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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. ? Seems unnecessary to fly there and back again just for giggles....
  2. If you think Cody ******* Fajardo is anywhere NEAR as good a QB as Matt Nichols, you're just ignorant....
  3. the thing about Fajardo's contract is that it's not guaranteed, so it's just a random number...when he goes back to proving that he's a generic 3rd string guy, they can ditch him outright. Really sucks for players, but makes things a lot easier for teams.
  4. Farjardo and the Riders offense is ****....period.
  5. I feel like we'll see a 50 50 split of McGuire and Collaros on Friday night...
  6. What you don't know about stuff would fill a warehouse....
  7. Ya the series starts in like the early 1900s and Hank doesn't die till 52. There's a lot of info. The stuff from the 50s thru the 70s was probably most entertaining to me.
  8. Nope... Finally played a competent offense. Sask is garbage and Mtl was bad last week.
  9. I can't believe I'm reading hate for Strev... Christ sakes. He was a warrior tonight. Needs a wheelbarrow to carry his balls in. Had some tough drops that didn't help. Curious to see how bad his ankle is...
  10. I'm sitting up high on the 50yd line... Musta missed Strev getting hurt there. So far so good. My concerns about the D continue but mostly Rios. He's having a rough go..
  11. Good lord are those horrendous options and massive steps back from Osh.... Just.... Wow.
  12. Hall has shown the ability to make changes, so I'm not as against him. Lapo for sure gotta go...
  13. Well, as I sit and look through the condo window in northeast Calgary, it's overcast. Forecast says Partly Cloudy, 30% chance of showers for this evening. High of 9 this afternoon but cooling off around game time. McMahon is a graveyard for us but this Stamps team is as beatable as they've ever been. Today, missing Don Jackson and Tre Roberson, that much more so. While the odds would suggest a season finish of Sask-Cgy-Wpg, why not throw a wrench into things and win out the season just for fun?? Let's Go Blue.... Game Day: We All Play.
  14. That's the thing! There is NOBODY better available (I'm not convinced Khari is better... But he'd be the only guy I'd want). Every other team in the league would want Osh as an HC. It's only our insane, can't-ever-be-happy "fans" that want him gone.
  15. A lot of insane things have been said in this thread lately, but people wanting yet another rookie HC and thinking that will go well, is a new low.... Ffs.
  16. God what I wouldn't give for BC to fluke one out tonight with Danny ******* O'Brien at QB...
  17. It's gonna be Lawler that gets the nod, bud I would be all for Desjarlais getting it. He's clearly been playing very well and that's why he hasn't been moved from that LG spot...
  18. Hansen's a good story, but he's not even close to our ROTY...
  19. My first thought was that DA will be the game day-er....
  20. I'm definitely not as scared about putting up points as I am about preventing Cgy from scoring at will....
  21. Winnipeg is Edmonton without money....I've said that for about a decade, and stand by it.
  22. I'd heard Riddler, too, but he woulda been the PERFECT Penguin. I mean the guy is built perfectly for it, strictly from a physical sense. He's a top notch actor and could pull off anything, but physically, he's the perfect Penguin.
  23. this is why I always say "trust in those whose job it is to know better"......
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