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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. That is all entirely your fault and I'm still mad at you for it. You started this nonsense....
  2. Hey I said from the first post, I admit it... And I get it. But I still don't like it. Wife says "I assume you're gonna get this new comic book thing..." "**** no! Jesus Christ..."
  3. what's hilarious is that comic book nerds think they're cool now because of Marvel movies....no...you're still nerds.
  4. But.......this time I'm willing to admit it. And it's not so much "old man", it's "anti-nerd"....I don't get comic book nerds.
  5. ******* comic books....I can't roll my eyes hard enough. But I get it...the nerds are a demographic that isn't in to football, so if this somehow gets them to buy tickets and such, then whatever. It's the same as getting someone like Bieber to do the half time at Grey Cup...it's all about appealing to a demo that's not already there.
  6. Farhan saying that coaches have apparently been told to prepare for 1-week TCs. I understand the thought process here, but man, that just seems like begging for injuries. I'm still holding out hope for a half-season starting at Labour Day, but as noted, it's the "getting US players across the border" that's going to be the issue. Things are a MUCH bigger mess down there....
  7. someone posted last week that the league stands to lose more than 1-billion dollars if they lose the rest of the season. That is a LOT of incentive to try and find some way to play out the games. Count me as one who doesn't think they can/will, but here's hoping anyhow. I'm just begging for any shred of hope for live sports on my TV...
  8. Diffie dead and John Prine in critical. **** my life. Willie's had respiratory problems for awhile now. Get him, Alan Jackson and George Strait locked down NOW....
  9. We're gonna see big jumps for at least the next month, if not two. I'd like to start seeing some declines or at least a flattening by the end of May...
  10. Set up a retro gaming station in my basement, so the wife and I have been playing NES and Genesis a fair bit. After Criminal Minds had it's series finale, we bought early season DVDs and have been binge-ing those. Every year at this time (when network shows are ending for the year) we start a rewatch of our favourite show, How I Met Your Mother, so we'll be getting to that soon enough. Other than working part time from home, work is mostly "normal"...or, at least, we've adjusted to whatever this "new normal" is. Just trying to find a little bit of enjoyment in each day to try and get through it. We're gonna be here for awhile, so gotta make the best of it...
  11. My RRSPs are a long term (don't need for another 25 years and don't even want to think about touching them) investment, so they're good where they are. If I was doing investments through my TFSA (which I also have) it is just far too easy for me to withdrawal, which is all kinds of bad. My TFSA is basic, with no investments within it, and meant more for emergencies. My RRSP, literally my retirement savings, is just fine sitting there and (hopefully) accruing some interest...
  12. we just have to watch China and see what they do...and try to follow that (or not follow it, depending on how it goes...) as it's our only real source of relative information at this point.
  13. Asterisk ✳... And also they can go **** themselves.
  14. Madani with a few details today. They're prepping for an 8 game season, which is the absolute minimum the league is prepared to go with. Would start at Labour Day. Also of note, Ambrosie having a "Town Hall" for/with fans online Friday at Noon EST. Second, of note, MOS doing an online QnA with fans on Friday... POSITIVE CFL THINGS TO BE EXCITED ABOUT!!! ❤️
  15. I don't put a ton into my RRSPs but I put as much as I can afford. I am really glad that I don't plan on taking any out for another 25 years. In the meantime, hopefully RBC is loading me up on good stocks...
  16. Elimimian (CFLPA Pres) sent out a message telling players to "prepare for the worst case scenario".....which sounds about right. Tait had a good piece today about what some of the players are doing to stay healthy during this time. Will be tough to stay in football shape for 6 months or more when you can't get to a gym to lift weights...
  17. I was just thinking today that we're probably not going to see a season start until Labour Day. If we get ANY CFL football this year, I'm calling it a win. It's one of the only things I really want in life right now (...other than good health for everyone...)
  18. If we're still seeing exponential growth in positive cases a month from now, it wouldn't entirely shock me to see mandatory lockdown similar to what Italy is doing right now. Military in the streets and all that...whatever it takes to end this thing. I'd rather do a short term, mandatory lockdown than a long term "ehhh let's see what happens".....
  19. neat! I have a not-so-mild obsession with my hometown and its history. My grandfather was one of the "founding fathers", and received the Order of Manitoba for his work in designing the town. It's pretty great....
  20. I love Pinawa... It's my favourite place on earth.... But it is forever 1963, in so many ways.
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