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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. There is no option year anymore. Once the contract expires he's a FA. I'm sure there'll be interest from other CFL teams.
  2. Cummings signed a 1 yr deal so he could go the FA route this off season.
  3. Man, watching those highlights just choked me up... I remember that game so well. We were huge underdogs to the Lions & we overcame...
  4. I was skyping with my son in Victoria last night. We were both watching the game & we just laughed when Bond looked like he took a punch from Mike Tyson stumbling back with his head tilted & arms flailing. Then the ref threw the flag.
  5. Hopefully we get out #1 guys back at receiver & we become more productive.
  6. Looks like, I guess. I like the term Willy Mavens. For 2 reasons. One, I thought of it & 2, it has a nice ring to it.
  7. Yep, the big announcement then weaseled back. Must be a Trump strategist.
  8. Nichols gets no respect from the Drew Willy Mavens here who somehow feel he's been done an injustice by being benched. Not accusing you of being one JBR, I'm just saying there are a lot of comments that seem to suggest we're winning despite Matt Nichols & not because of him. So, I'm not singling you out at all. This is just for discussion purposes. We've won 4 games in a row. We've given up one sack in the last two games. The guy has only thrown a single pick playing with receivers that normally would never play as they're backups at best. He's game managed well & all we've done is win. Nothing he does will ever satisfy them. Our last GC winning qb was a journeyman who played in at least 3 CFL cities during his career. Matter of fact he never saw the field the year before in the GC being the backup qb for Kent Austin. No one ever thought Tom Burgess was ever good enough to win the GC. Yet he did for us. Let's just enjoy the ride here & give the man his due. Nichols is doing a great job as the field general out there. Nothing flashy like Mike Reiley. However, the players like & believe in him, We're winning,our defense is playing lights out ball hawk, our ST's are humming & that should be good enough for us all.
  9. Hebert actually gave the cheap shot that effectively started the end of Jon Cornish's career.
  10. That Cox hit out of bounds went beyond cheapness. he should be fined. I'd like to say suspended but the way suspension appeals are handled, well... what a waste of time.
  11. Let's just put a lineman at qb & let him take the snaps & see how we do. Maybe Hardrick? Neufeld?
  12. Popp never should have been a head coach to begin with. Amazing he's been able to convince Wettenhall that it was the right move.
  13. Of course Rider fans say the Riders will sue & bring down the entire CFL. And damn, the league deserves it!
  14. No, Bo forced the CFL to do something. As you know, the investigation is still ongoing. A damn qb did the damage that a pro team was trying to hide.
  15. Must suck when a qb from another team outs your million dollar executive team for cheating.
  16. Story going around the CFL will come down hard on the Riders in the off season for cheating. More fines & even loss of a 1st round draft pick.
  17. Serious questions about the future of your players going in & out of the lineup on the whim of a desperate head coach with no answers.
  18. Interesting. Wonder what their record was when Calvillo was playing?
  19. They gutted it out & got a gritty win in a city where they don't win often. At the end of the day a win is a win whether it's a thing of beauty or an ugly duck.
  20. An injury prone Reilly takes on two players scoring a touchdown.
  21. I think Tate has been humbled after injuries & losing the team to BLM.
  22. Sure they would but he'd never start. He'd be a backup for backup $$$
  23. Sure, a team would sign him but where would he start? And how much money would he make being #2 or #3 on the depth chart? It makes no sense to walk. He can probably negotiate a better deal with the Bombers than another team.
  24. Well, you said he just walk. To where? You tell me. It's a frigging 9 team league not 30 like the NFL.
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