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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. UK variant discovered in MB. Related to international travel. 5 household contacts...no evidence to suggest community transmission at this time.
  2. Riders also sign both of the Herdman twins...
  3. go back to the good old days....Edmonton Edmontons.......
  4. So you think there's enough people within the UCP voting ranks that would "Vote Rachel"? I feel like if disenchanted UCP voters were going to "hold their nose" to vote, it'd still be for Kenney, rather than have to vote NDP. But, again, I'm a bit jaded because I live in rural AB, which can really be like rural AL at times....
  5. LT is second most important... Without question. Medlock is important but if Legghio is as good as they say, it should be alright... Plus they can go NI at P, and use a DI elsewhere. And nothing is where the bar is...?
  6. Until I actually see the NDP defeat a united Con party, I'm not sure I can believe it. Their one win in 50 years was because the PC's and Wild Rose split the Right. Would love to see another Notley win in 2023, but....
  7. Walters said this morning they won't be active in FA. Said his money is all but spent. Don't expect anything particularly interesting tomorrow.
  8. the ones I really don't like are the lacross -type names... "Extreme" and **** like that.
  9. Really interesting stuff.... Whitehead, based on his social media, would really like to come back, but I'm sure wants to maximize his value. Miles and Rush are two guys I thought would be slam dunks to return....guess not. Exume might want to be closer to home and Peterman just wants a place to start. Fair enough.
  10. Yeah, TBH, now that he's not a Jet, I couldn't care less if I never heard about Patrick Laine ever again.
  11. I preferred the JLo/Shakira one to this, but this isn't terrible. It's not my kinda music but I can get into this. Nice to see a Canadian kid in the biggest promotional stage... Also, Gronk is such a freak of nature. Has there ever been a greater red zone producer? Also also, Tom Brady is just ageless. It's like Roger Federer... Until he quits, nobody will be able to take him down. The closest thing to Michael Jordan in any other sport...
  12. Arbuckle article earlier this week has quotes from him saying he thinks Ottawa really wanted Nichols and waited out his situation in Toronto... in turn stalling on their negotiations with Arbuckle.... He's pretty angry about it.
  13. there was a quote on Twitter just the other day from (I believe) Jamie Nye in Sask, who said that TSN's money covers the players payroll for each team. So that part, apparently, is true...
  14. Rex Murphy is Canada's answer to a Fox News correspondent. Complete and total garbage.
  15. Well this thread feels mildly racist, sexist and who knows what else....
  16. I can't imagine it ever getting to this, but what an awful Sophie's Choice. I want NO PART of merging with another league.
  17. what about the way The Trinity operates/has operated would make you think otherwise???
  18. I'll finish your sentence: ...the league is likely dead. Which is why there's no way the season gets canceled. Somehow, some way......they'll find a way to play this year. At some point.
  19. I'm willing to give them time yet to unveil some kinda plan. Edmonton's President said they've done financial models for as low as 10% capacity, which might even be possible this summer in an outdoor facility that holds at least twice that (in Montreal) and up to 5x that (in Edmonton). And maybe they have some kinda financial model for no fans for a few games...?? I know Ambrosie hasn't earned the benefit of doubt, but as a noted Positron who desperately wants to see CFL ball this year, I'm staying upbeat and hoping for good news on this front...
  20. as with Calvillo, I just never thought this day would ever actually come..........
  21. Crazy people are crazy people....it's a fair comment to lump them all together, IMO.
  22. one of the most underrated players in the league. That guy is all hustle, all the time...
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