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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. You're right it's not in the balance.... you have no Durant at all period and no Kevin Glenn isn't going to be the saviour. He didn't do crap in Montreal last year, guy is just about done and there is a reason he's been the backup most places lately. Durant was the franchise in Saskatchewan, he was there and playing they won he wasn't playing and they were an embarrassment, it truly does blow my mind that Rider fans are so willing to accept moving Durant in favour of Kevin Glenn, Vince Young and a bunch of young qbs. We've seen this movie in the CFL before and it's a recipe for disaster.
  2. They are totally in disarray. The Conservatives can't come to grips with the fact that the country is tired of social conservatives and the real reason they had power was because the Liberals were just in their time out and not actually losing touch with the country. The NDP meanwhile are lost because the core left wing part of the party didn't like the idea that they actually moved towards the middle to try and win an election so they're fighting to pull back left while the ones that want to win are trying to keep heading towards the middle but the Liberals have effectively taken that position back and I don't think the NDP knows what it wants to be right now.
  3. If you are worried Durant is too old and too brittle and maybe lost the mental edge then why in gods name is Kevin Glenn the replacement? Durant is better than Glenn at everything so that change is just mind bottlingly stupid.
  4. I mean given the way it's written you could pretty much put any Conservative's picture there and it'd be relevant to the people who write the way that's written. Bottom line is it was a status quo pick by the Conservative party, and I don't see how that does anything but guarantee the Liberals another 2 terms. They'll get their asses kicked next time and think "oh just need time for people to warm up to the new leader" but then they'll get their asses kicked again the following time and perhaps then they will stop and say "wait a minute, this back asswards social conservatism doesn't fly anymore, we better change" My hope is they get absolute wrecked next time so it forces them to get with the times quicker.
  5. that's a bit of an over simplification. In football generally the biggest thing you need in order to get noticed is opportunity, whether that's from the guy ahead of you getting hurt or playing poorly enough for them to look at the depth behind that person and I honestly don't think Bass had either of those things happen. Or did he get injured? I can't remember. Either way it's not always as easy as simply beating the veteran out of a spot.
  6. I like Yukon Brewing, they had an ESB in their mixer pack a while ago (which I think they have since replaced with a brown ale) that I always quite liked, and the red was a solid option too.
  7. Dandy was basically a few home brewers decided they could make a go of a nanobrewery and they do some of the craziest **** you've ever seen with beer, just always trying something new and different. It's not always my style but I applaud em for trying it. Plus their taproom is a cool little place too. Bench Creek and Blindman are two of my favourite AB breweries, especially Bench Creek, I am not sure they've ever done anything I haven't liked. Not sure if I have tried the Apex Predator yet but definitely one I am interested in. I feel the same way with regards to not being able to find anything really new in the local stores, mostly have to try new stuff if I travel anywhere. Speaking of tap rooms, Cold Garden in Calgary is one of my absolute favourite tap rooms in the city and they're another place that does some real interesting things with their beers. Not quite as extreme as Dandy but pretty solid. Highline Brewing in the same area however I was seriously not impressed with. All of the beers I tried in their tap room had this weird chemical taste to them making everything basically taste the same.
  8. Figure maybe it's time to bump this thread, been inactive for a long time. So what's everyone drinking these days? I've gone back to some old favourites lately, Big Rock Warthog for one and several other big rock beers, always like that brewery, very reliable, assuming you like a more malty beer as opposed to hoppy.
  9. drinking lots of beer based on what I see on untappd
  10. are you confused? Do you think I had anything to do with this place? I simply came here to talk football with the people who knew what was up, I also kept perusing ourbombers afterwards too because more football talk is always good and I was just trying to tell people where everyone went. I had no stake in anything, I was just conversing with people on these sites as one does. That's the whole reason they exist. All I am pointing out is that Colin got his poor widdle feelings hurt.
  11. ignorant of the definition of ignorance too it seems. Here, let me help, ig·no·rant ˈiɡnərənt/ adjective lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. "he was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid" lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular.
  12. You don't see a difference between people asking where everyone went and other's telling them and using someone else's site to take their members? That's dim, even for you. This is your problem, you have these ideas in your head but you never stop and consider that maybe you are mistaken in what you think. No one said to anyone "hey leave ourbombers for mbb", what the folks who started this place said was "we're leaving for a new site, these are the reasons why, feel free to join us there" Colin tried to silence all mention of this place which is absurb because the entire basis of message boards is conversation and communication between fans of a team, and that communication and conversation does include discussion of other sites. For example, The Extra Point was never censored in discussion there. You see the difference right? Colin was butthurt that his negligence of his site bit him in the ass so he took the petty way out of things.
  13. The only thing he has said is that he's not going to bring gay marriage back into the political arena, but that's more a case of saying they're not going to test fire their loaded shotgun into their foot. Guy is basically Harper-lite in his policies from what I can tell. Social conservative trying to avoid pissing off too many people by going full bore down that road while still throwing some bones to the base that supports you. He really was the status quo candidate, I think he was even quotes saying that the last election wasn't lost because of their policies but rather the way they presented them, so that tells me it's the same old **** the conservatives were doing prior. I personally hope they get their asses absolutely handed to them next time around so they can kick the social conservatives to the back of the line where they should be.
  14. So you do it to get the name out there and make it easy to find your contact info... so again, how is it different than what happened when this site started? People wanted to know where all those posters went, that was the extent of it. You are fighting a losing battle, but in classic fashion instead of slinking away you are doubling down on that losing argument.
  15. Progressive? No, the anti-abortions groups are celebrating his win because he's a social conservative, which are the morons that co-opted the term conservative to the detriment of all.
  16. Some people just want to be ignorant of the country they live in that's their problem. I don't know why someone who is oblivious to the politics of this countries pretty recent past bothers to wander into this thread though, if you don't know about politics why discuss it? Maybe they should stick to link spamming other threads.
  17. The thing about this place is that so many of the people here are not just Bomber fans but CFL fans which leads to less insular thinking compared to some other places.
  18. As a realtor did you ever leave your business cards in houses that other people were selling? Cause I see realtors do that all the time and it seems a more appropriate comparison than the one you're trying to make...
  19. Wasn't it Dave Ritchie who always liked to see guys scrapping in training camp? Showed the competitive fire.
  20. It's a real lame leader here. This is why I hate the ranked ballots. It's hiw Alberta ended up with losers like Stelmach and Redford. When you get compromise candidates as leaders you don't make anyone happy
  21. Riders haven't lost yet so their fans feel emboldened to venture out of their own little bubble. Won't have to wait long for them to scurry back into their holes.
  22. Off brand Harper. Less flash, less smarts, same old policies that were rejected last election. Idiots.
  23. Lapo gonna Lapo. Guy is conservative to a fault unless he's behind and time is running out and he has no choice but to open things up. He really needs to adapt and learn when it's OK to take a chance and when it's OK to play it safe. Sometimes you want to keep your foot on a teams throat and not let them up off the mat.
  24. I always liked cflzone, but it just seemed to stagnate after a while.
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