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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. I'm sorry, but if Riders fans are going to come over here and start mouthing off about QBs, you're Goddamned ******* rights I'm ready to fight someone......it's playoffs, and **** everyone who's not us.
  2. Fajardo has been awful....AWFUL....until this year. He's found a way to muddle his way through McAdoo's system and achieve a little bit of success with that ridiculous spin move thing. That's about it. **** that guy...he'll be a nothing again soon.
  3. NOpe....and I think Vaj sucks......but he's better than Fajardo, no question. Arbuckle is likely the best of all of them, but how can you tell until they're out from under the Huff-Dickenson system? So many of these guys are just a product of their environment...
  4. he's a ******* glorified 3rd stringer and always will be.....this year is a mirage, period.
  5. he's a piece of **** and **** you for saying otherwise...
  6. imagine your QB situation was so bad you went all in on Cody Fajardo and then mouthing off to other fans about their teams QB situation.....
  7. Noeller


    all of this is a really good point. I never cheer for someone to have their livelihood taken away, but this weekend I'm cheering for injuries to key players on the Stamps and Riders more than anything. We've endured more than our share this season, and I'll take every advantage we can get in the WSF....
  8. that's assuming everyone ages like Lucic did. Not everyone is going to fall off a cliff. Players now are in better shape than they have ever been, and theoretically could play a lot longer.....
  9. Josi's an outstanding player, but man that's a lotta money...
  10. I'd second that...we don't pay anything to use this, so as long as Rich is getting what's coming to him, and it's not making my use of the site super difficult, I'm okay with whatever...
  11. Noeller


    I'm confused by Irving's tweet....is Couture in a walking boot? What exactly is his injury?
  12. "I love everything that's old and reminds me of when I was young" - Old People
  13. I mean, the guy he hit is "Kylington", so it was basically self-defense, right???
  14. Along with the players being bigger and stronger, it's the equipment...back when gear was less, it hurt more to put a lick on someone. Now, you're wearing space age stuff where you don't feel anything, so you don't think twice about really smacking someone. Grapes has been making this same case in hockey, and I fully believe it...
  15. well, they were a piece of **** team to begin with, and without Reilly, they're a glorified CIS team with less NI content.......so that's a good point.....
  16. Do STTs not show up on the stat line?
  17. I'm trying to figure out why exactly you two are so passionate on either side of the Streveler "debate".....is it/he really that worth it?
  18. My thought, in the moment, was that he was pointing at his tattoo.....now, what the tattoo IS, exactly, I'm not sure....
  19. I'm fully on board with Coach Buck taking over next year, but if it's Dinwiddie, it's not the worst thing. Better than Lapo, tho that's a pretty low bar...
  20. Fajardo is ******* awful and it's embarrassing to me that any defense allows him to look serviceable.
  21. Anything is better than Lapo but nothing (other than Khari, which isn't happening) would be better than Osh.
  22. Horrendous PI call on what would have been a Esks INT and results in a TD for Arceneaux... The calls have been gloriously one sided in favour of the Riders. Combined with Suitor doing a regional-broadcast job on the colour.... Its almost unwatchable.
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