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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. There are lots of players who have gone from one teams garbage pile to being gems for another team. It all depends on what the fit is like. Remember people, Vega was cut by another team before the bombers brought him in... hell the best example I can think of is Anwar Stewart being a cut from Calgary when they were absolutely terrible but he went to be a star with Montreal. It's all about who fits with what teams.
  2. Haha you always manage to make me chuckle. Such a raging homer but you're nice and subtle about it. Pretend that it's all the argos guys doing this and not giving credit where you should which would be Trestman and Calvillo. I see what you did there.
  3. I highly doubt that people don't respect Mack. If that were the case they wouldn't always be signing players that Winnipeg has had in camp. I would buy that they don't like him. You can see why that would be in some of the draft videos that are out there. I'm thinking specifically about when they were talking about making a trade and the other team was trying to haggle a bit and Mack just shut it down with a "no we won't do it then" He doesn't play games, he doesn't care to haggle and negotiate, either the deal is there or it isn't and maybe some people don't like it. I agree with Mike though, the roster is only lacking in one position, it's the big one, but once that gets taken care of then I'll take this roster against anyones I don't care who does or doesn't like Mack in the media or around the CFL. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Joe Mack operates in pretty much the exact same way that Jim Popp does, the big difference being that Popp has had Ham and then Calvillo at qb since the Als came back to Montreal, pretty easy to build a team when the most important position has had that kind of stability. Could you imagine what the bombers might have looked like over the years if Khari Jones (same age as Calvillo) had had that kind of longevity?
  4. Good idea for a post. I think a big part of the problem is that people are so focussed on the bombers that they don't pick other teams apart like they pick the bombers apart,
  5. Watchin Roberts run when we had big guys like Bobo and Sheridan was always fun. He'd just disappear behind some of those guys. And a tough little bugger too. He ran like a much more powerful back, he didn't get his yards by running away from guys, he went right up the middle and just made people miss. Really makes you wonder how good he could have been if he took things as seriously as a guy like Stegall did. It's no secret that Roberts really did get by on his god given natural talent.
  6. Last time they tried to mess with the way Calvillo played the game everyone was writing him off as done. Seems risky, I'd have just kept with what was working oh so well for the als offense if I was coaching.
  7. Here's hoping Etienne grabs the spot and never lets go.
  8. but Johnson was getting burned, the safety was getting burned, Hefney was getting burned. Just a lot of guys did not play well on defense last year. It took a while for the d-line to really shape up, Hall especially took a few games to figure the CFL out so the pressure wasn't as good as it could have been, took a while to settle in at the T spot. I'd expect a much better start from the entire defense this year just based on things being relatively settled and continuous on the defensive line, ideally the secondary plays better than they did last year, linebackers should be less of an issue if those areas do better and I do think Parker can do the job at one spot, and Muamba came along quite well as last year went along.
  9. however last year guys were getting burned all over the field so I think it's unfair to single out the one position.
  10. I think that's a case of having expectations too high. How many guys in the CFL actually do more than just play the position? How many of those guys would you find in free agency anyway? Not every player on your team is going to be a star, most of them by far are just guys playing the position.
  11. I believe starchoice has become shaw these days
  12. but pierce is no AC. Calvillo was never a runner, he always made his mark passing first. Pierce though is a totally different animal and I'm skeptical that he can make that transition.
  13. No I think that a Buck Pierce that's told to be a pocket passer is not as good a qb as the Buck Pierce who would pull the ball down and run head long into a defense, often picking up huge yards. He was at his best when he was a threat to run, I am not sure he is a strong enough pure passer to make a go of it playing entirely from the pocket.
  14. I think it depends what the issue is, if it's a thing where it'll heal up with a week off they'll give him the first week off so he's 100% the rest of the way as opposed to playing and possibly playing on it hurt the entire way
  15. Bell is terrible for satellite I find. I much prefer the shaw satellite systems. To be fair though, I've always gone with cable, just used both types of satellite at work so I can't comment on their pricing or customer service. My experience is that the only time you ever really lost signal if the dish was aimed well was during very heavy intense rain storms, which does suck but it's nothing that's a complete deal breaker either I don't think.
  16. that's unfair, I don't hate the argos any more than I hate any other team out there. A lot of the reasons I hate the argos is because they keep hiring douchebags. Seriously Barker has always been a giant piece of **** and I've disliked him greatly everywhere he's been. You will note that I've always been very complimentary towards Ricky Ray right? I don't hate teams, I hate players.
  17. well if that's the case then the Daves are taking over the world. (seriously I had no clue what KBFs name was, and I have enough of an ego I just assume people are talking to me)
  18. Just something about him that bugs me, plus I am very impressed with Simpsons ability to do everything as a runningback. That's the biggest thing at play here, just think Simpson is really something special at the position.
  19. it wasn't unclear I don't think, I mentioned where he finished in rushing yardage right before that, it was obviously connected.
  20. You will notice that I said higher yards per carry than the guys ahead of him right? Trust me I know how to twist my words and arguments to suit me.
  21. actually, it does, because like you say it's all semantics.
  22. I would actually go so far as to suggest that the reason we see more NI rbs these days is because we see more I offensive linemen. Used to be that you'd go all NI on the o-line but defensive lines are getting so good these days you can't always find a NI who can do the job well enough so you have to make up the NI spot elsewhere and why not rb? It's a very much an athlete first position and no one doubts that the CIS can produce athletes.
  23. It's not really odd though. Koch beat the coverage so badly he was able to see where the ball was going and just wait for it. Even though the defenders did get into the picture at the end they had no clue where the ball was Koch still had to show good concentration to keep his eyes on the ball and catch it with a couple guys bearing down. Reilly just heaved that ball up to an uncovered receiver, the amount of time it took that pass to get to the endzone it was all on the receiver to make a play there.
  24. He finished 4th in the league in rushing last season despite not starting until several games had already passed... he had a better yards per carry than everyone ahead of him on that list and he did it all with a nagging foot injury all year! That's not just a promising player, that's a guy who is a player right now. So what puts some of those running backs so far ahead of Simpson? For my money Simpson is likely the best player on the Bombers.
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