the two of them doing this... So much this. Not sure if it could have been stated any better.
  11. I hear ya. For me, I like getting jerseys that not "everyone" has. So as much as jerseys like Bighill, Collaros, and Jefferson are great jersey choices, they're ones I'm probably choosing against. I need a jersey for Labour Day. O-Line jerseys seem to be rare-ish so I'm leaning towards a Big Stan jersey at the moment. Favourite comment in the entire thread. ZC just happened to do it twice in the playoffs (so far). Amazing how some went on four or five paragraph tangents with no clue whatsoever, and this two word post was the most accurate of all lol.
  12. That left guard for Ottawa has to be one of the biggest people in the league but has absolutely zero technique whatsoever.
  13. Such lazy, horrendous marketing throughout the early to mid 2000's
  14. Man, I don't even know know what to say about this team anymore. As for three stars, so difficult given the many outstanding performances - but let's give it a try. 1. Zach is so cerebral. Death by a 1000 cuts type QB 2. Brady O - Let's stop looking at stat sheets and watch the actual game when it comes to evaluating his performances, shall we? 3. The hogs. 100+ yards rushing, no sacks allowed. Masterful showing. HH - Hallett. No broken plays over the top. Gets his first career PBU (if TSN was accurate in saying so). Against an elite offence like Calgary, that was about as good as you could have hoped for from him.
  15. Even with his salary, I have a hard time thinking at the end of the day given Manitoba taxes, cost of living, and playoff bonuses that he would have made significantly less playing here.
  16. Probably one of the best throws by a Bomber QB in a few years. Over the corner, between the safety. Perfect toss.
  17. Enjoy this folks. This is our Bud Grant, Mike Riley/Cal Murphy era. So many reasons to lay an egg over the last 4 weeks and this team does what they do - win and onto the next.
  18. Crazy concept - but the O Line making its blocks leads to what we've seen so far. Great to see. Happy to trade field goals for touchdowns all day.
  19. Not cheering for the Riders (ever) but cheering for the Lions not to win. Early turnover for Rourke after having six in his last three games.
  20. Damn shame that when CBC lost the rights, he was never on TV again. He was awesome at colour - even if we did have to suffer though Mark Lee's screaming after CC left for TSN.
  21. We'll be up against it for sure. But best coach and best QB in the league always gives you a fighting chance.
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